Showing 341 - 350 of 1725 results

  • The Hopeful Neighborhood Field Guide: Six Sessions on Pursuing the Common Good Right Where You Live, By Tony Cook and Don Everts

    The Hopeful Neighborhood Field Guide

    Six Sessions on Pursuing the Common Good Right Where You Live

    Lutheran Hour Ministries Resources

    by Tony Cook and Don Everts

    We all live somewhere. And we all want our neighborhoods to flourish. Many of us hope (and even pray) for our neighborhoods' well-being. But how do we actually pursue that? This field guide answers this question by walking you through a simple, powerful process for blessing your own neighborhood. Tony Cook and Don Everts offer six sessions for discovering the gifts of your community, ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Excellence in Leadership: Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination, By John White

    Excellence in Leadership

    Reaching Goals with Prayer, Courage and Determination

    by John White

    • Short deadlines
    • Not enough staff
    • Tight budgets
    • Personal attacks
    • External opposition
    • Internal conflicts
    • A huge task

    Every leader faces these problems. But as Christians, should we solve them by using the secular strategies of best-selling management books? Or is there another way? John White says there is. Nehemiah provides the model ...

  • In the Company of Jesus: Finding Unconventional Wisdom and Unexpected Hope, By Bill Donahue

    In the Company of Jesus

    Finding Unconventional Wisdom and Unexpected Hope

    by Bill Donahue

    What images come to mind when you hear the name "Jesus"? Religious icon? Mystical guru? Maybe he's the figure in the stained-glass window at church, or in the painting hanging in the hallway of your grandmother's house. Bill Donahue spent years asking these questions, and the Jesus he eventually met was not merely an ancient sage but the living, breathing Son of God. He found himself captivated ...

  • Longing for Revival: From Holy Discontent to Breakthrough Faith, By James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer

    Longing for Revival

    From Holy Discontent to Breakthrough Faith

    by James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer

    Revival begins with God. But it's lived out through us. While we can't determine how God will act, we can be expectant and anticipate his work. And revivals are not just experienced—they can be led.

    James Choung and Ryan Pfeiffer have seen revival in their own ministries, with remarkable transformation in both individuals and communities. They unpack what revival looks like, ...

  • Trekking Toward Wholeness: A Resource for Care Group Leaders, By Stephen P. Greggo

    Trekking Toward Wholeness

    A Resource for Care Group Leaders

    by Stephen P. Greggo

    Stephen Greggo offers an in-depth exploration of care group leadership from a Christian perspective. Care groups are worth pursuing because they can create a biblically grounded context for corrective healing relationships. Care group leaders engaged in pastoral care, counseling services or spiritual formation will catch a vision for how the core interpersonal process can be instrumental ...