Showing 21 - 30 of 2896 results

  • God Is Great, God Is Good: Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible, Edited by William Lane Craig and Chad Meister

    God Is Great, God Is Good

    Why Believing in God Is Reasonable and Responsible

    Edited by William Lane Craig and Chad Meister

    • 2011 Outreach Magazine Book Award winner
    • 2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner

    The days have passed when the goodness of God--indeed, the reality of God itself--could reasonably be called a consensus opinion. God's reputation has come under considerable review in recent days, with some going so far as to say that it's not we who've made a mess ...

  • When God Became White: Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity, By Grace Ji-Sun Kim

    When God Became White

    Dismantling Whiteness for a More Just Christianity

    by Grace Ji-Sun Kim
    Foreword by David P. Gushee

    When Western Christians think about God, the default image that comes to mind is usually white and male. How did that happen?

    Christianity is rooted in the ancient Near East among people of darker skin. But over time, European Christians cast Jesus in their own image, with art that imagined a fair-skinned Savior in the style of imperial rulers. Grace Ji-Sun Kim explores the ...

  • We Believe in One God, Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    We Believe in One God

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    "We believe in one God, the Father." The opening clause of the Nicene Creed can be summed up in a single word—monotheism. In the early centuries of the church, this striking doctrine stood starkly against a cultural background of multiple deities and spiritual powers. While it clearly builds on its Jewish heritage, calling God "Father" anticipates the Father-Son relationship ...

  • God, Freedom and Human Dignity: Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture, By Ron Highfield

    God, Freedom and Human Dignity

    Embracing a God-Centered Identity in a Me-Centered Culture

    by Ron Highfield

    Does God's all-encompassing will restrict our freedom? Does God's ownership and mastery over us diminish our dignity? The fear that God is a threat to our freedom and dignity goes far back in Western thought. Such suspicion remains with us today in our so-called secular society. In such a context any talk of God tends to provoke responses that range from defiance to subservience to indifference. ...

  • Portraits of God: A Biblical Theology of Holiness, By Allan Coppedge

    Portraits of God

    A Biblical Theology of Holiness

    by Allan Coppedge

    What is God like? Answering this is the great quest of human existence. Because God is so different from us, we struggle to describe him. While doctrinal statements about God certainly have their place in Christian understanding, the Bible more often uses God's actions and roles to help us know him better. Indeed, some of the most helpful insights in Scripture arise when God is compared to something ...

  • God Is Stranger: Finding God in Unexpected Places, By Krish Kandiah

    God Is Stranger

    Finding God in Unexpected Places

    by Krish Kandiah
    Foreword by Andy Crouch

    • 2018 Creative Quarterly Professional Graphic Design Runner-Up

    Who is God? Many of us call God our Father, Lord, Savior, and Friend. But when we delve into the perplexing bits of Scripture, we discover a God who cannot be explained or predicted. Is it possible that we have missed the Bible’s consistent teaching that God is other, higher, stranger? ...

  • Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, By J. I. Packer

    Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God

    by J. I. Packer
    Foreword by Mark Dever

    J. I. Packer's Classic Resource on Evangelism

    If God is in control of everything, can Christians sit back and not bother to evangelize? Or does active evangelism imply that God is not really sovereign at all?

    J. I. Packer shows in this new edition to the popular IVP Classics how both of these attitudes are false. In Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God, readers ...

  • Hearing God: Developing a Conversational Relationship with God, By Dallas Willard

    Hearing God

    Developing a Conversational Relationship with God

    by Dallas Willard
    Foreword by James Bryan Smith

    Being close to God means communicating with him—telling him what is on our hearts in prayer, and hearing and understanding what he is saying to us. But how do we hear God's voice? How can we be sure that what we think we hear is not our own subconscious? What role does the Bible play? What if what God says to us is not clear?

    The key, says bestselling author Dallas ...

  • Desiring God's Will: Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God, By David G. Benner

    Desiring God's Will

    Aligning Our Hearts with the Heart of God

    The Spiritual Journey

    by David G. Benner
    Foreword by Thomas H. Green

    Most people think of God's will as something to be found or as the receiving of guidance from God when making decisions. Too often, however, the problem is not that we don't know what God desires for our lives, but rather that we just don't want to do what we already know he wants. How might our wills be changed so that we become both willing and able to do what God asks of us? In Desiring ...

  • God Talk: Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice, By Ruth A. Tucker

    God Talk

    Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice

    by Ruth A. Tucker

    Does God speak? The answer seems clear. Books abound on the topic of hearing God's voice. And many believers testify to God's conversational guidance in their life: "God told me to help you." "I knew it was God speaking to me." Our culture reinforces the idea that speaking--constant speaking--is good and natural and essential. In those rare moments during a day when talking ceases or when we're ...