Showing 3071 - 3080 of 3247 results

  • Jeremiah: Demanding Love, By Stephen D. Eyre


    Demanding Love

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Stephen D. Eyre

    It was a dark time for Israel. And Jeremiah was their last chance to turn things around. The ministry to which God called Jeremiah was difficult and painful: proclaim God's demanding love. Yet with this burden, God also gave the prophet a gift--the gift of his presence. In this nine-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Stephen D. Eyre shows how the example of Jeremiah's rich relationship ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Proverbs: Learning to Live Wisely, By William Mouser Jr.


    Learning to Live Wisely

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by William Mouser Jr.

    Where do you turn when you need to replace a fuse, cook dinner, eradicate ants, or soothe your child's upset stomach? If you are like many others, you have a shelf full of "how-to" books to supplement your own knowledge and experience. Now it's time to add Proverbs to that shelf! Proverbs is the Bible's own how-to manual. The wisdom contained in its practical and simple instructions will help you ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • After College: Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith, By Erica Young Reitz

    After College

    Navigating Transitions, Relationships and Faith

    by Erica Young Reitz

    "The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." —Curt The years after college can be some of the most uncertain, unstable times of life. Recent graduates grieve the loss of community, question their place in the world and struggle to find meaningful work. It can be shocking to discover that college did not fully prepare you for the challenges you now face. "It's much ...

  • Great Commission, Great Compassion: Following Jesus and Loving the World, By Paul Borthwick

    Great Commission, Great Compassion

    Following Jesus and Loving the World

    by Paul Borthwick
    Foreword by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Go and do. Jesus commands it, and the world needs it. Word and deed go together. One without the other is not enough. We follow Jesus into all the world, and we follow his example in all we do. Mission mobilizer Paul Borthwick shows how proclamation and demonstration of the gospel go hand in hand. God gives us the Great Commission, Matthew 28's call to go wherever Jesus sends us, making disciples ...

  • 1 Corinthians: The Challenges of Life Together, By Paul Stevens and Dan Williams

    1 Corinthians

    The Challenges of Life Together

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Paul Stevens and Dan Williams

    Life among Christians can be great. But it can also be exasperating! The joys of fellowship in Christ too often give way to division and debate. You may find yourself drawn into arguments over such things as the correct form of worship or the proper role of charismatic gifts. Perhaps you wonder, Why don't we get along together as we should? Or How can we recapture the unity of the ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • Reframing Paul: Conversations in Grace  Community, By Mark Strom

    Reframing Paul

    Conversations in Grace Community

    by Mark Strom

    The Greco-Roman world was shaped by ideals and abstract ideas. The Apostle Paul left them behind. But they continue to shape evangelical teaching and practice. This picture contradicts the common impression of Paul as an abstract theologian, someone who wrestled with deep theological doctrine while hovering six feet above everyday reality. But in fact, it was the philosopher's of Paul's day--and ...

  • Saint Patrick the Forgiver: The History and Legends of Ireland's Bishop, By Ned Bustard

    Saint Patrick the Forgiver

    The History and Legends of Ireland's Bishop

    by Ned Bustard

    Bronze Moonbeam Award, Independent Press Award

    Hello, my name is Patrick.
    You may have heard my story.
    I walked the span of Ireland
    to tell of God’s great glory.
    And with a wee green shamrock
    I shared of the Three-in-One:
    our God—the blessed mystery—
    Father, Spirit, and the Son.

    Everybody's Irish ...

  • Ephesians, By N. T. Wright


    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Lin Johnson

    Have you noticed how sometimes you have a story in the back of your mind that keeps coming up, even when you're talking about something else? In Ephesians, throughout its worship, prayers and instructions for living, Paul can't contain his joy and amazement at the larger story of God's plan to save us in Jesus the Messiah. These eleven studies from Tom Wright will help us see the significance of ...

    Number of Studies: 11

  • 1 & 2 Timothy and Titus, By N. T. Wright

    1 & 2 Timothy and Titus

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Phyllis J. Le Peau

    When you need to know how to do something, a manual is the best place to start. 1 2 Timothy and Titus might be called "the Teacher's Manual," because so much of what they contain is about the kind of teaching that Christian leaders should--and shouldn't--be giving. Just as Timothy and Titus needed help to lead their young churches well in the midst of powerful cultural forces, we need guidance ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Hebrews: Race to Glory, By James Reapsome


    Race to Glory

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by James Reapsome

    "What's the use?" At times of frustration or disappointment, it is tempting to ask this question. You work and work to grow to Christian maturity, but you seem to get nowhere--repeating your mistakes, neglecting your commitments, losing your motivation. The original readers of Hebrews felt the same way! Yet the writer of this New Testament letter cheers for them to stay on track and never quit, ...

    Number of Studies: 13