Showing 3771 - 3780 of 3945 results

  • Mark: The Gospel of Passion, By Michael Card

    Mark: The Gospel of Passion

    The Biblical Imagination Series

    by Michael Card

    "Follow Me," Jesus told them, "and I will make you into fishers of men!" Immediately they left their nets and followed Him. --Mark 1:17-18 The Gospel of Mark is a book of action and passion. Events happen one after another, with a vivid sense of immediacy and urgency. Jesus? emotions come through strongly--at times he is angry and distressed, other times filled with compassion. In this volume, ...

  • Luke, By Darrell L. Bock


    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by Darrell L. Bock

    In Luke's vivid narrative, Jesus comes into Galilee proclaiming "good news to the poor . . . freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind." More than any other Gospel, the Gospel of Luke shows Jesus' great concern for the downtrodden, the oppressed and the marginalized--including women and children and even those outside the house of Israel. Darrell Bock shows why Luke's Gospel ...

  • 1 Peter, By I. Howard Marshall

    1 Peter

    The IVP New Testament Commentary Series

    by I. Howard Marshall

    • A Christianity Today Critics' Choice Award winner

    As a young church in a hostile environment, Peter's first readers found in his letter encouragement, not just for facing suffering, but for living responsibly in the world as faithful disciples of Jesus Christ. Christians today will also find in Peter's letter a wealth of practical counsel on how to conduct ...

  • Exploring the Old Testament: A Guide to the Psalms and Wisdom Literature, By Ernest C. Lucas

    Exploring the Old Testament

    A Guide to the Psalms and Wisdom Literature

    Exploring the Bible Series

    by Ernest C. Lucas

    Israel's poets and sages left a scriptural legacy that has powerfully shaped the worship, thoughts and actions of the people of God. In the highs and lows and crossroads of life, we instinctively turn to their poetry, proverbs and discourses for the language we do not possess and the wisdom we desperately seek. Yet there is more to this literature than meets the eye--or fills the momentary need. ...

  • The Cross, By John Stott

    The Cross

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by John Stott
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    Christian faith is centered in the cross. And the Christian life is likewise rooted in the cross. The studies in this guide, based on John Stott's book The Cross of Christ, are designed to bring us to the heart of the cross with an understanding of what was accomplished there on our behalf. We begin with an individual perspective but move on from there into a deeper understanding of what ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • Bored with God: How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy, By Sean Dunn

    Bored with God

    How Parents, Youth Leaders and Teachers Can Overcome Student Apathy

    by Sean Dunn

    You know that part of the Old Testament where the priest finds a suspicious sore on your arm and shaves a ring around it? A week later the priest takes another look to see if the skin has gotten better or if the sore has spread. If it's spreading, the priest knows you've got a big problem on your hands. Like most diseases, apathy surfaces in observable symptoms that are frustrating to its victims ...

  • Faith That Lasts: A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief, By Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister

    Faith That Lasts

    A Father and Son on Cultivating Lifelong Belief

    by Cameron McAllister and Stuart McAllister
    Foreword by Chris Brooks

    "Please fix my kid." In their work as Christian apologists, father and son Stuart and Cameron McAllister have heard many variations on this theme from concerned parents. It's a sentiment lots of Christian parents can relate to—a deep and fearful sense of their own inadequacy to raise their children in the faith amid a seductive culture that's often hostile to Christianity. In ...

  • The Learning Cycle: Insights for Faithful Teaching from Neuroscience and the Social Sciences, By Muriel I. Elmer and Duane H. Elmer

    The Learning Cycle

    Insights for Faithful Teaching from Neuroscience and the Social Sciences

    by Muriel I. Elmer and Duane H. Elmer

    How teachers teach is not necessarily how learners learn. Educators focus on content delivery, but much of the learning process involves affective and behavioral factors.

    Veteran educators Muriel and Duane Elmer provide a holistic model for how learning takes place. Their learning cycle moves beyond mere recall of information to helping learners value and apply learning in ...

  • Ecologies of Faith in a Digital Age: Spiritual Growth Through Online Education, By Stephen D. Lowe and Mary E. Lowe

    Ecologies of Faith in a Digital Age

    Spiritual Growth Through Online Education

    by Stephen D. Lowe and Mary E. Lowe

    Technological innovation has changed nearly everything about human life, including how we teach and learn. Many Christian professors and institutions have embraced new technologies, especially online education. But as followers of Jesus Christ, we face the same call to grow in our faith. So how should we think about and approach Christian education in light of new technologies? ...

  • Restoring the Soul of the University: Unifying Christian Higher Education in a Fragmented Age, By Perry L. Glanzer and Nathan F. Alleman and Todd C. Ream

    Restoring the Soul of the University

    Unifying Christian Higher Education in a Fragmented Age

    by Perry L. Glanzer, Nathan F. Alleman, and Todd C. Ream

    • Christianity Today's 2018 Book of the Year Award of Merit - Politics/Public Life

    Has the American university gained the whole world but lost its soul? In terms of money, prestige, power, and freedom, American universities appear to have gained the academic world. But at what cost? We live in the age of the fragmented multiversity that ...