Showing 401 - 410 of 2656 results

  • The Offensive Church: Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity, By Bryan C. Loritts

    The Offensive Church

    Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity

    by Bryan C. Loritts

    Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity.

    Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied ...

  • Disarming Leviathan: Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor, By Caleb E. Campbell

    Disarming Leviathan

    Loving Your Christian Nationalist Neighbor

    by Caleb E. Campbell

    Ministering to Christian Nationalists

    Pastor Caleb Campbell has watched as Christian nationalism has taken over large swaths of the United States. And he's suffered the relational fallout of standing against it, both in his community and his church. While it's possible to be both a Christian and hold Christian nationalist ideas, Christian nationalism itself is an un-Christian ...

  • Who Gets to Narrate the World?: Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals, By Robert E. Webber Who Gets to Narrate the World?: Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals, By Robert E. Webber

    Who Gets to Narrate the World?

    Contending for the Christian Story in an Age of Rivals

    by Robert E. Webber

    Who gets to narrate the world? The late Robert Webber believed this question to be the most pressing issue of our time. Christianity in America, he preached, will not survive if Christians are not rooted in and informed by the uniquely Christian story that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is the burden of Webber's final book, Who Gets to Narrate the World?: Contending for the Christian ...

  • Dominion and Dynasty: A Theology of the Hebrew Bible, By Stephen G. Dempster

    Dominion and Dynasty

    A Theology of the Hebrew Bible

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Stephen G. Dempster
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Christian theologians rarely study the Old Testament in its final Hebrew canonical form, even though this was very likely the Bible used by Jesus and the early church. However, once read as a whole, the larger structure of the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) provides a "wide-angle lens" through which its contents can be viewed. In this stimulating New Studies in Biblical Theology volume, Stephen ...

  • AD 33: The Year that Changed the World, By Colin Duriez

    AD 33

    The Year that Changed the World

    by Colin Duriez

    How did Jesus shape history? In A.D. 33 an obscure religious teacher died a criminal's death in a distant outpost of the Roman Empire. Yet this was an event with world-changing consequences. What was the world like in that momentous year? Colin Duriez's compelling book brings to life events in the Roman Empire and beyond. As we look back on that remarkable year, we can see from the perspective ...

  • Matthew: Being Discipled by Jesus, By Stephen D. Eyre and Jacalyn Eyre


    Being Discipled by Jesus

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Stephen D. Eyre and Jacalyn Eyre

    What would it be like to be discipled by Jesus himself? What would he teach you about relationships, priorities, wealth and his coming kingdom? What would you learn from his actions? Matthew's Gospel brings you face to face with Jesus as he calls, teaches and prepares his disciples. As you work through these twenty-two session LifeGuide® Bible Study on Matthew, you can become one of those ...

    Number of Studies: 22

  • What Your Body Knows About God: How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive, By Rob Moll

    What Your Body Knows About God

    How We Are Designed to Connect, Serve and Thrive

    by Rob Moll
    Foreword by Michael Card

    Have you ever had an experience where you felt particularly aware of God? If God is real, and we are created in God's image, then it makes sense that our minds and bodies would be designed with the perceptive ability to sense and experience God. Scientists are now discovering ways that our bodies are designed to connect with God. Brain research shows that our brain systems are wired to enable ...

  • InterVarsity Press will publish Dallas Willard's final thoughts on heaven, the kingdom of God, discipleship and spiritual transformation. The book, Living in Christ’s Presence: Final Words on Heaven and the Kingdom of God, was born out of talks that Willard gave with John Ortberg at the Knowing Christ Today conference sponsored by the Dallas Willard Center for Spiritual Formation in February 2013.