Showing 3471 - 3480 of 3664 results

  • Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness, By R. Scott Rodin

    Stewards in the Kingdom

    A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. Here we have a full and fresh picture of being Jesus' disciples and living life in all its fullness. R. Scott Rodin unpacks what it means for us to be stewards in the kingdom of the triune God of grace. This theology of ...

  • Window on the World: An Operation World Prayer Resource, Edited by Molly Wall and Jason Mandryk

    Window on the World

    An Operation World Prayer Resource

    Operation World Resources

    Edited by Molly Wall and Jason Mandryk

    Window on the World is your ticket to travel around the world! If you appreciate Operation World as an adult, your kids will love this invaluable and age-appropriate prayer resource that develops cultural, political, and geographical awareness through a Christian lens. Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere through prayer—from the frozen Arctic to the hottest ...

  • Theology for Better Counseling: Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation, By Virginia Todd Holeman

    Theology for Better Counseling

    Trinitarian Reflections for Healing and Formation

    Christian Association for Psychological Studies Books

    by Virginia Todd Holeman

    At one time, Virginia Todd Holeman "Toddy" thought being biblically literate was all she needed and had little interest in what real theologians talked about. But in her counseling she found that clients pressed her for more. They didn't just want what she had gained through training in the best theories and practices available for counseling. They asked hard theological questions often related ...

  • The Message of Malachi, By Peter Adam

    The Message of Malachi

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by Peter Adam

    The book of Malachi fittingly sits in Christian Bibles as the last book of the Old Testament, which it assumes, summarizes, and applies. Yet it also looks forward to the New Testament with its promises of the coming reign of God.

    A striking feature of the book is the people of God's inconsistent faithfulness. God's people neither serve God wholeheartedly nor turn entirely ...

  • Christ-Shaped Character: Choosing Love, Faith and Hope, By Helen Cepero

    Christ-Shaped Character

    Choosing Love, Faith and Hope

    by Helen Cepero

    Honorable Mention for Classic Christian Spirituality, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    "Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love." —1 Corinthians 13:13

    What are the pathways that lead us to God? This is a book about what happens when we find those pathways. You will discover the values and virtues that grow ...

  • Comfort in the Ashes: Explorations in the Book of Job to Support Trauma Survivors, By Michelle K. Keener

    Comfort in the Ashes

    Explorations in the Book of Job to Support Trauma Survivors

    by Michelle K. Keener
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Navigating Trauma in the Church

    It's time for church leaders and believers to stop offering prettily packaged responses from a safe distance. It's time for us to sit in the ashes with the hurting, our Sunday clothes covered in dirt and grime, our faces lined with tears. Trauma brings people to the ash heap, so that is where the church needs to go.

    The church ...

  • The Decalogue: Living as the People of God, By David L. Baker

    The Decalogue

    Living as the People of God

    by David L. Baker

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017

    The Ten Commandments, or Decalogue, have long been a pillar of Western law and culture. In more recent times they have been a point of controversy in the public square. But on closer scrutiny the commandments are particularly addressed to the people of God. In the exodus narrative, ...

  • The Gospel of the Son of God: An Introduction to Matthew, By David R. Bauer

    The Gospel of the Son of God

    An Introduction to Matthew

    by David R. Bauer

    From beginning to end, the very structure of the Gospel of Matthew emphasizes that Jesus is the Son of God.

    At climactic points Jesus is so identified—by Peter, by a Roman centurion, by Jesus himself, and by God the Father. With The Gospel of the Son of God, David Bauer provides a comprehensive introduction to this Gospel that has been so foundational to the Christian ...

  • Conformed to the Image of His Son: Reconsidering Paul's Theology of Glory in Romans, By Haley Goranson Jacob

    Conformed to the Image of His Son

    Reconsidering Paul's Theology of Glory in Romans

    by Haley Goranson Jacob
    Foreword by N. T. Wright

    With its soaring affirmations and profound statements of salvation in Christ, Romans 8 is a high point in Pauline theology. But what does Paul mean when in 8:29 he speaks of being "conformed to the image of his Son"? Remarkably, there has been little scholarly attention awarded to this Pauline statement of the goal of salvation. And yet in Christian piety, preaching, and theology, this is a treasured ...

  • Reframing Paul: Conversations in Grace  Community, By Mark Strom

    Reframing Paul

    Conversations in Grace Community

    by Mark Strom

    The Greco-Roman world was shaped by ideals and abstract ideas. The Apostle Paul left them behind. But they continue to shape evangelical teaching and practice. This picture contradicts the common impression of Paul as an abstract theologian, someone who wrestled with deep theological doctrine while hovering six feet above everyday reality. But in fact, it was the philosopher's of Paul's day--and ...