Showing 21 - 30 of 870 results

  • Reading Your Life's Story: An Invitation to Spiritual Mentoring, By Keith R. Anderson

    Reading Your Life's Story

    An Invitation to Spiritual Mentoring

    by Keith R. Anderson

    Spiritual mentoring is a particular kind of friendship in which, according to Keith R. Anderson, "two or more people walk together in heightened awareness of the presence of yet Another"—the Holy Spirit. "Spiritual mentoring is not a complicated process that requires technical training and complex protocol," Anderson continues. "It is essential, authentic, and maybe even natural human speech that ...

  • Emerging Culture Participant's Guide, By Jimmy Long

    Emerging Culture Participant's Guide

    by Jimmy Long

    Our culture is in transition. Some say it is moving from a modern to a postmodern paradigm. And this emerging culture won?t just blow over. In order to be effective witnesses and leaders, we need to understand this cultural paradigm shift and proactively plan how we will respond. This guide is designed by Jimmy Long to help you to explore, analyze and define what is occurring all around us. But ...

  • Emerging Culture Leader's Guide, By Jimmy Long

    Emerging Culture Leader's Guide

    by Jimmy Long

    Our culture is in transition. Some say it is moving from a modern to a postmodern paradigm. In order to minister effectively within this emerging culture, Christian leaders need to understand this paradigm shift and proactively plan how the church will respond. This leader's guide is designed by Jimmy Long to help you and your group make good use of the Emerging Culture Curriculum Kit. It is a step-by-step ...

  • Emerging Hope: A Strategy for Reaching Postmodern Generations, By Jimmy Long

    Emerging Hope

    A Strategy for Reaching Postmodern Generations

    by Jimmy Long

    Is there hope in this era of cynicism? Jimmy Long, a campus minister for more than twenty-five years, is convinced that we are in the middle of a societal hurricane. As our culture moves further into postmodernity, now is a time of enormous and rapid change. How do we "do church" in such an era? How do we reach the lost? How do we communicate hope? In Emerging Hope Long traces the connections ...

  • The Leadership Jump: Building Partnerships Between Existing and Emerging Christian Leaders, By Jimmy Long

    The Leadership Jump

    Building Partnerships Between Existing and Emerging Christian Leaders

    by Jimmy Long

    Leadership is changing. Not only are established leaders passing the baton to up-and-coming leaders, the very nature of leadership is being transformed. Veteran leader and cultural observer Jimmy Long has discerned how leadership positions and roles have changed in light of societal shifts. Authority is no longer derived from positional status but is earned from relational credibility. Leaders ...

  • 1 and 2 Samuel: An Introduction and Commentary, By V. Philips Long

    1 and 2 Samuel

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale Old Testament Commentaries

    by V. Philips Long
    Series edited by David G. Firth
    Consulting Editor Tremper Longman III

    The stories of Samuel, Saul, and David are among the most memorable in the Old Testament. Yet the lives of these individuals are bound up in the larger story of God's purpose for his people. In this Tyndale Old Testament Commentary, V. Philips Long explores the meaning of the biblical history of Israel's vital transition from a confederation of tribes to nationhood under a king. ...

  • The Missional Quest: Becoming a Church of the Long Run, By Lance Ford and Brad Brisco

    The Missional Quest

    Becoming a Church of the Long Run

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Lance Ford and Brad Brisco
    Foreword by Ed Stetzer

    When Christ calls people, he invites them on a journey—a journey taken together in community. We have reached a point in history, however, when we think of the church as a fixed place where isolated individuals show up, consume a Christian message, drink some coffee, and get on with their lives. The times demand, and the gospel proclaims, that we recover our identity as a church that is a people ...

  • Soul Care in African American Practice, By Barbara L. Peacock

    Soul Care in African American Practice

    by Barbara L. Peacock

    Christianity Today Award of Merit

    In the midst of our hectic, overscheduled lives, caring for the soul is imperative.

    Now, more than ever, we need to pause—intentionally—and encounter the Divine.

    Soul care director Barbara Peacock illustrates a journey of prayer, spiritual direction, and soul care from an African American perspective. ...

  • The Anxiety Field Guide: Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing, By Jason Cusick

    The Anxiety Field Guide

    Healthy Habits for Long-Term Healing

    by Jason Cusick

    Anxiety is one of the most pressing mental health issues of our day. Millions of people in our society suffer from anxiety, often unbeknownst to those around them. The pressures of modern life seem specially designed to cause anxiety, and anxiety is on the rise in recent years. The good news is that anxiety is very treatable. Pastor Jason Cusick tells the story of his own history ...

  • Sustainable Children's Ministry: From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions, By Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom

    Sustainable Children's Ministry

    From Last-Minute Scrambling to Long-Term Solutions

    by Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom

    Are you a children's ministry leader on the edge of burnout? Do you find yourself working harder and harder to tame the chaos? Mark DeVries and Annette Safstrom know how you feel. Flash and fizz can be effective at attracting young families, but without sustainable systems beneath the unforgettable moments, the impact is almost always short-lived. In this practical resource, you’ll learn how to ...