Showing 381 - 390 of 2862 results

  • Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures: Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials, By Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Ministering in Honor-Shame Cultures

    Biblical Foundations and Practical Essentials

    by Jayson Georges and Mark D. Baker

    Many a Westerner has had a cross-cultural experience of honor and shame. First there are those stuttering moments in the new social landscape. Then after missed cues and social bruises comes the revelation that this culture—indeed much of the world—runs on an honor-shame operating system. When Western individualism and its introspective conscience fails to engage cultural gears, how can we shift ...

  • Missional God, Missional Church: Hope for Re-evangelizing the West, By Ross Hastings

    Missional God, Missional Church

    Hope for Re-evangelizing the West

    by Ross Hastings

    "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you" (John 20:21). With the reality of broad-scale secularization in the West and the attendant cloud of insignificance hanging over the church, is there any hope for the re-evangelization of the West? In this comprehensive theology of mission, Ross Hastings directs the fretful gaze of the church to the trinitarian commission of John 20. There we find ...

  • Hear Ye the Word of the Lord: What We Miss If We Only Read the Bible, By D. Brent Sandy

    Hear Ye the Word of the Lord

    What We Miss If We Only Read the Bible

    by D. Brent Sandy
    Foreword by John H. Walton

    Long before the words of the Bible were written, God's communication through the spoken word rang out loud and clear. Jesus in particular commissioned representatives to speak on his behalf even during the time of his earthly ministry. And yet today we are a reading culture. It is easy for modern Christians to take for granted that the Bible was handed down in written form, ...

  • Strength in Weakness: Healing Sexual and Relational Brokenness, By Andrew Comiskey

    Strength in Weakness

    Healing Sexual and Relational Brokenness

    by Andrew Comiskey

    Help and hope for men . . .

    • undermined by silent fathers
    • harassed by pornography and sexual temptation
    • afraid of failing those they love most
    • angered by past relationships with women

    Help and hope for women . . .

    • lost in their relationships with others
    • betrayed by fathers, husbands or male leaders
    • wounded by sexual assault
    • paralyzed ...
  • Singleness: A Life Grounded in Love, By Ruth Goring


    A Life Grounded in Love

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Ruth Goring

    Is being single a great adventure? Or is being single lonely and frustrating? What is God's "word" for your life in singleness? In this ten session LifeGuide® Bible Study, Ruth Goring leads you to explore these questions. You will learn to listen deeply to God, identify the gifts your life offers, cope effectively with temptation, make space for relationships, and grow into a sense ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Becoming the Church: God's People in Purpose and Power, By Claude R. Alexander

    Becoming the Church

    God's People in Purpose and Power

    by Claude R. Alexander

    Many today have given up on church. But God has not and does not give up on the church. The church is God's idea. And once we truly understand what God has in mind for his people, we can become who he wants us to be.

    Bishop Claude Alexander shows how the original Christians did not always understand what the church was supposed to be, but God worked in them anyway to become ...

  • Consider Your Calling: Six Questions for Discerning Your Vocation, By Gordon T. Smith

    Consider Your Calling

    Six Questions for Discerning Your Vocation

    by Gordon T. Smith

    What on earth is God doing? Who are you? What is your stage of life? What are your life circumstances? What is the cross you will have to bear? What are you afraid of? We ask these six critical questions—and then we ask them again—at points of transition in our lives. They all lead us to the one core question: What is the good work to which I am called? Gordon T. Smith, author of Courage ...

  • Discipleship Essentials: A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ, By Greg Ogden

    Discipleship Essentials

    A Guide to Building Your Life in Christ

    The Essentials Set

    by Greg Ogden

    The Essential Workbook for Spiritual Growth

    We grow in Christ as we seek him together. Jesus' own pattern of disciple-making was to be intimately involved with others and allow life to rub against life. By gathering in twos or threes to study the Bible and encourage one another, we most closely follow Jesus' example with the twelve disciples.

    This workbook by Greg Ogden ...

    Number of Studies: 25