Showing 3541 - 3550 of 3822 results

  • Always Reforming: Explorations in Systematic Theology, Edited by A. T. B. McGowan

    Always Reforming

    Explorations in Systematic Theology

    Edited by A. T. B. McGowan

    The Reformed churches of the sixteenth century affirmed the need to be semper reformanda--always reforming. But in the ensuing centuries, some have taken this conviction as a mandate to abandon the departure from received orthodoxy, while others have progressed toward a rigid confessionalism that cements the Reformation itself as a final codification of truth. Between these extremes ...

  • Disability and the Church: A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion, By Lamar Hardwick

    Disability and the Church

    A Vision for Diversity and Inclusion

    by Lamar Hardwick
    Foreword by Bill Gaventa

    IVP Readers' Choice Award

    Lamar Hardwick was thirty-six years old when he found out he was on the autism spectrum. While this revelation helped him understand and process his own experience, it also prompted a difficult re-evaluation of who he was as a person. And as a pastor, it started him on a new path of considering the way disabled people are treated ...

  • Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered, By Rory Noland

    Transforming Worship

    Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered

    Transforming Resources

    by Rory Noland
    Foreword by Ruth Haley Barton

    Spiritual formation is the key to the survival of our faith.

    There is an urgent need today for church services that are substantive and purposeful. Stigmatized by scandal, the church in North America and throughout Europe has been branded as useless and irrelevant. To stem the tide of nominal Christianity, we need to get serious about making disciples who can make other disciples.

    Rory ...

  • The Glory of Preaching: Participating in God's Transformation of the World, By Darrell W. Johnson

    The Glory of Preaching

    Participating in God's Transformation of the World

    by Darrell W. Johnson

    In these pages you will find a vision of preaching that is both illuminating and inspiring. Drawing from biblical and theological resources as well as years in the pulpit, Darrell Johnson takes us far beyond the mere mechanics of delivering sermons. He dynamically unpacks the link between the human task of speaking to a congregation and the real, gracious action and presence of the living Christ ...

  • Men and Women in the Church: Building Consensus on Christian Leadership, By Sarah Sumner

    Men and Women in the Church

    Building Consensus on Christian Leadership

    by Sarah Sumner
    Foreword by Phillip E. Johnson

    Evangelicals stand divided in their view of women in the church. On one side stand complementarians, arguing the full worth of women but assigning them to differing roles. On the other side stand egalitarians, arguing that the full worth of women demands their equal treatment and access to leadership roles. Is there a way to mend the breach and build consensus? Sarah Sumner thinks there is. Avoiding ...

  • Redeeming Sex: Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality, By Debra Hirsch

    Redeeming Sex

    Naked Conversations About Sexuality and Spirituality

    Forge Partnership Books

    by Debra Hirsch
    Foreword by Gabe Lyons

    Missio Alliance Essential Reading List
    Readers' Choice Award Winner
    Seedbed's 10 Notable Books

    Nothing has exposed the gap between the church and the broader society quite like the cultural argument over sexuality. Relationships, identities, orientations and even seemingly straightforward concepts such as gender have cut battle lines between the church and the ...

  • The Mission of Worship, By Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    The Mission of Worship

    Urbana Onward

    by Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    Worship gives us a glimpse of the majesty and grandeur of God. But that's not all. It also paints a picture of God's purposes for the world. He is in the process of gathering together a multitude of worshipers from every language and nation. Urbana worship director Sandra Van Opstal shows that worship both takes people where they want to go and challenges them to go where they need to go. Worship ...

  • Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter, By Ben Witherington III

    Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians

    A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on 1-2 Peter

    Letters and Homilies Series

    by Ben Witherington III

    Letters and Homilies for Hellenized Christians, Volume 2 is the one of two volumes extending Ben Witherington's innovative socio-rhetorical analysis of New Testament books to the latter-Pauline and non-Pauline corpora. By dividing the volumes according to the socioreligious contexts for which they were written, Witherington sheds fresh light on the documents, their provenance, character ...

  • Strong and Weak Bible Study, By Andy Crouch

    Strong and Weak Bible Study

    IVP Signature Bible Studies

    by Andy Crouch
    With Jan Johnson

    Throughout the Bible, we see that God entrusts each of us with authority as his image bearers, even as we remain vulnerable to loss and pain. To truly flourish, Andy Crouch argues, we must follow the way of Jesus. He perfectly blended authority and vulnerability and used his power for the liberation of others.

    In these six easy-to-use studies written by spiritual formation ...

  • The Seamless Life: A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work, By Steven Garber

    The Seamless Life

    A Tapestry of Love and Learning, Worship and Work

    by Steven Garber

    We all want to make sense of life, of who we are and why we are, and to know that what we do—day in and day out—matters. But daily demands often lead to a life that feels void of meaning and disjointed from our deepest beliefs.

    Steven Garber challenges us to move beyond our fragmented sense of reality and begin to see all we are and all we do—our work, play, ...