Showing 341 - 350 of 2700 results

  • Great to Good: How Following Jesus Reshapes Our Ambitions, By Jae Hoon Lee

    Great to Good

    How Following Jesus Reshapes Our Ambitions

    by Jae Hoon Lee

    Greatness is overrated.

    People tend to measure success by worldly standards. We assume that greatness comes from charisma, influence, and followers. But God cares more about our character than about what people around us think of our reputations.

    Pastor Jae Hoon Lee challenges us not to pursue greatness but to grow in goodness. Jesus called his followers to cultivate ...

  • Early Christian Readings of Genesis One: Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation, By Craig D. Allert

    Early Christian Readings of Genesis One

    Patristic Exegesis and Literal Interpretation

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Craig D. Allert

    Do the writings of the church fathers support a literalist interpretation of Genesis 1? Young earth creationists have maintained that they do. And it is sensible to look to the Fathers as a check against our modern biases. But before enlisting the Fathers as ammunition in our contemporary Christian debates over creation and evolution, some cautions are in order. Are we correctly representing the ...

  • Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?: How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color, By Antipas L. Harris

    Is Christianity the White Man's Religion?

    How the Bible Is Good News for People of Color

    by Antipas L. Harris

    Among many young people of color, there is a growing wariness about organized religion and Christianity in particular. If Christianity is for everyone, why does the Bible seem to endorse slavery? Why do most popular images of Jesus feature a man with white skin and blue eyes? Is evangelical Christianity "good news" or a tool of white supremacy? As our society increases in ethnic ...

  • Story-Shaped Worship: Following Patterns from the Bible and History, By Robbie F. Castleman

    Story-Shaped Worship

    Following Patterns from the Bible and History

    by Robbie F. Castleman

    What is the right way to worship? Right worship does not require a return to the identical forms found in the early church or later in Rome or after that in Westminster. What it calls for is a faithful response today to the God of our salvation in light of those biblically ordered and historically informed patterns. In this study Robbie Castleman uncovers the fundamental shape of worship. What ...

  • Walking Through Deconstruction: How to Be a Companion in a Crisis of Faith, By Ian Harber

    Walking Through Deconstruction

    How to Be a Companion in a Crisis of Faith

    by Ian Harber
    Foreword by Gavin Ortlund

    However you define it, deconstruction is impossible to deny.

    "I'm deconstructing my faith." As any pastor can tell you, hearing these words is simply a regular feature of ministry these days. How we respond to those who are deconstructing will reveal the kind of church—and the kinds of Christians—we really are.

    Ian Harber knows the fear and grief of deconstruction firsthand. ...

  • Embrace: God's Radical Shalom for a Divided World, By Leroy Barber


    God's Radical Shalom for a Divided World

    by Leroy Barber

    The walls between us seem impenetrable. We live in an age of strife and division. Factors such as race, class, values and lifestyles keep us from connecting with others in meaningful ways. It's easy to avoid or ignore those who make us uncomfortable and those we simply do not like, but God's call to the church is to do just the opposite. Leroy Barber has spent decades pursuing reconciliation and ...

  • The Limits of Liberal Democracy: Politics and Religion at the End of Modernity, By Scott H. Moore

    The Limits of Liberal Democracy

    Politics and Religion at the End of Modernity

    by Scott H. Moore

    Exploring the question of the place of religion in the modern nation-state, Scott H. Moore observes that the easy alliance between the modern liberal democracy and Christian faith in particular is showing some serious stress fractures. He offers an incisive analysis of the ways government, operating according to the ideals of a liberal democracy, has encroached on religious freedom and how the church, ...

  • Spiritual Practices of Jesus: Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers, By Catherine J. Wright

    Spiritual Practices of Jesus

    Learning Simplicity, Humility, and Prayer with Luke's Earliest Readers

    by Catherine J. Wright

    Luke's Gospel was written to transform. In its original context, readers would have seen a portrait of Jesus as an ideal teacher and king, able to shape his people through exemplary leadership. They would have come to the Gospel expecting to be changed for God's purposes through the imitation of Jesus' lifestyle and adoption of his teaching. When today's readers approach the text ...

  • The Mission of Worship, By Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    The Mission of Worship

    Urbana Onward

    by Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    Worship gives us a glimpse of the majesty and grandeur of God. But that's not all. It also paints a picture of God's purposes for the world. He is in the process of gathering together a multitude of worshipers from every language and nation. Urbana worship director Sandra Van Opstal shows that worship both takes people where they want to go and challenges them to go where they need to go. Worship ...