Showing 281 - 290 of 2384 results

  • InterVarsity Press partnered with Hearts & Minds Books of Dallastown, PA, to host the launch event on May 16 for Michael Card's new book in the Biblical Imagination Series, Matthew: The Gospel of Identity, and the accompanying CD, Matthew: The Penultimate Question. Nearly two hundred people filled the Living Word Community Church in Red Lion, PA, to hear from "classy/casual acoustic musician (and smarty-pants author) Mr. Michael Card," as described by Hearts & Minds Books owner Byron Borger.

  • Rediscovering Jesus: An Introduction to Biblical, Religious and Cultural Perspectives on Christ, By David B. Capes and Rodney Reeves and E. Randolph Richards

    Rediscovering Jesus

    An Introduction to Biblical, Religious and Cultural Perspectives on Christ

    by David B. Capes, Rodney Reeves, and E. Randolph Richards

    Readers' Choice Awards Honorable Mention

    One of Nijay Gupta's Best Academic New Testament Books

    Who is your Jesus? Matthew's teacher? John's Word made flesh? Hebrews' great high priest? What if it turned out that your Jesus is a composite of your favorite selections from the New Testament buffet, garnished with some Hollywood and Americana?

    Rediscovering ...

  • 4839
    product set

    IVP Signature Bible Studies

    Since 1947 InterVarsity Press has been publishing thoughtful Christian books that serve the university, the church, and the world. In celebration of IVP's 75th anniversary in July 2022, we are releasing special editions of select iconic and bestselling books from throughout our history.

    Between Fall 2019 and Fall 2022, we will release Signature Collection editions of twenty-five ...

  • Insider Jesus: Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements, By William A. Dyrness

    Insider Jesus

    Theological Reflections on New Christian Movements

    by William A. Dyrness

    • Christianity Today's 2017 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Missions/Global Church

    Amidst the variegated spread of global Christianity, followers of Jesus are showing up in unexpected places. Today we hear of culturally embedded insider movements, Jesus followers in the folds and creases of Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, and other cultural fabrics. They elude our conventional ...

  • John: An Introduction and Commentary, By Colin G. Kruse


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Colin G. Kruse

    Among the Gospels, John's is unique. It has a structure with long conversations and extended debates, and much of its content is not found elsewhere. Jesus' relationship to the Father and his teaching on the Holy Spirit are given special prominence. Ultimately, faith, believing in Jesus, is at the center—with signs highlighted to provoke faith, and stories of those who responded to Jesus as examples ...

  • The Voices of the New Testament: Invitation to a Biblical Roundtable, By Derek Tidball The Voices of the New Testament: Invitation to a Biblical Roundtable, By Derek Tidball

    The Voices of the New Testament

    Invitation to a Biblical Roundtable

    by Derek Tidball

    Is there a single message of the New Testament? Theologians seek to bring coherence to the diverse teachings and approaches found in the New Testament, but this is no simple task. While the New Testament writers are clearly all concerned with the story and significance of Jesus, the New Testament itself is a collection of twenty-seven books written by at least nine different authors ...

  • Interpreting the Parables, By Craig L. Blomberg

    Interpreting the Parables

    by Craig L. Blomberg

    In the last century, more studies of the parables were produced than for any other section of comparable length in the Bible. The problem is that most Bible readers are unlikely ever to know of most of them. In this substantially new and expanded edition, Craig Blomberg surveys and evaluates contemporary critical approaches to the parables, challenging the prevailing consensus and making his own ...

  • Foretaste of the Future: Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission, By Dean Flemming

    Foretaste of the Future

    Reading Revelation in Light of God's Mission

    by Dean Flemming

    For many Christians, the book of Revelation inspires confusion and fear. It's seen as a coded screenplay for the end times, or it's just too strange to understand. The problem, Dean Flemming contends, is that when we read Revelation as focused on the future, we miss what it says about what God is doing in the world now.

    Revelation is one of the richest texts in Scripture ...

  • 1 and 2 Thessalonians: An Introduction and Commentary, By Leon L. Morris

    1 and 2 Thessalonians

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Leon L. Morris

    "No other writings of Paul provide a greater insight into his missionary methods and message as 1 and 2 Thessalonians," says Leon Morris. "Here we see Paul the missionary at Paul the pastor, faithfully proclaiming the gospel of God, concerned for the welfare of his converts, scolding them, praising them, guiding them exhorting them, teaching them; thrilled with their progress, disappointed in their ...

  • 1 Peter: An Introduction and Commentary, By Wayne A. Grudem

    1 Peter

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Wayne A. Grudem

    In 1 Peter, explains Wayne Grudem, readers are encouraged to grow in their trust in God and their obedience to him throughout their lives, but especially when they suffer. "Here is a brief and very clear summary both of the consolations and instructions needful for the encouragement and direction of a Christian in his journey to Heaven, elevating his thoughts and desires to that happiness, and strengthening ...