Showing 321 - 330 of 1316 results

  • Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard

    Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

    Volume 3

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joseph T. Lienhard
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    From its inception the church has always had a Bible—the Jewish Scriptures. But Christians have not read these Scriptures in the same way the Jews did. They have read them in the light of what God did in Jesus the Christ. Thus the Jewish Scriptures became for Christian readers the Old Testament. This Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture volume on Exodus through Deuteronomy ...

  • 2 Peter and Jude: An Introduction and Commentary, By E. Michael Green

    2 Peter and Jude

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by E. Michael Green

    "The epistle of 2 Peter has had a very rough passage down the centuries," says Michael Green in this commentary. "Its entry into the Canon was precarious in the extreme . . . It was deemed second-class Scripture by Luther, rejected Erasmus, and regarded with hesitancy by Calvin." And about Jude he says, "WE can learn a great deal about a man by listening to what he has to say about himself. Jude ...

  • Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews, By Cyril of Alexandria

    Commentaries on Romans, 1-2 Corinthians, and Hebrews

    Ancient Christian Texts

    by Cyril of Alexandria
    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
    Translated by David R. Maxwell

    "But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead . . ."

    Cyril of Alexandria (c. 378–444) was one of the most significant figures in the early church: bishop of the church, defender of orthodoxy, proponent of Alexandrian theology. Indeed, he is probably best known as the supporter of the term Theotokos (God-bearer) with regard to Mary in opposition to Nestorius during ...

  • The Last Romantic: C. S. Lewis, English Literature, and Modern Theology, By Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    The Last Romantic

    C. S. Lewis, English Literature, and Modern Theology

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    Three Essays on C. S. Lewis and Romanticism

    Many readers have heard C. S. Lewis's logical arguments for the Christian faith. Yet throughout his wide-ranging study and writing, Lewis often began with experience, intuition, and religious feeling rather than dogmatic assertions. The most profound questions of Lewis's own life, argues theologian and literary critic Jeffrey Barbeau, ...

  • The Fire of the Word: Meeting God on Holy Ground, By Chris Webb

    The Fire of the Word

    Meeting God on Holy Ground

    by Chris Webb
    Foreword by Richard J. Foster

    The Bible has the astounding power to transform lives. The stories of people like Francis of Assisi, Antony of Egypt, Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther and Martin Luther King Jr. vividly demonstrate this. Why aren't more of us transformed by Scripture today? Too often we study biblical texts without believing that God truly inhabits this book. Scripture seeks to capture our minds, not merely educate ...

  • Mark: An Introduction and Commentary, By Eckhard J. Schnabel


    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Eckhard J. Schnabel

    Mark wrote his Gospel to explain why and how Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God who fulfills God's promises as he proclaims and embodies the coming kingdom of God. Mark emphasizes Jesus' authority and also his suffering and death as God's will for his messianic mission. This Tyndale New Testament commentary from Eckhard Schnabel seeks to help today's Christian disciples communicate the significance ...

  • Sensible Shoes Study Guide, By Sharon Garlough Brown and Sharron Carrns

    Sensible Shoes Study Guide

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown and Sharron Carrns

    Have you enjoyed the journey with Meg, Mara, Charissa, and Hannah? This companion guide will take you deeper into their world and give you an opportunity to try out the spiritual practices that you've seen them engage at New Hope Retreat Center.

    Sensible Shoes Study Guide includes twelve weeks of daily Scripture reading, prayer, and reflection questions (five days ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • Questions Muslims Ask: What Christians Actually Do (and Don't) Believe, By Robert Scott

    Questions Muslims Ask

    What Christians Actually Do (and Don't) Believe

    by Robert Scott

    Christians and Muslims don't understand each other very well. Muslims have often heard that Christians worship three gods, or that the Injil, the Christian Scripture, has been corrupted. How can Christians explain their faith in a way that Muslims can understand? In his work with Muslims in central London, Robert Scott has discovered that many are quite open to talking about matters of ...

  • Grace for the Children: Finding Hope in the Midst of Child and Adolescent Mental Illness, By Matthew S. Stanford

    Grace for the Children

    Finding Hope in the Midst of Child and Adolescent Mental Illness

    by Matthew S. Stanford

    The church's response to child and adolescent mental health disorders has too often been characterized by fear and misinformation rather than grace or wisdom. The result has been families that desperately need practical advice and pastoral care on these disorders, and on the thorny issues that often surround them.

    Psychologist Matthew Stanford has written Grace for the ...