Showing 351 - 360 of 1316 results

  • Just Business: Christian Ethics for the Marketplace, By Alec Hill

    Just Business

    Christian Ethics for the Marketplace

    by Alec Hill

    When the daily business news breaks away from stories of profit and loss, it often shines a spotlight on ethical failures. But Christians aim to be ethical in all the areas of daily life and work—not just when the spotlight is on them. For those facing the many questions and quandaries of doing business with ethical integrity, Alec Hill offers a place to begin. In this third edition of a popular ...

  • Everyday Missions: How Ordinary People Can Change the World, By Leroy Barber

    Everyday Missions

    How Ordinary People Can Change the World

    by Leroy Barber
    Foreword by Chris Seay

    It's not every day that you get a visit from God. Burning bushes, ladders to heaven, chariots of fire and all that--we look for those stories in the Bible, and we look for them in our lives. When it comes to something as important as what we do with our lives, we think, maybe God owes us a big event. But, as Leroy Barber has learned through his work in inner cities and with young people, that's ...

  • Together in Prayer: Coming to God in Community, By Andrew R. Wheeler

    Together in Prayer

    Coming to God in Community

    by Andrew R. Wheeler

    "Lord, teach us to pray," every small group, from Jesus' to yours, has asked. Prayer is intimidating--what do you say to the God of the universe? How do you listen to Someone you can't see? Add other voices to the mix and prayer becomes downright scary--one more opportunity to feel like an idiot in front of your small group, or one more opportunity to highlight the differences between you. And yet ...

  • Between Heaven and Hell: A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley, By Peter Kreeft

    Between Heaven and Hell

    A Dialog Somewhere Beyond Death with John F. Kennedy, C. S. Lewis and Aldous Huxley

    The IVP Signature Collection

    by Peter Kreeft

    On November 22, 1963, three great men died within a few hours of each other: C. S. Lewis, John F. Kennedy and Aldous Huxley. All three believed, in different ways, that death is not the end of human life. Suppose they were right, and suppose they met after death. How might the conversation go?

    Peter Kreeft imagines their discussion as part of the great conversation that has ...

  • Sustainable Young Adult Ministry: Making It Work, Making It Last, By Mark DeVries and Scott Pontier

    Sustainable Young Adult Ministry

    Making It Work, Making It Last

    by Mark DeVries and Scott Pontier

    Young adult ministry scares us. Young adults seem like the elusive Holy Grail demographic in Christian ministry. We often treat them like another species, with an inscrutable culture all their own. To have a thriving ministry to young adults, we're told, we'll need to be up-to-date on all the latest trends. We'll need to change up our worship style. We'll need to make programs. ...

  • Christian Apologetics: A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, By Douglas Groothuis

    Christian Apologetics

    A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith

    by Douglas Groothuis

    Second Edition of a Landmark Apologetics Work

    People are hungry for hope.They want to understand our human condition—its origin, nature, purpose, and destiny. The Christian faith offers hope for individuals and the entire universe, grounded in absolute truth. But how can we know that Christianity is true? And how can Christians confidently present their beliefs in the face ...

  • A Parent's Guide to Harry Potter, By Gina Burkart

    A Parent's Guide to Harry Potter

    by Gina Burkart
    Foreword by Connie Neal

    Harry Potter has captivated the imagination of millions of children. And Harry Potter has caused controversy in churches and schools. What's a parent to do with the magical, mystical world of Harry and his friends? Gina Burkart chose to read the books with her own children. As they read together, she discovered many parallels between Christian faith and the themes of these books. Indeed, the escapades ...

  • Liturgical Mission: The Work of the People for the Life of the World, By Winfield Bevins

    Liturgical Mission

    The Work of the People for the Life of the World

    by Winfield Bevins
    Foreword by Justo L. González

    Modern missional movements have often viewed the historic Christian traditions with suspicion. The old traditions may be beautiful, the thinking goes, but they’re too insular, focused primarily on worship and on the interior life of the church, and not looking outward to evangelism and good works.

    In Liturgical Mission, Winfield Bevins argues that the church's liturgy ...

  • Parents of Missionaries: How to Thrive and Stay Connected When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-Culturally, By Cheryl Savageau and Diane Stortz

    Parents of Missionaries

    How to Thrive and Stay Connected When Your Children and Grandchildren Serve Cross-Culturally

    by Cheryl Savageau and Diane Stortz

    As a parent of a missionary you may feel that missing your child and your grandchildren signals a lack of faith. But proclaiming the gospel and making disciples was not meant to eclipse the loving family bonds God ordained. Whether you're the parent of a missionary recruit or a parent of an experienced missionary, you'll benefit from the authors' research and personal experience as they present ...

  • Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization, By Kent R. Wilson

    Steward Leadership in the Nonprofit Organization

    by Kent R. Wilson

    Most approaches to nonprofit organizational leadership are borrowed from the for-profit sector. But these models are often inadequate to address the issues nonprofit leaders face. We need a new framework for nonprofit management that is rooted in historical precedent and biblical principles yet is also appropriate for the nonprofit context. Nonprofit consultant and researcher Kent Wilson presents ...