Showing 3761 - 3770 of 3824 results

  • The Historical Reliability of John's Gospel: Issues  Commentary, By Craig L. Blomberg

    The Historical Reliability of John's Gospel

    Issues Commentary

    by Craig L. Blomberg

    Throughout much of the twentieth century the Fourth Gospel took a back seat to the Synoptics when it came to historical reliability. Consequently, the contemporary quest of the historical Jesus discounted or excluded evidence from the Fourth Gospel. The question of the historical reliability of John's Gospel is well overdue for a thorough reinvestigation and reassessment. In this foundational study, ...

  • The Acts of the Apostles: A Newly Discovered Commentary, By J. B. Lightfoot

    The Acts of the Apostles

    A Newly Discovered Commentary

    The Lightfoot Legacy Set

    by J. B. Lightfoot
    Edited by Ben Witherington III and Todd D. Still
    Assisted by Jeanette M. Hagen

    Preaching's Survey of Bibles and Bible Reference

    Biblical Foundations Award Winner

    InterVarsity Press is proud to present The Lightfoot Legacy, a three-volume set of previously unpublished material from J. B. Lightfoot, one of the great biblical scholars of the modern era.

    In the spring of 2013, Ben Witherington III discovered hundreds ...

  • The Epistles of 2 Corinthians and 1 Peter: Newly Discovered Commentaries, By J. B. Lightfoot

    The Epistles of 2 Corinthians and 1 Peter

    Newly Discovered Commentaries

    The Lightfoot Legacy Set

    by J. B. Lightfoot
    Edited by Ben Witherington III and Todd D. Still
    Assisted by Jeanette M. Hagen

    InterVarsity Press is proud to present The Lightfoot Legacy, a three-volume set of previously unpublished material from J. B. Lightfoot, one of the great biblical scholars of the modern era. In the spring of 2013, Ben Witherington III discovered hundreds of pages of biblical commentary by Lightfoot in the Durham Cathedral Library. While incomplete, these commentaries represent a goldmine for historians ...

  • 1 Corinthians: An Introduction and Commentary, By Thomas R. Schreiner

    1 Corinthians

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Thomas R. Schreiner
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel
    Consulting Editor Nicholas Perrin

    The cosmopolitan city of Corinth was the site of one of the apostle Paul's greatest evangelistic successes. However, the church he founded was full of contention, ranging from questions about leadership to incest. Some Christians were taking fellow believers to court. There were issues concerning marriage, celibacy, food offered to idols, public worship, and spiritual gifts. In response, Paul offered ...

  • 1 Peter: An Introduction and Commentary, By Wayne A. Grudem

    1 Peter

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by Wayne A. Grudem
    Series edited by Eckhard J. Schnabel
    Consulting Editor Nicholas Perrin

    Peter's short letter to the "exiles of the dispersion" addresses many topics: holiness, the sufferings of Christ, God's sovereignty in salvation and life, the grace of God, the work of the Holy Spirit, the church as the new people of God, the reality of the unseen spiritual world, and trusting in God in the midst of daily circumstances. What ties all these concepts together, Wayne ...

  • Galatians: Paul's Charter of Christian Freedom, By Leon L. Morris


    Paul's Charter of Christian Freedom

    by Leon L. Morris

    Among the letters of Paul, Galatians burns like a firestorm of apostolic rebuke, persuasion and passion for the truth of the gospel. Against those who would preach "another gospel," Paul deploys an arsenal of biblical-theological reasoning and a rhetoric of vivid, contrasting images that have seldom failed to arrest readers of every era. Freedom in Christ is set against bondage to the law, adopted ...

  • All Will Be Well: Learning to Trust God's Love, By Lacy Finn Borgo

    All Will Be Well

    Learning to Trust God's Love

    by Lacy Finn Borgo
    Illustrated by Rebecca Evans

    "Then when you don't see me anymore, I will be where God is," said Mima, "because God loves you and God loves me, 'All will be well, all will be well, everything will be well.'"

    Mima is very sick, and just thinking about it makes Julian very sad and very angry. Julian is worried about Mima and wonders if God can hear her or if God cares. So Mima explains to Julian ...

  • New Testament Theology and Ethics, By Ben Witherington III

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    New Testament Theology and Ethics

    by Ben Witherington III

    All too often, argues Ben Witherington, the theology of the New Testament has been divorced from its ethics, leaving as isolated abstractions what are fully integrated, dynamic elements within the New Testament itself. As Witherington stresses, "behavior affects and reinforces or undoes belief." Previously published as The Indelible Image, Volume 1, Witherington offers the first of a two-volume ...

  • Old Testament Ethics for the People of God, By Christopher J. H. Wright

    Old Testament Ethics for the People of God

    by Christopher J. H. Wright

    Nothing confuses Christian ethics quite like the Old Testament. Some faithful readers struggle through its pages and conclude that they must obey its moral laws but may disregard its ceremonial and civil laws. Others abandon its teaching altogether in favor of a strictly New Testament ethic. Neither option, argues Chris Wright, gives the Old Testament its due. In this innovative approach to Old ...

  • Marriage and Family in the Biblical World, Edited by Ken M. Campbell

    Marriage and Family in the Biblical World

    Edited by Ken M. Campbell

    Current debates about marriage and the family assume much about the history of these institutions. But what do we really know about the social and ethical arrangements of these institutions, especially during biblical times? Placing the history of marriage and family in context requires not only a study of biblical literature that traverses several millennia but also a grasp of extrabiblical ...