Showing 3391 - 3400 of 3822 results

  • Luke: The Gospel of Amazement, By Michael Card

    Luke: The Gospel of Amazement

    The Biblical Imagination Series

    by Michael Card

    "His father and mother were amazed at what was being said about Him." Luke 2:33 "Everyone was amazed at all the things He was doing." Luke 9:43 "He went home, amazed at what had happened." Luke 24:12 From start to finish, the book of Luke is filled with amazement. Throughout the life and ministry of Jesus, those who met him were astonished by their encounter, from the shepherds at the nativity ...

  • Romans 1-8, By Gwenfair Walters Adams

    Romans 1-8

    New Testament Volume 7

    Reformation Commentary on Scripture

    by Gwenfair Walters Adams

    "If we have been united with him in a death like his, we shall certainly be united with him in a resurrection like his." (Rom. 6:5) With its themes of grace, sin, justification, and salvation through Christ alone, Paul's letter to the early church in Rome has been a primary focus of Christian reflection throughout church history. Sixteenth-century reformer Martin Luther reflected ...

  • Saint Patrick the Forgiver: The History and Legends of Ireland's Bishop, By Ned Bustard

    Saint Patrick the Forgiver

    The History and Legends of Ireland's Bishop

    by Ned Bustard

    Bronze Moonbeam Award, Independent Press Award

    Hello, my name is Patrick.
    You may have heard my story.
    I walked the span of Ireland
    to tell of God’s great glory.
    And with a wee green shamrock
    I shared of the Three-in-One:
    our God—the blessed mystery—
    Father, Spirit, and the Son.

    Everybody's Irish ...

  • Dictionary of Biblical Imagery, Edited by Leland Ryken and James C. Wilhoit and Tremper Longman III

    Dictionary of Biblical Imagery

    Edited by Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit, and Tremper Longman III

    Christianity Today 1999 Book of the Year

    Every reader of the Bible has encountered the powerful, comforting and sometimes puzzling imagery of Scripture. These concrete pictures with their hidden force have struck sharp and lasting impressions on our minds. Their imprint has etched itself on the language and grammar of Christian faith and Western culture.

    Why ...

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Historical Books, By Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Historical Books

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by Philip E. Satterthwaite and J. Gordon McConville

    The historical books, from Joshua to Ezra and Nehemiah, form the narrative backbone of the Old Testament. Without them the Pentateuch would stop cold and the Prophets would hang in suspension. Even the Psalms and Wisdom literature would lose some of their luster for lack of a setting. Without these historical books the New Testament would be resolving an incomplete narrative, answering a question ...

  • Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew, By Todd J. Murphy

    Pocket Dictionary for the Study of Biblical Hebrew

    The IVP Pocket Reference Series

    by Todd J. Murphy

    Of Greek and Hebrew, Hebrew strikes the most fear in the heart of the Bible student. The alphabet does not look anything like English. The vocabulary offers almost no points of contact with English. The verb system is utterly alien. And the lexicons, grammars and textbooks are wrapped up in a metalanguage--spiked with Latin--that is daunting in itself. For those who feel that studying the English ...

  • The Integration Journey: A Student's Guide to Faith, Culture, and Psychology, By William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani

    The Integration Journey

    A Student's Guide to Faith, Culture, and Psychology

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by William B. Whitney and Carissa Dwiwardani

    There are numerous models, theories, and resources on integrating psychology and the Christian faith. But practicing integration in the real world is something else entirely. To move from theory to practice, we need learning informed by experiences, reflection on those experiences, and feedback from others. This integration process is a lifelong journey.

    William B. Whitney ...

  • Truth or Consequences: The Promise  Perils of Postmodernism, By Millard J. Erickson

    Truth or Consequences

    The Promise Perils of Postmodernism

    by Millard J. Erickson

    • A 2002 Christianity Today Book of the Year

    Postmodernism. The term slowly filtered into our vocabularies about three decades ago and now permeates most discussions of the humanities. Those who tout the promises and perils of this twentieth-century intellectual movement have filled many a bookshelf. And in a previous book, Postmodernizing the Faith: ...

  • Knowing Christianity, By J. I. Packer

    Knowing Christianity

    by J. I. Packer

    When so many crave the latest self-improvement plan or the most recent religious experience, J. I. Packer turns our attention to realities far larger and longer-lasting than anything our self-absorbed society can offer. In this book he lays out before us his grandest panorama yet of the magnificent landscape we call the Christian faith. He begins with the only proper foundation for spiritual ...

  • Marriage Counseling: A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples, By Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriage Counseling

    A Christian Approach to Counseling Couples

    by Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Marriages are in trouble today. That is clear. Effective mothods of combating this trend are less evident. Counselors, pastors and social workers need more than mere theories or mere moralizing. They need a practical and comprehensive model for understanding couples and their problems. They need a throughly Christian perspective that is biblical, compassionate and human. Everett Worthington provides ...