Showing 321 - 330 of 2852 results

  • Prophetic Lament: A Call for Justice in Troubled Times, By Soong-Chan Rah

    Prophetic Lament

    A Call for Justice in Troubled Times

    by Soong-Chan Rah
    Foreword by Brenda Salter McNeil

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List
    Hearts Minds Bookstore's Best Books
    RELEVANT's Top 10 Books
    Englewood Review of Books Best Books

    When Soong-Chan Rah planted an urban church in Cambridge, Massachusetts, his first full sermon series was a six-week exposition of the book of Lamentations. Preaching on an obscure, depressing Old Testament book ...

  • War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views, Edited by Paul Copan

    War, Peace, and Violence: Four Christian Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Paul Copan

    In a world of war, terrorism, and other geopolitical threats to global stability, how should committed Christians honor Jesus Christ and his Word? How should Christians think and act when it comes to church-state relations, the preservation of order, the practice of just peacemaking, and the use of coercive force?

    In this volume in IVP Academic's Spectrum series, four contributors—experts ...

  • Priscilla: The Life of an Early Christian, By Ben Witherington III


    The Life of an Early Christian

    by Ben Witherington III

    Who was Priscilla? Readers of the Bible may know her as the wife of Aquila, Paul's coworker, or someone who explained baptism to Apollos. Biblical references to Priscilla spark questions: Why is she mentioned before her husband? Does the mention of her instruction of Apollos mean that women taught in the church? What is her story? Ben Witherington addresses these questions and ...

  • In this fascinating conversation with one of the key leading Native voices in the church, Mark Charles shares so many compelling and unique insights that we had to keep the mics rolling to capture it all. You'll also hear about his reflections on his campaign for the presidency of the United States, what he feels called to pursue next in his life, and why he never intended to write a book in the first place.

  • Genesis 12-50, Edited by Mark Sheridan

    Genesis 12-50

    Volume 2

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark Sheridan
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Genesis 12–50 recounts the history of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. From their mentors Paul, Peter, Stephen, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews, the early fathers learned to draw out the spiritual significance of the patriarchal narrative for Christian believers. The Alexandrian school especially followed Paul's allegorical use of the story of Sarah ...

  • Genesis 12-50, Edited by Mark Sheridan

    Genesis 12-50

    Volume 2

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark Sheridan
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Genesis 12–50 recounts the history of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. From their mentors Paul, Peter, Stephen, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews, the early fathers learned to draw out the spiritual significance of the patriarchal narrative for Christian believers. The Alexandrian school especially followed Paul's allegorical use of the story of Sarah ...

  • Defending Constantine: The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom, By Peter J. Leithart

    Defending Constantine

    The Twilight of an Empire and the Dawn of Christendom

    by Peter J. Leithart

    We know that Constantine

    • issued the Edict of Milan in 313
    • outlawed paganism and made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
    • manipulated the Council of Nicea in 325
    • exercised absolute authority over the church, co-opting it for the aims of empire

    And if Constantine the emperor were not problem enough, we all know that Constantinianism ...

  • Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, Edited by John R. Franke

    Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel

    Volume 4

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by John R. Franke
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The history of the entry into the Promised Land followed by the period of the Judges and early monarchy may not appear to readers today as a source for expounding the Christian faith. But the church fathers readily found parallels, or types, in the narrative that illumined the New Testament. An obvious link was the similarity in name between Joshua, Moses' successor, and Jesus—indeed, ...

  • Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, Edited by John R. Franke

    Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel

    Volume 4

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by John R. Franke
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The history of the entry into the Promised Land followed by the period of the Judges and early monarchy may not appear to readers today as a source for expounding the Christian faith. But the church fathers readily found parallels, or types, in the narrative that illumined the New Testament. An obvious link was the similarity in name between Joshua, Moses' successor, and Jesus—indeed, ...