Showing 2881 - 2890 of 3247 results

  • Evangelistic Preaching That Connects: Guidance in Shaping Fresh and Appealing Sermons, By Craig A. Loscalzo

    Evangelistic Preaching That Connects

    Guidance in Shaping Fresh and Appealing Sermons

    by Craig A. Loscalzo

    "One problem with evangelistic sermons is that they look and sound like evangelistic sermons." So says Craig Loscalzo, respected preacher and teacher of preachers. He believes in the gospel and its unique power, but knows that today's pastors no longer proclaim the gospel in a more or less "Christian" culture. Our pluralistic setting means that the evangelistic sermons of yesterday--which ...

  • Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health, By Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

    Spiritual Dimensions of Mental Health

    by Judith Allen Shelly and Sandra D. John

    Health--physical, mental, spiritual. All three are closely related. But in modern mental-health care one of them is often neglected. Nurses, social workers and counselors are rarely taught to minister to their client's spiritual needs. In fact, they are sometime told to ignore them altogether. But spiritual needs can play a part in any illness. They may become especially strong when the mind ...

  • The Millennial Maze, By Stanley J. Grenz

    The Millennial Maze

    by Stanley J. Grenz

    Jesus is coming back! On this issue Evangelicals are united. But ask, "When will he return? Before or after the millennium? What will the millennium be like? What exactly is our hope?" and you enter a bewildering maze of options all claiming to be the right one. In this book Stanley J. Grenz provides historical and biblical, as well as theological, perspective on the four major positions held ...

  • Spirituality of Gratitude: The Unexpected Blessings of Thankfulness, By Joshua Choonmin Kang

    Spirituality of Gratitude

    The Unexpected Blessings of Thankfulness

    by Joshua Choonmin Kang

    • 2015 Readers' Choice Award Winner

    "Deep gratitude springs up from within," writes pastor and bestselling Korean author Joshua Choonmin Kang. "To become truly grateful is incredibly difficult, but the difficulty of the process makes the results all the more lovely." God invites us to enter into this world of thankfulness at every moment in our lives, even in the ...

  • Excellence: Run with the Horses, By Eugene Peterson


    Run with the Horses

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Eugene Peterson

    Every day, we must choose whether to live cautiously or courageously, to follow the crowd or to embrace God's purposes. God invites us to live at our best, to pursue righteousness, to drive toward true excellence.

    In this six-session LifeGuide® Bible study, beloved pastor Eugene Peterson draws from the story of the prophet Jeremiah to explore what a life of excellence looks ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism, By George A. Yancey

    Beyond Racial Division

    A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism

    by George A. Yancey

    Christianity Today Book Award—Politics and Pubilc Life

    Efforts at colorblindness and antiracism have not been very effective in addressing racial tensions in the United States. Colorblindness ignores the realities of race and the history of injustice. On the other hand, antiracism centers racial concerns and in so doing often alienates people who ...

  • No image available

    When Work Hurts

    Building Resilience When You're Beat Up or Burnt Out

    by Meryl Herr

    Sometimes Work Hurts

    We might be discouraged, disillusioned, or devastated by our work. We might experience trauma or harassment on the job, or we may have experienced work loss by getting fired. If you've been beat up, burnt out, or brokenhearted by work, you're not alone.

    The Bible tells us that work will be difficult—filled with thorns and thistles—but no one prepares ...

  • New Testament Characters, By Carolyn Nystrom

    New Testament Characters

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Carolyn Nystrom

    • A throwaway woman
    • A blind beggar
    • A prison guard
    • A doubting disciple
    • An elderly couple

    They were ordinary people. Some were never even mentioned by name. Yet they were all touched by Jesus. In this ten-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Carolyn Nystrom introduces you to the fascinating men and women of the New Testament. As you enter into ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • James: Faith That Works, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau


    Faith That Works

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Phyllis J. Le Peau

    We all want a faith that won't let us down in times of trouble or loss, uncertainty or fear. A faith that can pull us through the worst--and best--times in our lives. This is the kind of faith that James writes about. It is a faith that we must practice day by day. These nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study by Andrew and Phyllis Le Peau on the teaching of James will help us grow a steadfast ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Job: Wrestling With God, By Paul Stevens


    Wrestling With God

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Paul Stevens

    Why do faithful people suffer? Job wanted to know. So he demanded an answer from God. His friends thought he was crazy, but Job persisted. And, finally, God answered. As Paul Stevens leads you through twelve-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Job's questions and God's answers, you discover comfort, hope and meaning for the suffering in your own life. This revised LifeGuide Bible Study ...

    Number of Studies: 12