Showing 31 - 40 of 307 results

  • Race and Place: How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation, By David P. Leong

    Race and Place

    How Urban Geography Shapes the Journey to Reconciliation

    by David P. Leong
    Foreword by Soong-Chan Rah

    Geography matters. We long for diverse, thriving neighborhoods and churches, yet racial injustices persist. Why? Because geographic structures and systems create barriers to reconciliation and prevent the flourishing of our communities. Race and Place reveals the profound ways in which these geographic forces and structures sustain the divisions among us. Urban missiologist ...

  • Institutional Intelligence: How to Build an Effective Organization, By Gordon T. Smith

    Institutional Intelligence

    How to Build an Effective Organization

    by Gordon T. Smith

    Institutions matter. But we often view them somewhat cynically, perhaps as a necessary evil.

    In truth, institutions remain essential to human flourishing. They are the very means by which communities thrive, individual vocations are fulfilled, and society is changed for the good. We all must learn the wisdom of working effectively within institutions—what Gordon Smith calls ...

  • Modern Technology and the Human Future: A Christian Appraisal, By Craig M. Gay

    Modern Technology and the Human Future

    A Christian Appraisal

    by Craig M. Gay

    Technology is not neutral. From the plow to the printing press, technology has always shaped human life and informed our understanding of what it means to be human. And advances in modern technology, from computers to smartphones, have yielded tremendous benefits. But do these developments actually encourage human flourishing? Craig Gay raises concerns about the theological implications ...

  • Christ-Centered Biblical Theology: Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles, By Graeme Goldsworthy

    Christ-Centered Biblical Theology

    Hermeneutical Foundations and Principles

    by Graeme Goldsworthy

    Preaching Survey of the Year's Best Books for Preachers

    The appeal of biblical theology is that it provides a "big picture" that makes sense of the diversity of biblical literature. Through the lens of biblical theology the Bible ceases to be a mass of unconnected texts, but takes shape as a unified metanarrative connecting the story of Israel with that of Jesus. ...