Showing 351 - 360 of 870 results

  • Too Busy?: Saying No without Guilt, By Alice Fryling

    Too Busy?

    Saying No without Guilt

    IVP Booklets

    by Alice Fryling

    Are you too busy? Do you feel that you have to do it all--and do it now? If so, the only thing you really need to do is read this booklet! Inside these practical, wise and comforting pages, Alice Fryling introduces Jesus as a model for busy Christians. Jesus balanced his life, limited his commitments, stayed focused on his mission, and achieved his goals. You can do the same, and this booklet ...

  • Are All Religions One?, By Douglas Groothuis

    Are All Religions One?

    IVP Booklets

    by Douglas Groothuis

    As we look at the claims of many religions and their leaders, does it make sense that one of them, Christianity, has the right to claim the truth? Or are all religions the same at the core? In this concise and helpful booklet, Douglas Groothuis examines the basic doctrines of great world religions, including Islam and nondualistic Hinduism, and compares them to Christianity. He concludes that all ...

  • In her book "Nobody's Mother," New Testament scholar Sandra Glahn digs deep into evidence about the ancient Greek goddess Artemis of the Ephesians from both biblical and classical sources in order to bring into focus Paul's teaching in 1 Timothy. Read this interview to learn more about her thoughts on scholarship, mentoring, and the role of story in academic writing.