Showing 2811 - 2820 of 3824 results

  • Pioneering Movements: Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches, By Steve Addison

    Pioneering Movements

    Leadership That Multiplies Disciples and Churches

    by Steve Addison
    Foreword by Dave Ferguson

    God's mission needs movement leaders. Jesus pioneered something completely new in human history—a dynamic missionary movement intent on reaching the world. His mission is as clear and as relevant today as in the days of the early church: to make disciples everywhere, baptizing them and teaching them to obey everything Jesus has commanded. But the potential of the church remains untapped. What does ...

  • Sacramental Life: Spiritual Formation Through the Book of Common Prayer, By David A. deSilva

    Sacramental Life

    Spiritual Formation Through the Book of Common Prayer

    by David A. deSilva

    What happens when old meets new? As David deSilva has experienced the ancient wisdom of the Book of Common Prayer, he's been formed spiritually in deep and lasting ways. In these pages, he offers you a brand new way to use the Book of Common Prayer, that you too might experience new growth, new intimacy with God and a new lens through which to view the world. Focusing on the four sacramental rites ...

  • Mirror for the Soul: A Christian Guide to the Enneagram, By Alice Fryling

    Mirror for the Soul

    A Christian Guide to the Enneagram

    by Alice Fryling

    "Who in the world am I?" The Enneagram is like a mirror, reflecting dimensions of ourselves that are sometimes hard to see. In this helpful guide, spiritual director and Enneagram teacher Alice Fryling offers an introduction to each number of the Enneagram and their respective triads. More than just helping us discern our number, this book relates the Enneagram to our spiritual ...

  • An Introduction to the Theology of Religions: Biblical, Historical & Contemporary Perspectives, By Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen

    An Introduction to the Theology of Religions

    Biblical, Historical & Contemporary Perspectives

    by Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen

    Early in the nineteenth century Ernst Troeltsch, the great German liberal thinker, published the influential essay "The Place of Christianity Among the World Religions." The question of the relation of Christianity to other religions is every bit as relevant as and perhaps even more urgent today than it was then. Beginning with a consideration of the biblical perspective, Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen ...

  • Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word: A Model of Faith and Thought, By Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards and the Ministry of the Word

    A Model of Faith and Thought

    by Douglas A. Sweeney

    Jonathan Edwards has been recognized as the most influential evangelical theologian of all time. Before his death at the age of fifty-four, he had sparked a new movement of Reformed evangelicals who played a major role in fueling the rise of modern missions, preaching revivals far and wide, and wielding the cutting edge of American theology. He has never gone out of print, and Christians today continue ...

  • Jesus Without Religion: What Did He Say? What Did He Do? What's the Point?, By Rick James

    Jesus Without Religion

    What Did He Say? What Did He Do? What's the Point?

    by Rick James

    Great. Another book about Jesus. Whose agenda will the author be lugging along this time? Author Rick James begins by clearing his throat. Free of creeds, quarrels and specialized theologies, he speaks of Jesus. No dogma, no politics, no moral at the end. Jesus. What he said. What he did. And what, exactly, was the point. The answers about Jesus, according to Rick James, are in the context. ...

  • The Message of the Song of Songs, By Tom Gledhill

    The Message of the Song of Songs

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Tom Gledhill

    At first reading the Song of Songs appears to be an unabashed celebration of the deeply rooted urges of physical attraction, mutual love and sexual consummation between a man and a woman.

    Tom Gledhill maintains that the Song of Songs is in fact just that--a literary, poetic exploration of human love that strongly affirms loyalty, beauty and sexuality in all their variety. With tender metaphor ...

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    When Work Hurts

    Building Resilience When You're Beat Up or Burnt Out

    by Meryl Herr

    Sometimes Work Hurts

    We might be discouraged, disillusioned, or devastated by our work. We might experience trauma or harassment on the job, or we may have experienced work loss by getting fired. If you've been beat up, burnt out, or brokenhearted by work, you're not alone.

    The Bible tells us that work will be difficult—filled with thorns and thistles—but no one prepares ...