Showing 381 - 390 of 901 results

  • The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea: Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology, By Mark R. Fairchild

    The Underwater Basilica of Nicaea

    Archaeology in the Birthplace of Christian Theology

    by Mark R. Fairchild

    A Firsthand Look at a Groundbreaking Archaeological Discovery

    In 2014, aerial photography revealed a submerged structure beneath the waters of Lake Iznik, near the ancient city of Nicaea. The structure appeared to be in the shape of an ancient basilica church, with a nave, aisles, and an apse pointing to the east. The discovery was named one of the top ten archaeological discoveries ...

  • Love One Another: Becoming the Church Jesus Longs For, By Gerald L. Sittser

    Love One Another

    Becoming the Church Jesus Longs For

    by Gerald L. Sittser

    Love one another. It's one of the greatest, simplest and most difficult commands Jesus gave. And when it comes to the church, sometimes it seems impossible. How can we achieve unity within the diversity of the body of Christ? Gerald Sittser examines the "one another" statements throughout the New Testament to distill much-needed biblical wisdom for loving each other even in the midst of controversies ...

  • Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual Formation, By M. Robert Mulholland Jr.

    Invitation to a Journey

    A Road Map for Spiritual Formation

    Transforming Resources

    by M. Robert Mulholland Jr.
    Introduction & Study Guide by Ruth Haley Barton

    M. Robert Mulholland Jr. defines spiritual formation as "the process of being formed in the image of Christ for the sake of others." Compact and solid, this definition encompasses the dynamics of a vital Christian life and counters our culture's tendency to make spirituality a trivial matter or reduce it to a private affair between "me and Jesus."

    In Invitation to a Journey, Mulholland ...

  • The Jesus Prayer: A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal, By John Michael Talbot

    The Jesus Prayer

    A Cry for Mercy, a Path of Renewal

    by John Michael Talbot

    "Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner."

    These words from the Eastern Christian tradition have strengthened and comforted believers for centuries. In these pages, John Michael Talbot explores the roots of this Jesus Prayer along with the theological and practical meaning of each word for believers today. He ends each chapter with a brief practice using the prayer. ...

  • Inexpressible: Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness, By Michael Card


    Hesed and the Mystery of God's Lovingkindness

    by Michael Card

    God's identity is beyond what we could ever fully express in human words. But Scripture uses one particular word to describe the distinctiveness of God's character: the Hebrew word hesed. Hesed is a concept so rich in meaning that it doesn't translate well into any single English word or phrase. Michael Card unpacks the many dimensions of hesed, often expressed as lovingkindness, ...

  • The Chosen People: Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism, By A. Chadwick Thornhill

    The Chosen People

    Election, Paul and Second Temple Judaism

    by A. Chadwick Thornhill

    One of the central touchstones of Second Temple Judaism is election. The Jews considered themselves a people set apart for God?s special purpose. So it is not surprising that this concept plays such an important role in Pauline theology. In this careful and provocative study, Chad Thornhill considers how Second Temple understandings of election influenced key Pauline texts. Thornhill seeks to establish ...

  • Family Ministry: A Comprehensive Guide, By Diana R. Garland

    Family Ministry

    A Comprehensive Guide

    by Diana R. Garland

    North American families are in crisis, and the need for family ministry is more evident than ever. In her many years of ministry, research and teaching, author Diana Garland has found that the strength of Christian families is rooted in their faith and nurtured in their congregations. Garland believes that Christian families gain strength in part because of their communities of faith. Twelve years ...

  • Introverts in the Church: Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture, By Adam S. McHugh

    Introverts in the Church

    Finding Our Place in an Extroverted Culture

    by Adam S. McHugh
    Foreword by Scot McKnight

    Introverts have gifts for the church and the world. But many churches tend to be extroverted places where introverts are marginalized. Some Christians end up feeling like it's not as faithful to be an introvert. Adam McHugh shows how introverts can live and minister in ways consistent with their personalities. He explains how introverts and extroverts process information and approach relationships ...

  • Sent to Flourish: A Guide to Planting and Multiplying Churches, Edited by Len Tang and Charles E. Cotherman

    Sent to Flourish

    A Guide to Planting and Multiplying Churches

    Edited by Len Tang and Charles E. Cotherman

    Church planting is hard work. Planters face a thousand pressures related to leadership, finances, identity, and more. Quick fixes don't produce sustainability. How can church planters and their congregations flourish for the long haul?

    Sent to Flourish is a unique guide to accompany current and prospective church planters as they respond to this essential but sometimes ...