Showing 21 - 30 of 265 results

  • Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex, By Scott A. Bessenecker

    Overturning Tables

    Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex

    by Scott A. Bessenecker

    Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation

    Best World Missions Book, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    We are more than the businesses we have become.

    Much of Christian ministry has been shaped to operate not according to the witness of the Scriptures, but according to the values of the free market. We adopt ...

  • Kingdom Collaborators: Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn the World Upside Down, By Reggie McNeal

    Kingdom Collaborators

    Eight Signature Practices of Leaders Who Turn the World Upside Down

    by Reggie McNeal

    "These who have turned the world upside down have come here too." (Acts 17:6) When Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica, they changed the community. How? By collaborating with God to bring his kingdom on earth. Will you collaborate on God's kingdom work in your community? If you're ready to see God move in all areas—business, education, media, arts, healthcare, spiritual growth, ...

  • Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves: Applying Christian Ethics in Economics, By John E. Stapleford

    Bulls, Bears and Golden Calves

    Applying Christian Ethics in Economics

    by John E. Stapleford

    Self-interest, economic efficiency and private property rights are among the most basic assumptions of market economics. But can an economic theory built on these assumptions alone provide adequate insight into human nature, motivation and ultimate goals to guide our economic life? John Stapleford says no, along with those economists who recognize the limits of their discipline. He insightfully ...

  • Institutional Intelligence: How to Build an Effective Organization, By Gordon T. Smith

    Institutional Intelligence

    How to Build an Effective Organization

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Institutions matter. But we often view them somewhat cynically, perhaps as a necessary evil.

    In truth, institutions remain essential to human flourishing. They are the very means by which communities thrive, individual vocations are fulfilled, and society is changed for the good. We all must learn the wisdom of working effectively within institutions—what Gordon Smith calls ...

  • Inside Job: Doing the Work Within the Work, By Stephen W. Smith

    Inside Job

    Doing the Work Within the Work

    by Stephen W. Smith

    Effective leaders work very hard to succeed, but often at the cost of their own souls. They are challenged to keep themselves emotionally and spiritually healthy in order to survive success—to keep their humanity intact. This is the work within the work. Stephen W. Smith helps leaders in the marketplace and in ministry set aside the life-draining values of power, fame, fortune and position and ...

  • Inside Job: Companion Workbook, By Stephen W. Smith and Steven C. Forney
    spiral bound

    Inside Job: Companion Workbook

    by Stephen W. Smith and Steven C. Forney

    Journey inside and do the work within your work with this companion workbook for Inside Job by Stephen W. Smith. This companion workbook is designed for individuals, groups, classes, seminars and retreat settings to explore the book in greater depth. With one session per chapter, the workbook allows participants to go at their own speed and explore the message of Inside Job with ...

  • Lead Like It Matters to God: Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World, By Richard Stearns

    Lead Like It Matters to God

    Values-Driven Leadership in a Success-Driven World

    by Richard Stearns

    Outcomes Conference Book of the Year
    Christian Book Award Finalist

    Richard Stearns is a leader who has been tested as a CEO in both secular companies and also as the head of one of the world’s largest Christian ministries. After stints as CEO of Parker Brothers and then Lenox, Stearns accepted the invitation to leave his corporate career to ...

  • More Bricks Less Straw: Doing More with Less - Ancient Keys to Unlocking Potential and Increasing Productivity Within Your Organization, By Dave Farrington

    More Bricks Less Straw

    Doing More with Less - Ancient Keys to Unlocking Potential and Increasing Productivity Within Your Organization

    by Dave Farrington

    In today's cutthroat business environment, leaders are expected to do more with less. Bottom lines are on the increase; available resources on the decrease. Worse, managers must achieve these grand goals while keeping morale at an all-time high. This isn't just a trend. It's the state of business today. And really, it's nothing new. In ancient Egypt, the Israelite slaves were forced to make more ...

  • The Hopeful Skeptic: Revisiting Christianity from the Outside, By Nick Fiedler

    The Hopeful Skeptic

    Revisiting Christianity from the Outside

    by Nick Fiedler

    Nick Fiedler (of Nick and Josh Podcast fame) decided to travel the world for a year or so, and in the process of figuring out what to set aside, what to carry along and what to throw out, heard a little voice telling him to set aside the faith of his childhood. So Nick changed his Facebook religion status from Christian to "Hopeful Skeptic" and set out to see where God would take him. If you find ...

  • Road to Flourishing: Eight Keys to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-Being, By Al Lopus

    Road to Flourishing

    Eight Keys to Boost Employee Engagement and Well-Being

    by Al Lopus
    With Cory Hartman
    Foreword by Peter Greer

    What makes for a flourishing workplace?

    Many organizations find themselves spinning their wheels in work cultures filled with toxicity, dysfunction, conflict, and fear. Unengaged employees drag down productivity, and ineffective management undermines morale. How can we create workplaces where people don't just struggle to get through the day but instead thrive and love what ...