Showing 291 - 300 of 1903 results

  • Christianity Today has released the winners of its 2023 Book Awards and InterVarsity Press is pleased to announce that it received top honors in three categories: Church and Pastoral Leadership, Marriage and Family, and Politics and Public Life.

  • Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from New Believers, By J. D. Payne

    Apostolic Church Planting

    Birthing New Churches from New Believers

    by J. D. Payne

    Church planting is not just about gathering new communities of people who are already Christians. In the book of Acts, church plants begin with sharing the gospel. Planting churches flows naturally out of making disciples. Pastor J. D. Payne explains the process and stages of church planting, with biblical foundations and practical steps for planting teams. He provides a pathway for the multiplication ...

  • The Church, By John Stott

    The Church

    God's Word for Today

    by John Stott
    With Tim Chester

    How can Christians effectively engage today's world while staying true to Scripture? Calling us to listen well to both the Word and the world, John Stott shows how Christianity can preserve its authentic identity and remain relevant to current realities. With the God's Word for Today series, pastor Tim Chester has updated Stott's classic book The Contemporary Christian ...

  • 2700
    product set

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series was designed for students, pastors, and other busy people who want an aid to formal or informal study. Informative, clear, brief, and affordable, the books included in this series will become your constant companion as you tackle the study of biblical languages, church history, apologetics, contemporary religions, ethics, theology, and more.

    Over 200,000 Pocket ...

  • Culture Care: Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life, By Makoto Fujimura

    Culture Care

    Reconnecting with Beauty for Our Common Life

    by Makoto Fujimura
    Foreword by Mark Labberton

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year
    Christianity Today's Book of the Year Award of Merit

    "Culture is not a territory to be won or lost but a resource we are called to steward with care. Culture is a garden to be cultivated."

    Many bemoan the decay of culture. But we all have a responsibility to care for culture, to nurture it ...

  • Playing God: Redeeming the Gift of Power, By Andy Crouch

    Playing God

    Redeeming the Gift of Power

    by Andy Crouch

    Midwest Publishing Association Award of Excellence

    Outreach Magazine Resource of the Year

    ForeWord Book of the Year Award Honorable Mention

    Power corrupts—as we've seen time and time again. People too often abuse their power and play god in the lives of others. Shady politicians, corrupt executives and ego-filled ...

  • Get the Word Out: How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses, By John Teter

    Get the Word Out

    How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses

    by John Teter
    Foreword by J. Robert Clinton

    Do you love to talk to others about Jesus? Do you want to share your faith but wonder if the right words will come? Do you think of evangelism as a spiritual gift for extroverts--not you? Whether you love evangelism or fear it, this book is for you. John Teter offers stories from his experiences leading seeker Bible studies and witnessing to people around him that will motivate and astound. ...

  • Marriage in the Middle: Embracing Midlife Surprises, Challenges, and Joys, By Dorothy Littell Greco

    Marriage in the Middle

    Embracing Midlife Surprises, Challenges, and Joys

    by Dorothy Littell Greco

    Midlife is a season of challenge and change—professionally, relationally, physically, and spiritually. On our better days, we experience a sense of growing clarity and satisfaction about who we are. We might even be coming to terms with our limitations and vulnerabilities, letting go of some dreams and creating new ones. But many days, we are overwhelmed and exhausted by the intense ...

  • The Adventure: Putting Energy into Your Walk with God, By Gerald L. Sittser

    The Adventure

    Putting Energy into Your Walk with God

    by Gerald L. Sittser

    "An adventure is only an inconvenience rightly considered." --G.K. Chesterton As even a brief exposure to the New Testament will show, the Christian life is a life of adventure. Every aspect is full of energy and light. Yet too often we stop at one point of interest--evangelism, spiritual disciplines, social justice--and go no further. Interweaving stories from a summer vacation, Jerry Sittser ...

  • The Message of Zechariah: Your Kingdom Come, By Barry G. Webb

    The Message of Zechariah

    Your Kingdom Come

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Barry G. Webb

    The study of the book of Zechariah is bound to be enriching, for it is imbued from beginning to end with the same heart-cry that Jesus turned into a prayer for all of us: "Your kingdom come." Here Barry G. Webb explores the kingdom of God as the prophet Zechariah apprehended it. In oracles and visions Zechariah challenged his hearers

    • to return to the coming kingdom
    • to cleanse ...