Showing 411 - 420 of 2902 results

  • Lead Like It Matters to God by Richard Stearns, president emeritus of World Vision US, has been named the Christian Leadership Alliance (CLA) 2021 Outcomes Conference Book of the Year. Stearns will speak about his new book and the theme of thriving as Christian leaders at the Outcomes Conference June 15-17 in Orlando, Florida.

  • As Christians, our work and faith are integrated seamlessly in our lives. What if we all found a way to see our vocation as way of advancing God's work? In this conversation, IVP authors Barry Rowan, Gayle Beebe, Jeff Haanen, Joanna Meyer, Ross Chapman, and Ryan Tafilowski share their insights about bringing faith and work together for the glory of God.

  • Just Spirituality: How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action, By Mae Elise Cannon

    Just Spirituality

    How Faith Practices Fuel Social Action

    by Mae Elise Cannon

    Throughout history, Christians have been called by God to active engagement in society on behalf of the poor and oppressed. Christian leaders have been instrumental in caring for people who are poor, fighting injustice and advocating for social change. But they have never done so on their own power. Their energy and zeal were fueled by inner spiritual practices that propelled them forward into the ...

  • An Extra Mile: A Story of Embracing God's Call, By Sharon Garlough Brown

    An Extra Mile

    A Story of Embracing God's Call

    Sensible Shoes Series

    by Sharon Garlough Brown

    Christianity Today Book of the Year Award

    The women of Sensible Shoes are navigating both deep joy and devastating loss. Can they find equilibrium in the midst of all that has changed?

    Mara: While faced with the turmoil of divorce and chaos at home, she is also listening for a call to serve others with courage and creativity.

    Hannah: ...

  • Get the Word Out: How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses, By John Teter

    Get the Word Out

    How God Shapes and Sends His Witnesses

    by John Teter
    Foreword by J. Robert Clinton

    Do you love to talk to others about Jesus? Do you want to share your faith but wonder if the right words will come? Do you think of evangelism as a spiritual gift for extroverts--not you? Whether you love evangelism or fear it, this book is for you. John Teter offers stories from his experiences leading seeker Bible studies and witnessing to people around him that will motivate and astound. ...

  • 3800
    product set

    The Biblical Imagination Series

    by Michael Card

    For years Michael Card's music has imaginatively explored the narrative power of the Word of God. In the Biblical Imagination Series, Card invites you to read his devotional commentary of the gospels.

    In Matthew: The Gospel of Identity, Card leads us to see the unique purpose of Matthew's Gospel both in the lives of the early Christians and for us today. Matthew presents the process ...

  • 3589
    product set

    Transforming Resources

    In partnership with the Transforming Center, these Transforming Resources® are tools to guide leaders and their communities in experiencing spiritual transformation. Led by Ruth Haley Barton, the Transforming Center has been strengthening the souls of pastors, Christian leaders, and the congregations and organizations ...

  • Missional Spirituality: Embodying God's Love from the Inside Out, By Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson

    Missional Spirituality

    Embodying God's Love from the Inside Out

    by Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch

    If all of the earth is God's domain, why are Christians so terribly provincial? We rarely leave our church buildings, and our spirituality rarely takes us beyond ourselves. Veteran church leaders Roger Helland and Leonard Hjalmarson observe that Jesus begins his mission in the temple, where he wows the religious elite and chides his parents by saying, "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's ...

  • The Essential Question: How You Can Make a Difference for God, By Whitney T. Kuniholm

    The Essential Question

    How You Can Make a Difference for God

    by Whitney T. Kuniholm

    "I don't want to look back someday and realize I wasted my time. I want my life to count for something important." "This world is a very needy place. If my Christian faith means anything at all, I've got to figure out what I can do about it." Have you ever asked yourself, What difference am I making with my life? On some level, we all struggle to find our own answer to that fundamental ...

    Number of Studies: 10