Showing 2741 - 2750 of 2862 results

  • How to Read Proverbs, By Tremper Longman III

    How to Read Proverbs

    How to Read Series

    by Tremper Longman III

    Better is a dry morsel with quiet than a house full of feasting with strife.

    A perverse person spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.

    Go to the ant, you lazybones; consider its ways, and be wise.

    Everyday we make choices on the path of life. Proverbs are memorable capsules of wisdom, chiseled in words and polished through use by those ...

  • How Not to Waste a Crisis: Quit Trying Harder, By Tod Bolsinger

    How Not to Waste a Crisis

    Quit Trying Harder

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    Rising to the occasion calls for a new skill set. But when crises hit, we return to our defaults and double down. The upheaval you find yourself in can reframe your leadership and revive your team.

    In this volume, an ideal place to begin the Practicing Change Series, Tod Bolsinger explores the opportunity available in a reality shaken by health, financial, social, and political ...

  • Invest in Transformation: Quit Relying on Trust, By Tod Bolsinger

    Invest in Transformation

    Quit Relying on Trust

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    There is no transformation without trust, but trust is not transformation. We must learn how to invest trust for transformation.

    Groups that have become skeptical need leadership to refuel a sense of community and continuity if change is going to happen. But trust can be easily hoarded or squandered. This Practicing Change volume from Tod Bolsinger outlines steps to envision ...

  • Leading Through Resistance: Quit Pushing Back, By Tod Bolsinger

    Leading Through Resistance

    Quit Pushing Back

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    "People don't resist change. They resist loss." —Marty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz

    When facing losses, even the best teammates can start pushing back. As teams wrestle with uncertainty, leaders need to chart a steady course. Join Tod Bolsinger as he teaches unexpected skills for engaging resistance and moving the mission forward.

    In this essential Christian leadership ...

  • The Mission Always Wins: Quit Appeasing Stakeholders, By Tod Bolsinger

    The Mission Always Wins

    Quit Appeasing Stakeholders

    Practicing Change Series

    by Tod Bolsinger
    Illustrated by Mark Demel
    Foreword by Marty Linsky

    It's time to further the mission. Not the boss, not the team, not the stakeholders—the mission.

    Change requires tough decisions. But when the focus is blurred, how can we stay on track? We need clarity and agreement on the real task at hand—our genuine mission. This Practicing Change volume from Tod Bolsinger guides us through naming competing values and realigning the driving ...

  • The Minor Prophets: A Theological Introduction, By Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The Minor Prophets

    A Theological Introduction

    by Craig G. Bartholomew and Heath A. Thomas

    The good news from the Minor Prophets is that, even in dire times, God speaks.

    While the Minor Prophets are among the most succinct books of the Old Testament, their theological richness has much to offer us today. And not only did they have something to say to their original audience, but God continues to speak through their words in ways that are of utmost importance for ...

  • The Message of Obadiah, Nahum & Zephaniah, By Gordon Bridger

    The Message of Obadiah, Nahum & Zephaniah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Gordon Bridger

    Among the books of the Bible, Obadiah, Nahum, and Zephaniah are rarely read or preached. Gordon Bridger moves against this trend, encouraging the study and application of these Old Testament prophets.

    Important biblical themes are found at the heart of these books: God's personal, sovereign, righteous, and loving character; facing up to sin and judgment; responding in repentance ...

  • The Message of Jonah, By Rosemary Nixon

    The Message of Jonah

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Rosemary Nixon

    The book of Jonah is likely the best known of the minor prophets. It is often remembered for its oddity: a runaway prophet swallowed by a whale! But there must be more to the book than that.

    In Jonah we find charted the course not just of a discontented prophet but of Israel's attitude toward its most despised neighbor in the Mediterranean world. Jonah refuses God's call because ...

  • The Message of Luke, By Michael Wilcock

    The Message of Luke

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Michael Wilcock

    Luke the physician was fascinated by people—rich and poor, Jews and Gentiles, men and women, rulers and slaves. In his Gospel he delights to portray Jesus as the Savior not of an elite group but of anyone, in any condition, who turns to him. Jesus is indeed the Savior of the world.

    Luke knew exactly what he was doing when he wrote his Gospel. He tells us his goal in the opening ...

  • The Message of John, By Bruce Milne

    The Message of John

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Bruce Milne

    John's Gospel has long been a favorite among Christians. In it we encounter the living Jesus in his glory and his humanity, portrayed with both simplicity and depth. Through the eyes of faith John retells the story of the Word, drawing out its meaning for his readers so that they "may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God" and "have life in his name."

    In this Bible ...