Showing 321 - 330 of 870 results

  • The Rise of Evangelicalism: The Age of Edwards, Whitefield and the Wesleys, By Mark A. Noll

    The Rise of Evangelicalism

    The Age of Edwards, Whitefield and the Wesleys

    History of Evangelicalism Series

    by Mark A. Noll

    Winner of a Christianity Today Book Award

    The word evangelical is widely used and widely misunderstood.

    • Where did evangelicals come from?
    • What motivated them?
    • How did their influence become so widespread throughout the world during the eighteenth century?

    In this inaugural book in a series that charts ...

  • Corporal Punishment in the Bible: A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts, By William J. Webb

    Corporal Punishment in the Bible

    A Redemptive-Movement Hermeneutic for Troubling Texts

    by William J. Webb

    William Webb confronts those often avoided biblical passages that call for the corporal punishment of children, slaves and wrongdoers. How should we understand and apply them today? Are we obligated to replicate those injunctions today? Or does the proper interpretation of them point in a different direction? Webb notes that most of the Christian church is at best inconsistent in its application ...

  • Creative Church Handbook: Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation, By J. Scott McElroy

    Creative Church Handbook

    Releasing the Power of the Arts in Your Congregation

    by J. Scott McElroy

    If the future is creative, is it any wonder that sometimes the church seems stuck in the past? Now is the time for the church to reclaim its role as a center of creativity. Among your members are artists, musicians and other creatives whose gifts can enhance your worship, inform your theology and impact your community. Christian arts advocate J. Scott McElroy gives a comprehensive vision and manual ...

  • Passport to the Bible: An Explorer's Guide, Edited by Fred Wagner

    Passport to the Bible

    An Explorer's Guide

    Edited by Fred Wagner

    No book has sold more copies. No book has influenced so many people. The Bible has informed all of the world's religions. Yet for many, it remains a mystery. Would you like to read and understand the Bible for yourself? The studies in this guide are designed to help you do that. You will look at four major themes in the Bible:

    • what God is like
    • what people are like
    • who ...
  • Brave Souls: Experiencing the Audacious Power of Empathy, By Belinda Bauman

    Brave Souls

    Experiencing the Audacious Power of Empathy

    by Belinda Bauman
    Foreword by Christine Caine

    What if empathy could save us? Belinda Bauman was living a comfortable life as a wife, mother, and nonprofit leader—but her soul was checked out. Then she met Esperance. An assault survivor living in one of the poorest, most dangerous countries in the world, Esperance and other Congolese women shared their harrowing stories with Belinda. Their vulnerability set Belinda on a path ...

  • From Topic to Thesis: A Guide to Theological Research, By Michael Kibbe

    From Topic to Thesis

    A Guide to Theological Research

    by Michael Kibbe

    While courses in Bible and theology typically require research papers, particularly at the graduate level, very few include training in research. Professors have two options: use valuable class time to teach students as much as they can, or lower their standards with the understanding that students cannot be expected to complete tasks for which they have never been prepared. From Topic to Thesis: ...

  • Evangelistic Preaching That Connects: Guidance in Shaping Fresh and Appealing Sermons, By Craig A. Loscalzo

    Evangelistic Preaching That Connects

    Guidance in Shaping Fresh and Appealing Sermons

    by Craig A. Loscalzo

    "One problem with evangelistic sermons is that they look and sound like evangelistic sermons." So says Craig Loscalzo, respected preacher and teacher of preachers. He believes in the gospel and its unique power, but knows that today's pastors no longer proclaim the gospel in a more or less "Christian" culture. Our pluralistic setting means that the evangelistic sermons of yesterday--which ...

  • The Creation Hypothesis: Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer, Edited by J. P. Moreland

    The Creation Hypothesis

    Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer

    Edited by J. P. Moreland

    Is there evidence from natural science for an intelligent creator of the universe? For a century the reigning scientific view has been that God is not necessary to account for the existence of the world and of life. Evolutionary theory is said to be all that is needed to explain how we got here. In addition, many theistic evolutionists contend that God likely used many of the mechanisms of evolution ...

  • InterVarsity Press author Ed Gilbreath, executive director of communications with the Evangelical Covenant Church and editor at large for Christianity Today, was featured as a part of "The Power of Words"—North Central College's (Naperville, Ill.) week of events commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Gilbreath addressed a crowd of more than 120 students, faculty and local residents Monday evening on the topics presented in his new book Birmingham Revolution: Martin Luther King Jr.'s Epic Challenge to the Church.