Showing 3731 - 3740 of 3824 results

  • Stewards in the Kingdom: A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness, By R. Scott Rodin

    Stewards in the Kingdom

    A Theology of Life in All Its Fullness

    by R. Scott Rodin

    Too often we think stewardship concerns only the money we give to the church. But in the image of the steward, the Bible offers a perspective on our entire relationship with God. Here we have a full and fresh picture of being Jesus' disciples and living life in all its fullness. R. Scott Rodin unpacks what it means for us to be stewards in the kingdom of the triune God of grace. This theology of ...

  • Know Why You Believe, By Paul E. Little

    Know Why You Believe

    by Paul E. Little
    Revised by Marie Little

    Christianity Today Top Books

    "After 2,000 years, no question is going to bring Christianity crashing."

    Do science and Scripture conflict? Are miracles possible? Is Christian experience real? Why does God allow suffering and evil?

    These are just a few of the twelve most common intellectual challenges to faith that Paul E. Little encountered ...

    Number of Studies: 12

  • The Soul of Desire: Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community, By Curt Thompson

    The Soul of Desire

    Discovering the Neuroscience of Longing, Beauty, and Community

    by Curt Thompson
    Foreword by Makoto Fujimura

    A Spiritual and Neurobiological Redemption of Desire

    We are people of desire.

    In The Soul of Desire, psychiatrist Curt Thompson suggests that underneath all our longings is the desire to be known—and what's more, that this fundamental yearning manifests itself in our deep need to make things of beauty, revealing who we are to others. Desire and beauty go hand ...

  • When Thoughts and Prayers Aren't Enough: A Shooting Survivor's Journey into the Realities of Gun Violence, By Taylor S. Schumann

    When Thoughts and Prayers Aren't Enough

    A Shooting Survivor's Journey into the Realities of Gun Violence

    by Taylor S. Schumann

    Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Award Finalist

    ECPA Top Shelf Award Winner

    Taylor Schumann never thought she'd be a victim of gun violence. But one spring day a man with a shotgun walked into her workplace and opened fire on her. While she survived, she was left with permanent wounds, both visible and invisible.

    In When ...

  • The Image of God in an Image Driven Age: Explorations in Theological Anthropology, Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    The Image of God in an Image Driven Age

    Explorations in Theological Anthropology

    Wheaton Theology Conference Series

    Edited by Beth Felker Jones and Jeffrey W. Barbeau

    Whether on the printed page, the television screen or the digital app, we live in a world saturated with images. Some images help shape our understanding of ourselves and the world around us in positive ways, while others lead us astray and distort our relationships. Christians confess that human beings have been created in the image of God, yet we chose to rebel against that God and so became ...

  • The Armor of God, By Douglas Connelly

    The Armor of God

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    Every day, an unseen battle is going on around us in the spiritual realm. God has provided everything we need to stand firm and resist evil, but we are called to be actively aware of both the struggle and the resources available.

    In Ephesians 6 the apostle Paul gives us the clearest description anywhere in Scripture of believers' resources for the spiritual battle. He vividly ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • A0837

    In Search of Ancient Roots

    The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

    by Kenneth J. Stewart

    The Gospel Coalition Book Award; Jesus Creed Book of the Year in Church History

    Protestant evangelicalism is in crisis.

    As evangelicals increasingly lose contact with the churches and traditions descending from the Reformation, it becomes harder to explain why one should remain committed to the Reformation in the face of perceived Protestant deficits ...

  • God in the Modern Wing: Viewing Art with Eyes of Faith, Edited by Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen

    God in the Modern Wing

    Viewing Art with Eyes of Faith

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    Edited by Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen

    Should Christians even bother with the modern wing at the art museum? After all, modern art and artists are often caricatured as rabidly opposed to God, the church—indeed, to faith of any kind. But is that all there is to the story?

    In this Studies in Theology and the Arts volume, coeditors Cameron J. Anderson and G. Walter Hansen gather the reflections of artists, art historians, ...

  • An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich, By Veronica Mary Rolf

    An Explorer's Guide to Julian of Norwich

    Explorer's Guides

    by Veronica Mary Rolf

    IVP Readers' Choice Award
    Publishers Weekly Starred Review

    "All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well."

    Julian of Norwich's Revelations of Divine Love is truly an astounding work: an inspired example of Christian mysticism, a unique contribution to Christian theology, the first book in English known ...

  • A Subversive Gospel: Flannery O'Connor and the Reimagining of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth, By Michael Mears Bruner

    A Subversive Gospel

    Flannery O'Connor and the Reimagining of Beauty, Goodness, and Truth

    Studies in Theology and the Arts Series

    by Michael Mears Bruner

    Conference on Christianity and Literature (CCL) Book of the Year - Literary Criticism

    The good news of Jesus Christ is a subversive gospel, and following Jesus is a subversive act.

    These notions were embodied in the literary work of American author Flannery O'Connor, whose writing was deeply informed by both her Southern context and her Christian faith. ...