Showing 2841 - 2850 of 3247 results

  • 1 Corinthians, By N. T. Wright

    1 Corinthians

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    With a scholar's mind and a pastor's heart, Tom Wright walks you through 1 Corinthians in this guide designed especially with everyday readers in mind. Perfect for group use or daily personal reflection, this study uses the popular inductive method combined with Wright's thoughtful insights to bring contemporary application of Scripture to life. This guide by Tom Wright can be used on its own or ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • Galatians: Experiencing the Grace of Christ, By John Stott


    Experiencing the Grace of Christ

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    In Christ we have salvation as a gift of grace. But what is our responsibility? Maybe you're confused about the various requirements different Christians say accompany being a follower of Christ. Galatians raises questions of law: What rules should a Christian follow? Are we exempt through Christ? These studies from Galatians help us understand ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Galatians: Why God Accepts Us, By Jack Kuhatschek


    Why God Accepts Us

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Jack Kuhatschek

    The human acceptance we long for often comes only if we are attractive, smart, wealthy or powerful. And God's standards seem even higher. We think we must work harder, live better, pray longer and witness to more people to get on God's good side. In his letter to the Galatians, Paul shows us the true source of our acceptance--Jesus Christ. These eleven-session LifeGuide® Bible studies ...

    Number of Studies: 11

  • Ephesians: Building a Community in Christ, By John Stott


    Building a Community in Christ

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Phyllis J. Le Peau

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    We long to belong. We crave unity. We want to be loved and accepted by others. Paul's letter to the Ephesians is about uniting all things in Christ. Here we learn how to break down what separates us from God, as well as what causes disconnection within families, in churches, and between racial and ethnic groups. These newly updated studies provide ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Philippians: Jesus Our Joy, By Donald Baker


    Jesus Our Joy

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Donald Baker

    It's easy to be happy when things go well for you. But what would it be like to have a sense of joy that continued even in times of trouble? Such was the deep joy that the apostle Paul experienced--even in prison. His contentment was neither dependent on circumstances nor changed by difficulty. In nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Philippians, Paul will show you too how ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Colossians and Philemon, By Martha Reapsome

    Colossians and Philemon

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Martha Reapsome

    We all long for more—more wisdom, more maturity, more power, more faith. To satisfy our longings we attend seminars, go to concerts, listen to celebrity speakers and read popular books. Yet often we come away from these experiences feeling empty. The New Testament books of Colossians and Philemon were written to meet our deepest needs. As you dig into their depths of wisdom in this ten-session ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: Living in the End Times, By John Stott

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    Living in the End Times

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    Christ has died. Christ is risen. Christ will come again. For centuries Christians have proclaimed these central truths. The gospel that began in space and time will ultimately be fulfilled at Christ's return. And as we wait and long for Christ's return, this gospel gives us encouragement and a reason for hope. These ten studies on Paul's letters ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians: How Can I Be Sure?, By Donald Baker

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    How Can I Be Sure?

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Donald Baker

    When you suffer, do you wonder if God has forgotten you? Do you wonder whether you will be with Jesus after you die? Would you like to be sure that your life is pleasing to God? At times every Christian feels anxious or insecure about life—and about faith. The Thessalonians asked many of the questions you ask today, and Paul's letters helped them find assurance. In this ten-session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • 1 Timothy & Titus: Fighting the Good Fight, By John Stott

    1 Timothy & Titus

    Fighting the Good Fight

    John Stott Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Lin Johnson

    Study Scripture with John Stott

    We live in a culture where the beliefs and preferences of the individual are given final authority. Paul's firm commitment to the church as "the pillar and foundation of the truth" stands against the current. His letters to Timothy and Titus call us to reestablish the core beliefs of Christianity and affirm our convictions about the gospel. ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus: Do What You Have Heard, By Pete Sommer

    1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

    Do What You Have Heard

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Pete Sommer

    Deteriorating values. Competing religions. Weakening morality. Do you feel sometimes that the world presents you with more problems than you can handle? Timothy and Titus faced all of these tough issues as young church leaders. But Paul encouraged them to put aside timidity and insecurity, and to find strength in Christ. As Pete Sommer guides you in this eleven-session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 11