Showing 2711 - 2720 of 2735 results

  • The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity, By James S. Jeffers

    The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era

    Exploring the Background of Early Christianity

    by James S. Jeffers

    What was life like for first-century Christians?

    Imagine a modest-sized Roman home of a well-to-do Christian household wedged into a thickly settled quarter of Corinth. In the lingering light of a summer evening, men, women and children, merchants, working poor and slaves, a mix of races and backgrounds have assembled in the dimly lit main room are are spilling into the central courtyard. ...

  • Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins: Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective, By Robert C. Bishop and Larry L. Funck and Raymond J. Lewis and Stephen O. Moshier and John H. Walton

    Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins

    Cosmology, Geology, and Biology in Christian Perspective

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Robert C. Bishop, Larry L. Funck, Raymond J. Lewis, Stephen O. Moshier, and John H. Walton

    The question of origins remains a stumbling block for many. But just as the Psalmist gained insight into God's character through the observation of nature, modern scientific study can deepen and enrich our vision of the Creator and our place in his creation. In this often contentious field Bishop, Funck, Lewis, Moshier, and Walton serve as our able guides. Based on over two decades of teaching ...

  • Anxious: Choosing Faith in a World of Worry, By Amy Simpson


    Choosing Faith in a World of Worry

    by Amy Simpson

    Advanced Writers and Speakers Association's Golden Scroll Merit Award

    12th Annual Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation

    Our culture is frantic with worry. We stress over circumstances we can't control, we talk about what's keeping us up at night and we wring our hands over the fate of disadvantaged people all over the world, almost as ...

  • Contemplation and Counseling: An Integrative Model for Practitioners, By P. Gregg Blanton

    Contemplation and Counseling

    An Integrative Model for Practitioners

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by P. Gregg Blanton

    Interest in mindfulness and contemplative thought is growing among Christians, and it's time to consider the place of contemplative prayer within the field of counseling. Can contemplative prayer be integrated into therapeutic work? Can it in fact serve as a foundation on which to build a new approach to counseling? In Contemplation and Counseling Gregg Blanton presents ...

  • God, Freedom and Human Dignity: Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture, By Ron Highfield

    God, Freedom and Human Dignity

    Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture

    by Ron Highfield

    Does God's all-encompassing will restrict our freedom? Does God's ownership and mastery over us diminish our dignity? The fear that God is a threat to our freedom and dignity goes far back in Western thought. Such suspicion remains with us today in our so-called secular society. In such a context any talk of God tends to provoke responses that range from defiance to subservience to indifference. ...

  • Church, State and Public Justice: Five Views, Edited by P. C. Kemeny

    Church, State and Public Justice

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by P. C. Kemeny
    Contributions by Clarke E. Cochran, Derek H. Davis, Corwin E. Smidt, Ronald J. Sider, and J. Philip Wogaman

    Abortion. Physician-assisted suicide. Same-sex marriages. Embryonic stem-cell research. Poverty. Crime. What is a faithful Christian response?

    The God of the Bible is unquestionably a God of justice. Yet Christians have had their differences as to how human government and the church should bring about a just social order. Although Christians share many deep and significant ...

  • Woman of Influence: Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference, By Pam Farrel

    Woman of Influence

    Ten Traits of Those Who Want to Make a Difference

    by Pam Farrel

    Do you dream of making a difference for God--but wonder how to begin? Do you find it difficult to keep your focus amid the urgency of everyday living? Do you feel ill-equipped to help those who turn to you for guidance? Are you searching for direction for your life--a ministry that matters? Pam Farrel has been there, as have so many countless other women she has discipled. In this book she shares ...

  • Down-to-Earth Spirituality: Encountering God in the Ordinary, Boring Stuff of Life, By R. Paul Stevens

    Down-to-Earth Spirituality

    Encountering God in the Ordinary, Boring Stuff of Life

    by R. Paul Stevens
    Foreword by Charles Ringma

    Most books on spirituality focus on disciplines like prayer and Bible study. But this can mislead us into thinking that God can only be experienced when we are doing something "spiritual." Apart from private devotional times or church on Sundays, God may seem distant and even irrelevant to our daily lives. R. Paul Stevens has a radically different view of Christian spirituality. True spirituality, ...

  • Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement, Edited by William R. Baker

    Evangelicalism & the Stone-Campbell Movement

    Edited by William R. Baker
    Foreword by Mark Noll

    The Stone-Campbell Movement, also known as the Restoration Movement, arose on the frontiers of early nineteenth-century America. Like-minded Methodists, Baptists and Presbyterians abandoned denominational labels in order to be "Christians only." They called followers to join in Christian unity and restore the ideals of the New Testament church, holding authoritative no book but the Bible and believing ...