Showing 391 - 400 of 1065 results

  • Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel, By J. Mack Stiles

    Marks of the Messenger

    Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel

    by J. Mack Stiles
    Foreword by Mark Dever

    Many think evangelism is rooted in a method. It is rooted in something much deeper. It is found in what makes us whole and healthy messengers of God's truth about Jesus. Mack Stiles has lived the life of the healthy evangelist in homes and coffee shops, at universities and farms. He has lived out and spoken about the gospel to Kenyans, Koreans, Arabs and North Americans. What he has learned around ...

  • Wanting to Be Her: Body Image Secrets Victoria Won't Tell You, By Michelle Graham

    Wanting to Be Her

    Body Image Secrets Victoria Won't Tell You

    by Michelle Graham

    How do you feel when you look at a magazine cover? Do you ever look at the models and wish you looked like them? Most women have had that experience. When you go to the health club, you notice how buff the woman to the left is and how skinny the woman to the right is. And when you go out, you see the guys flocking to talk with certain women and wonder if your looks stack up to theirs. When ...

  • Discovering Lectio Divina: Bringing Scripture into Ordinary Life, By James C. Wilhoit and Evan B. Howard

    Discovering Lectio Divina

    Bringing Scripture into Ordinary Life

    by James C. Wilhoit and Evan B. Howard

    Saints of the past can't seem to say enough about their ecstatic experiences with the words of Scripture. The writer of Psalm 19, for example, can hardly contain himself as he exclaims that God's words and ways have revived his soul, made him wise, brought joy to his heart, given him clarity and correct perspective on his life, and warned him of danger. Why should our experiences of the Bible today ...