Showing 3431 - 3440 of 3945 results

  • Baptism and Fullness: The Work of the Holy Spirit Today, By John Stott

    Baptism and Fullness

    The Work of the Holy Spirit Today

    by John Stott

    "The Christian life is life in the Spirit," writes John Stott. "It would be impossible to be a Christian, let alone to live and grow as a Christian, without the ministry of the gracious Spirit of God. All we have and are as Christians we owe to him."

    The Holy Spirit continues to be at work around the world, as numerous renewal movements attest. Yet much confusion and controversy remain regarding ...

  • InterVarsity Press authors Richard Foster and James Bryan Smith keynoted the second annual Aprentis Institute Conference on spiritual formation at Friends University in Wichita, Kansas, last month. InterVarsity Press (IVP) cosponsored the sold-out event, along with the Aprentis Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation, Renovare and Christian Audio.

  • Foundations: How We Got Our Bible, By Bill Donahue


    How We Got Our Bible

    by Bill Donahue

    How did the Bible come into existence? Why and how were these books chosen? How do we know that the Bible we hold today is reliable? This guide gives you the foundational information you need to read the Bible as a trustworthy source for your life.

  • Self-Esteem, By Joan L. Guest


    IVP Booklets

    by Joan L. Guest

    Joan Lloyd Guest offers practical help and biblical principles for conquering the problem of an unhealthy self-image. Including real-life experiences, the author looks at where low self-esteem comes from and explains how to go about the healing process. This is one of IVP's classic and bestselling pocket-sized booklets.