Showing 311 - 320 of 3663 results

  • The Care of Creation: Focusing Concern and Action, Edited by R. J. Berry

    The Care of Creation

    Focusing Concern and Action

    Edited by R. J. Berry

    • A 2003 Templeton Foundation Book of Distinction

    "God intends . . . our care of the creation to reflect our love for the Creator," writes John Stott in the foreword to this book.

    For the theologians and scientists who have contributed to this book, the care of creation is both crucial to human survival and a supreme test of the reality of Christian faith. ...

  • Embracing Evolution: How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life, By Matthew Nelson Hill

    Embracing Evolution

    How Understanding Science Can Strengthen Your Christian Life

    by Matthew Nelson Hill
    Foreword by J. Richard Middleton

    Christians often have a complicated relationship with science—especially when it comes to evolution. In recent years there has been an explosion in scientific understanding of evolutionary theory and its implications for human nature. Yet many Christians still see evolution as at best irrelevant to their faith and at worst threatening to it. Is it possible that adopting an evolutionary ...

  • Every Voice Now is an IVP initiative that seeks to support and amplify voices of color, both through our work with authors and also internally within the organization. The initiative is jointly supported by InterVarsity Press and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and includes opportunities for additional funding to assist and promote our authors of color and to increase cultural competency at IVP.

  • Business for the Common Good: A Christian Vision for the Marketplace, By Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae

    Business for the Common Good

    A Christian Vision for the Marketplace

    Christian Worldview Integration Series

    by Kenman L. Wong and Scott B. Rae

    Is business just a way to make money? Or can the marketplace a venue for service to others?

    Scott B. Rae and Kenman L. Wong seek to explore this and other critical business issues from a uniquely Christian perspective, offering up a vision for work and service that is theologically grounded and practically oriented. Among the specific questions they address along the way are these:

  • The Faithful Artist: A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts, By Cameron J Anderson

    The Faithful Artist

    A Vision for Evangelicalism and the Arts

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Cameron J Anderson

    The tension between Christianity and the arts is often real. But it also offers a false dichotomy. Many Christian artists think that they must choose between their faith and their artistic calling.

    Drawing upon his experiences as both a Christian and a practicing artist, Cameron J. Anderson explores the dynamics of faith and art in this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume. ...

  • The Transforming Vision: Shaping a Christian World View, By Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    The Transforming Vision

    Shaping a Christian World View

    by Brian J. Walsh and J. Richard Middleton

    Science, technology and economic growth motivate our society. Each is carried on with little regard for Christian concerns.

    Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton yearn for change. They long to see Christianity penetrate the structures of society, reforming and remolding our culture. From scholarship in the universities to politics, business and family life, the Christian vision can transform ...

  • Wasting Time with God: A Christian Spirituality of Friendship with God, By Klaus Issler

    Wasting Time with God

    A Christian Spirituality of Friendship with God

    by Klaus Issler

    When it comes to developing a deep, trusting relationship with God, efficiency and productivity are not the answer. It's far better to "waste" time with him, to just enjoy being with him. After all, that's how any friendship grows. But making room for God in the midst of our fast-paced lives is not an easy task. Just as time with our best friends can get squeezed out by the rush of activities, ...