Showing 411 - 420 of 3247 results

  • Job, Edited by Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti


    Volume 6

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Manlio Simonetti and Marco Conti
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The book of Job presents its readers with a profound drama concerning innocent suffering. Such honest, forthright wrestling with the problem of evil and the silence of God has intrigued a wide gamut of readers both religious and nonreligious.

    Surprisingly, the earliest church fathers showed little interest in the book of Job. Not until Origen in the early third century is ...

  • Hebrews, Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey


    Volume 10

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Erik M. Heen and Philip D. W. Krey
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Distinctive in form, content, and style, the epistle to the Hebrews offers a profound high Christology and makes an awe-inspiring contribution to our understanding of Jesus as our High Priest. The earliest extant commentary on the letter comes to us in thirty-four homilies from John Chrysostom. These homilies serve to anchor the excerpts chosen by the editors of this volume because ...

  • Atonement: The Person and Work of Christ, By Thomas F. Torrance


    The Person and Work of Christ

    by Thomas F. Torrance
    Edited by Robert T. Walker

    This companion volume to T. F. Torrance's Incarnation: The Person and Life of Christ presents the material on the work of Christ, centered in the atonement, given originally in his lectures delivered to his students in Christian Dogmatics on Christology at New College, Edinburgh, from 1952-1978. Like the first volume, the original lecture material has been expertly edited by Robert Walker, ...

  • John 11-21: Volume 4B, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    John 11-21

    Volume 4B

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Gospel of John was beloved by the early church, much as it is today, for its spiritual insight and clear declaration of Jesus' divinity. Clement of Alexandria indeed declared it the "spiritual Gospel." Early disputers with heretics such as Cerinthus and the Ebionites drew upon the Gospel of John to refute their heretical notions and uphold the full deity of Christ. This Gospel more than any ...

  • James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude, Edited by Gerald L. Bray

    James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude

    Volume 11

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Gerald L. Bray
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Christianity Today Award of Merit winner

    Because the Catholic Epistles focus on orthodox faith and morals, the Fathers drew on them as a means of defense against the rising challenge of heretics. Many of the Fathers saw in these letters anticipatory attacks on Marcion and strong defenses against the Arians. They did so quite naturally because in their ...

  • Psalms 51-150, Edited by Quentin F. Wesselschmidt

    Psalms 51-150

    Volume 8

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Quentin F. Wesselschmidt
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    The Psalms have long served a vital role in the individual and corporate lives of Christians, expressing the full range of human emotions, including some that we are ashamed to admit. The Psalms reverberate with joy, groan in pain, whimper with sadness, grumble in disappointment, and rage with anger.

    The church fathers employed the Psalms widely. In liturgy they used them ...

  • Evangelical Theologies of Liberation and Justice, Edited by Mae Elise Cannon and Andrea Smith

    Evangelical Theologies of Liberation and Justice

    Edited by Mae Elise Cannon and Andrea Smith

    For many evangelicals, liberation theology seems a distant notion. Some might think it is antithetical to evangelicalism, while others simply may be unfamiliar with the role evangelicals have played in the development of liberation theologies and their profound effect on Latin American, African American, and other global subaltern Christian communities.

    Despite the current ...

  • Dynamics of Muslim Worlds: Regional, Theological, and Missiological Perspectives, Edited byEvelyne A. Reisacher

    Dynamics of Muslim Worlds

    Regional, Theological, and Missiological Perspectives

    Missiological Engagements

    Edited by Evelyne A. Reisacher

    Christians in the West have many questions about the identity of Islam and Muslim societies. Due in part to misleading media reports and a lack of interreligious dialogue, a majority of Western Christians view Islam as more prone to violence. The perplexity is compounded by news of violent conflicts involving Muslim communities in various parts of the world. Discussions about Muslims in the media ...

  • The God Who Trusts: A Relational Theology of Divine Faith, Hope, and Love, By Wm. Curtis Holtzen

    The God Who Trusts

    A Relational Theology of Divine Faith, Hope, and Love

    by Wm. Curtis Holtzen
    Foreword by John Sanders

    The Bible resounds with affirmations of the faithfulness and trustworthiness of God. But might God also exhibit faith and trust?

    Standing in the tradition of theologians such as John Sanders, who argued that God is one who risks, Wm. Curtis Holtzen contends that God is not merely trustworthy or faithful, but that God is also one who trusts and has faith. According ...

  • The Twelve Prophets: Volume 14, Edited by Alberto Ferreiro

    The Twelve Prophets

    Volume 14

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Alberto Ferreiro
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, [the risen Jesus] interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (Lk 24:27).

    The church fathers mined the Old Testament throughout for prophetic utterances regarding the Messiah, but few books yielded as much messianic ore as the Twelve Prophets, sometimes known as the Minor Prophets because of the relative ...