Showing 3431 - 3440 of 3822 results

  • The First Testament: A New Translation, By John Goldingay

    The First Testament

    A New Translation

    by John Goldingay

    Awash in a sea of Bible translations, do we need yet another?

    Most translations bend the text toward us. They make the rough places smooth, the odd bits more palatable to our modern sensibilities. In every translation something is gained and something lost.

    In The First Testament: A New Translation, John Goldingay interrupts our sleepy familiarity with the Old ...

  • The 1662 Book of Common Prayer—Service Book: International Edition, Edited by Samuel L. Bray and Drew Nathaniel Keane
    leather bound

    The 1662 Book of Common Prayer—Service Book

    International Edition

    Edited by Samuel L. Bray and Drew Nathaniel Keane

    IVP Academic's popular edition of the classic 1662 Book of Common Prayer, now available as a beautiful Service Book for use in public worship.

    The Service Book of the The 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition contains all the services a minister would use in corporate worship. The liturgies present the unaltered text from the International Edition, set ...

  • The Last Romantic: C. S. Lewis, English Literature, and Modern Theology, By Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    The Last Romantic

    C. S. Lewis, English Literature, and Modern Theology

    Hansen Lectureship Series

    by Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    Three Essays on C. S. Lewis and Romanticism

    Many readers have heard C. S. Lewis's logical arguments for the Christian faith. Yet throughout his wide-ranging study and writing, Lewis often began with experience, intuition, and religious feeling rather than dogmatic assertions. The most profound questions of Lewis's own life, argues theologian and literary critic Jeffrey Barbeau, ...

  • Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.: A Narrative History of InterVarsity Press, 1947-2022, By Andrew T. Le Peau and Linda Doll

    Heart. Soul. Mind. Strength.

    A Narrative History of InterVarsity Press, 1947-2022

    by Andrew T. Le Peau and Linda Doll
    Edited by Albert Y. Hsu
    Foreword by Jeff Crosby and Robert A. Fryling

    "Some publishers tell you what to believe. Other publishers tell you what you already believe. But InterVarsity Press helps you believe."

    J. I. Packer

    The history of evangelicalism cannot be understood apart from the authors and books that shaped it. Over the past century, leading figures such as pastor-scholar John Stott, apologist James W. Sire, evangelist ...

  • Want more context as you begin to study Romans? This introduction will give you the background you need as you read the Daily Quiet Time Bible Study. We hope you continue to discover the riches of Scripture and draw closer to God as you join the millions who have used this free devotional resource.

  • Socrates Meets Jesus: History's Greatest Questioner Confronts the Claims of Christ, By Peter Kreeft

    Socrates Meets Jesus

    History's Greatest Questioner Confronts the Claims of Christ

    by Peter Kreeft

    What would happen if Socrates--yes, the Socrates of ancient Athens--suddenly showed up on the campus of a major university and enrolled in its divinity school? What would he think of human progress since his day? How would he react to our values? To our culture? And what would he think of Jesus? Peter Kreeft, Christian philosopher and longtime admirer of the historic Socrates, imagines the result. ...

  • Recovering the Full Mission of God: A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling, By Dean Flemming

    Recovering the Full Mission of God

    A Biblical Perspective on Being, Doing and Telling

    by Dean Flemming

    Is our gospel witness too small? Should the gospel be proclaimed in words only? Or should we preach the gospel in deeds—and when necessary use words? Or are we missing something in playing the witness of words against deeds? If you are concerned about evangelizing the post-Christian West or the world beyond, you have probably debated this issue. And evangelical instincts drive us to Scripture. ...

  • Daring to Draw Near: People in Prayer, By John White

    Daring to Draw Near

    People in Prayer

    IVP Classics

    by John White

    Prayers are windows--windows on eternity.

    Through the prayers in the Bible we look into the profoundest issues of life and death, and the deepest longings of our own hearts. And we learn about the God to whom we pray, the one who wants to talk with us, the one who takes the initiative in our relationship with him.

    In this classic book on prayer, John White helps us listen to Abraham ...

  • The Living Paul: An Introduction to the Apostle's Life and Thought, By Anthony C. Thiselton

    The Living Paul

    An Introduction to the Apostle's Life and Thought

    by Anthony C. Thiselton

    The apostle Paul has long had his admirers and revilers. And contemporary Christians often harbor private misgivings about this prominent apostle. Paul sounds harsh, intolerant, misogynistic, and his gospel surely misconstrues the message of Jesus. "How is it," they want to ask, "that some Christians can speak so fondly of Paul?" Anthony Thiselton is an unabashed admirer of Paul, a student of his ...

  • Coming to Peace with Science: Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology, By Darrel R. Falk

    Coming to Peace with Science

    Bridging the Worlds Between Faith and Biology

    by Darrel R. Falk
    Foreword by Francis S. Collins

    Is a thoroughly Christian and biblically informed doctrine of creation compatible with widely held conclusions of modern science, especially biology? For Darrel R. Falk, this is not just an abstract question but one with which he has personally wrestled. A professor of biology, Falk brings together his biblically based understanding of creation and the most current research in biology. The result ...