Showing 371 - 380 of 1316 results

  • Dawn: A Proton's Tale of All That Came to Be, By Cees Dekker and Corien Oranje and Gijsbert van den Brink


    A Proton's Tale of All That Came to Be

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Cees Dekker, Corien Oranje, and Gijsbert van den Brink
    Translated by Harry Cook
    Afterword by Deborah Haarsma

    This is an adventure that began almost fourteen billion years ago, one that so often threatened to fail. It's truly a miracle I'm still here. Despite everything, I wouldn't have wanted to miss one second of it. And the best is yet to come.

    With the help of an extraordinary narrator, you're invited to discover the wonder and drama of the history of the cosmos. In this ...

  • In Defense of Miracles: A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History, Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    In Defense of Miracles

    A Comprehensive Case for God's Action in History

    Edited by R. Douglas Geivett and Gary R. Habermas

    Rumors of deception have surrounded claims of Jesus' resurrection ever since the soldiers appointed to guard his tomb made their report to the Jewish authorities. But no one has led the philosophic charge against miracles quite as influentially as David Hume with his 1748 essay "Of Miracles." Refined, revised, restated, his arguments still affect philosophic discussions of miracles today.

    During ...

  • Knowing Grace: Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness, By Joanne J. Jung

    Knowing Grace

    Cultivating a Lifestyle of Godliness

    by Joanne J. Jung

    Why is it that our spiritual disciplines feel so dutiful and routine most of the time? We are called to delight in Him, to draw near and enjoy Him and yet that seems far from most of our realities. There are many fine written works describing the need, purpose, and methods of spiritual disciplines. Knowing Grace complements these by fostering and deepening the reader's engagement with ...

  • The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era: Exploring the Background of Early Christianity, By James S. Jeffers

    The Greco-Roman World of the New Testament Era

    Exploring the Background of Early Christianity

    by James S. Jeffers

    What was life like for first-century Christians?

    Imagine a modest-sized Roman home of a well-to-do Christian household wedged into a thickly settled quarter of Corinth. In the lingering light of a summer evening, men, women and children, merchants, working poor and slaves, a mix of races and backgrounds have assembled in the dimly lit main room are are spilling into the central courtyard. ...

  • Spiritual Warfare in Mission, By Mary  Anne Voelkel and Jack Voelkel

    Spiritual Warfare in Mission

    Urbana Onward

    by Mary Anne Voelkel and Jack Voelkel

    Make no mistake—spiritual warfare is real. As you make your way into intentional mission and ministry, you may find yourself facing various kinds of opposition and resistance. You may experience great discouragement or doubt. Temptations may threaten to derail you. And you may even encounter active attack from spiritual forces of evil. But fear not. Veteran missionaries Jack and Mary Anne Voelkel ...

  • Field Guide to Harry Potter, By Colin Duriez

    Field Guide to Harry Potter

    by Colin Duriez

    Everything you need to know about Harry Potter! From plot summaries to refresh your memory (Do you remember which book introduces the character of Luna Lovegood?) to a delightful glossary of characters, places, spells and special objects (Do you know what the spell aparecium does?), this book, authored by Colin Duriez, is designed to be an excellent companion to the Harry Potter books. ...

  • A Theology of Word and Spirit: Authority  Method in Theology, By Donald G. Bloesch

    A Theology of Word and Spirit

    Authority Method in Theology

    Christian Foundations

    by Donald G. Bloesch

    Recipient of a Christianity Today Critics Choice Award

    In the inaugural volume of his seven-volume systematic theology, Christian Foundations, Donald Bloesch surveys his method. His approach is conversant with up-to-the-minute theological concerns but also vitally grounded in the Reformation emphasis on biblical revelation illumined by the Holy Spirit.

    In A ...

  • Innovation in Mission: Insights into Practical Innovations Creating Kingdom Impact, Edited by James W. Reapsome and Jon Hirst

    Innovation in Mission

    Insights into Practical Innovations Creating Kingdom Impact

    Edited by James W. Reapsome and Jon Hirst

    As the world around us is changing, our methods also need to adapt in order to fulfill the unchanging vision of reaching the lost. Innovations in Missions provides outstanding opportunities to solve the great challenges of ministry in this new Century. This book is not an all-or-nothing approach to being innovative in ministry. It offers what has worked in other areas and lets the reader ...

  • The Cost of Commitment, By John White

    The Cost of Commitment

    IVP Classics

    by John White
    Foreword by Don Everts

    "The way of the cross is a magnificent obsession with a heavenly pearl, beside which everything else in life has no value." Following Christ, says John White, is not cheap. The cost is substantial. There will be suffering and loss. But the benefits, rewards and joys that come with our commitment to him are well worth the sacrifices that must be made to answer the call to Christ. Consider the ...