Showing 321 - 330 of 539 results

  • An Explorer's Guide to Karl Barth, By David Guretzki

    An Explorer's Guide to Karl Barth

    Explorer's Guides

    by David Guretzki

    Anyone exploring a new territory knows the benefit of an experienced guide. A guide can make the difference between tiresome drudgery and a life-changing adventure. This is as true for exploring new thinkers and books as it is for places. If ever a theologian required a guide, it would be Karl Barth. His many writings have secured his place as the most significant theologian of the twentieth century. ...

  • Renewing Communication: Spirit-Shaped Approaches for Children, Youth, and Families, By Colleen R. Derr

    Renewing Communication

    Spirit-Shaped Approaches for Children, Youth, and Families

    by Colleen R. Derr

    We are constantly communicating. Whether written or verbal, formal or informal, in actions or expressions, what we say and do carries meaning that affects those around us. Christian leaders are called to make disciples by teaching, so how can we make the most of all our communication to help others become more like Christ? In Renewing Communication, Colleen Derr shows that ...

  • Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture, By Mark Scandrette and Lisa Scandrette

    Belonging and Becoming

    Creating a Thriving Family Culture

    by Mark Scandrette and Lisa Scandrette

    Renew your imagination for what family life can be. Many of us feel overwhelmed about the prospect of raising children in our high-performance, rapid-pace culture. Reflecting on difficulties from our own families of origin can increase our doubt and insecurity about being a good parent. Positive examples of family life can seem few and far between. Mark and Lisa Scandrette understand ...

  • Demanding Liberty: An Untold Story of American Religious Freedom, By Brandon J. O'Brien

    Demanding Liberty

    An Untold Story of American Religious Freedom

    by Brandon J. O'Brien

    Religious liberty is one of the most contentious political issues of our time. How should people of faith engage with the public square in a pluralist era? Some citizens hope to reclaim a more Christian vision of national identity, while others resist any religious presence at all. This dispute is not new, and it goes back to the founding era of American history. As the country was being formed, ...

  • Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper: Recovering the Sacraments for Evangelical Worship, By Leonard J. Vander Zee

    Christ, Baptism and the Lord's Supper

    Recovering the Sacraments for Evangelical Worship

    by Leonard J. Vander Zee

    Winner of a Christianity Today Book Award

    Baptism. The Lord's Supper. We recognize these church practices. But do we really grasp their meaning and place in Christian worship? Is our neglect of them hindering our communion with Christ? Are we missing the real drama of our salvation?

    Often the object of debate, the sacraments are likewise neglected and superficially ...

  • Unceasing Worship: Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts, By Harold M. Best

    Unceasing Worship

    Biblical Perspectives on Worship and the Arts

    by Harold M. Best

    One of Discerning Reader's Best Books

    We are not created to worship. Nor are we created for worship. We are created worshiping.

    Too often Christians have only thought of worship in terms of particular musical styles or liturgical formats. But a proper view of worship is far larger than what takes place in churches on Sunday mornings. ...

  • The Worship Maze: Finding a Style to Fit Your Church, By Paul Basden

    The Worship Maze

    Finding a Style to Fit Your Church

    by Paul Basden

    Worship has become a problem. It is the center of the Christian life, but like so much else in our kaleidoscopic late-modern world, worship has gotten complicated. Confusing. And even controversial. Church leaders and laypeople have joined the debate over "traditional," "contemporary" and a growing array of other worship styles. Pastor (and professor) Paul Basden believes worship should be the ...

  • The Power of Group Prayer: How Intercession Transforms Us and the World, By Carolyn Carney

    The Power of Group Prayer

    How Intercession Transforms Us and the World

    by Carolyn Carney

    Revival starts when people pray together.

    Christians often dream about the possibility of revival. But revival doesn't come because we wish or plan for it. Revival occurs when groups of people pray together. However, praying together effectively doesn't come easily, and we're often left wondering how to best engage in the work of intercession.

    Carolyn Carney offers a ...

  • Why Business Matters to God: (And What Still Needs to Be Fixed), By Jeff Van Duzer

    Why Business Matters to God

    (And What Still Needs to Be Fixed)

    by Jeff Van Duzer

    Jeff Van Duzer grew up thinking business was the source of much damage and evil in the world, the work of greedy capitalists polluting the environment. Thirty years later he was dean of a business school. In the course of that remarkable transformation, Van Duzer found cause for both hope and concern. He discovered many business people achieving a great deal of good for society as well as a lot ...

  • Signals of Transcendence: Listening to the Promptings of Life, By Os Guinness

    Signals of Transcendence

    Listening to the Promptings of Life

    by Os Guinness

    There must be something more to life.

    The modern world is a place of great distraction, and it can be difficult to make sense of our human existence. But at some point in our lives, we may experience particular moments that prompt us to search for something deeper. Sociologist Peter Berger described these hints and clues as "signals of transcendence" that awaken us to unseen ...