Showing 361 - 370 of 2384 results

  • A Hymn of Christ: Philippians 2:5-11 in Recent Interpretation  in the Setting of Early Christian Worship, By Ralph P. Martin

    A Hymn of Christ

    Philippians 2:5-11 in Recent Interpretation in the Setting of Early Christian Worship

    by Ralph P. Martin

    Philippians 2:5-11, long cherished and mined for its riches, has shaped the very language and architecture of orthodox Christian confession of Christ. Whether in contemporary worship or devotional reading, all Christians have found this Pauline passage speaking with memorable and evocative power. Yet few scriptural texts have generated as much interpretive comment and controversy. Close inspection ...

  • Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission, By Andreas J. Köstenberger

    Salvation to the Ends of the Earth

    A Biblical Theology of Mission

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Andreas J. Köstenberger
    With T. Desmond Alexander
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Few biblical topics are as important as mission. Mission is linked inextricably to humanity's sinfulness and need for redemption and to God's provision of salvation in the person and work of Jesus Christ. This good news of salvation must be made known. The saving mission of Jesus constitutes the foundation for Christian mission, and the Christian gospel is its message.

    This ...

  • Scientific Mythologies: How Science and Science Fiction Forge New Religious Beliefs, By James A. Herrick

    Scientific Mythologies

    How Science and Science Fiction Forge New Religious Beliefs

    by James A. Herrick

    What does science have to do with science fiction? What does science fiction have to do with scientists? What does religion have to do with science and science fiction? In the spiritual vacuum of our post-Christian West, new mythologies continually arise. The sources of much religious speculation, however, may be surprising. Author James Herrick directs our attention to a wide range of scientists, ...

  • Romans, Edited by Gerald L. Bray


    Volume 6

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Christianity Today Book of the Year

    St. Paul's Letter to the Romans has long been considered the theological high-water mark of the New Testament. It was no less regarded by the ancient church, and patristic interpreters have left us an abundance of valuable comment on Romans.

    This Ancient Christian Commentary on Romans collects the best and most representative ...

  • Matthew, By Craig S. Keener


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Craig S. Keener

    Matthew was the most popular Gospel in the early church, widely read for its clear emphasis on Jesus' teaching. Drawing on its use as a teaching or discipleship manual, Craig Keener expounds Matthew as a discipleship manual for believers today. In his skilled hands, this first-century text becomes as relevant and contemporary as information downloaded from the Internet, while it challenges us with ...

  • Mark, By Ronald J. Kernaghan


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Ronald J. Kernaghan

    The Gospel of Mark is widely regarded today as the first Gospel to be written. Until recent decades, its fast-paced, seemingly straightforward presentation led most readers to overlook its subtle theological sophistication. Probing its depths, Ronald Kernaghan invites readers into a fascinating exploration of Mark's Gospel as a parable, an open-ended story that invites us on a lifelong journey ...

  • Luke, By Darrell L. Bock


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Darrell L. Bock

    In Luke's vivid narrative, Jesus comes into Galilee proclaiming "good news to the poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind." More than any other Gospel, the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus' great concern for the downtrodden, the oppressed and the marginalized--including women and children and even those outside the house of Israel. Darrell Bock shows why Luke's Gospel ...

  • John, By Rodney A. Whitacre


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Rodney A. Whitacre

    The Gospel of John declares its purpose clearly--"these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name." Thus it fulfills a dual function, encouraging believers and providing them with evidences for proclaiming that Jesus is God's Messiah, the divine, incarnate Son of God. Christians today, as in the first century, ...

  • Romans, By Grant R. Osborne


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Grant R. Osborne

    Few individual books of the Bible have changed the course of church history the way Paul's letter to the Romans has. Whether one thinks of Augustine's conversion in the fourth century, Luther's recovery of justification by faith in the sixteenth or Barth's challenge to recover theological exegesis of the Bible in the twentieth, Romans has been the catalyst to personal spiritual renewal and the ...

  • Ephesians, By Walter L. Liefeld


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Walter L. Liefeld

    "More than any other book of the Bible, Ephesians displays the great purpose and plan of God for the church," Walter Liefeld writes. "It provides a perspective that is unique: God's--and the believer's--view from the 'heavenly realms.'" For those who long to delve into the mind and purposes of God, few books are more helpful than Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Here the apostle paints in broad ...