Showing 2691 - 2700 of 2862 results

  • Eldership and the Mission of God: Equipping Teams for Faithful Church Leadership, By J.R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt

    Eldership and the Mission of God

    Equipping Teams for Faithful Church Leadership

    by J.R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    Every church needs leadership. But leadership should not reside in a single pastor. The biblical model for church leadership is found in teams of elders who together guide the community into God's mission. Church leaders J.R. Briggs and Bob Hyatt provide a comprehensive picture of elders as agents of mission for their communities. Healthy eldership structures a church for mission, as elder teams ...

  • Ministry in the Image of God: The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service, By Stephen Seamands

    Ministry in the Image of God

    The Trinitarian Shape of Christian Service

    by Stephen Seamands

    Christianity Today Book Awards Merit winner

    "As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

    Those of us called to Christian ministry are commissioned and sent by Jesus, just as he himself was called and sent by the Father. Thus we naturally pattern our ministries after Christ's example. But distinctively Christian service involves the Spirit as ...

  • Learning to Pray Through the Psalms, By James W. Sire

    Learning to Pray Through the Psalms

    by James W. Sire

    Weariness. Wonder. Joy. Longing. Anger. These are the feelings of the Psalms: honest expressions of pain and joy penned by real people in the midst of real life circumstances. Though they were written centuries ago, the Psalms still resonate deeply with us today, giving voice to our thoughts and longings: "Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD." (Psalm 130:1) "God is our refuge and strength, ...

  • Buried Talents: Overcoming Gendered Socialization to Answer God's Call, By Susan Harris Howell

    Buried Talents

    Overcoming Gendered Socialization to Answer God's Call

    by Susan Harris Howell
    Foreword by Mimi Haddad

    Reader's Choice Award Winner

    If God is calling women to lead, what's holding them back? Susan Harris Howell has spent years helping students investigate this question. In Buried Talents, she makes clear how gender disparity in leadership is directly connected to a larger, less overt issue: gendered socialization. Howell examines gendered messages ...

  • Disaster Ministry Handbook, By Jamie D. Aten and David M. Boan

    Disaster Ministry Handbook

    by Jamie D. Aten and David M. Boan

    FEMA Community Preparedness Award

    When disasters happen, people turn to local churches as centers for response and assistance. When floods or tornadoes devastate an area, or when shootings and violence shock a community, knowing what to do can be the difference between calm and chaos, courage and fear, life and death. But few churches plan in advance for what they should do—until ...

  • The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry, By Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean

    The Theological Turn in Youth Ministry

    by Andrew Root and Kenda Creasy Dean

    Christianity Today Book Award of Merit winner

    What haunts your youth group? So often we avoid talking about doubts and fears because we feel inadequately equipped to address them in any meaningful way. The crisis of existence can't be answered with pat Sunday school formulas or a few Bible verses, let alone another relay race.

    The questions our youth ...

  • Renewing Communication: Spirit-Shaped Approaches for Children, Youth, and Families, By Colleen R. Derr

    Renewing Communication

    Spirit-Shaped Approaches for Children, Youth, and Families

    by Colleen R. Derr

    We are constantly communicating. Whether written or verbal, formal or informal, in actions or expressions, what we say and do carries meaning that affects those around us. Christian leaders are called to make disciples by teaching, so how can we make the most of all our communication to help others become more like Christ? In Renewing Communication, Colleen Derr shows that ...

  • More Than Enchanting: Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World, By Jo Saxton

    More Than Enchanting

    Breaking Through Barriers to Influence Your World

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Jo Saxton
    Foreword by Jenni Catron

    Women have always been central to the life of the church. From the early hours of the first Easter, when women were charged to announce the resurrection of Jesus, to the state of the contemporary church, where women outnumber men in pews and positions of service.

    But as central as women have been, they've also found themselves regularly marginalized--and not only in the church but in the neighborhoods, ...

  • A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race, By Brenda Salter McNeil

    A Credible Witness

    Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race

    by Brenda Salter McNeil
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Meet Jesus and Sam. Evangelist and teacher Brenda Salter McNeil thinks evangelism that only introduces people to Jesus is incomplete. The picture is much larger than that, she claims: Christ's death and resurrection reconcile us to God and to each other across gender, race and social lines. Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, introduced here as Brenda's friend Sam, gives you the ...

  • The Way of Grace: Finding God on the Path of Surrender, By Glandion Carney

    The Way of Grace

    Finding God on the Path of Surrender

    by Glandion Carney
    With Marjean Brooks
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    Distinguished Honorable Mention, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "No matter how old you are or how many degrees you have or don't have—when grace takes you to school, you start in kindergarten."

    This was the experience of Reverend Glandion Carney when he was given the life-altering news that ...