Showing 411 - 420 of 517 results

  • Participating in Abundant Life: Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age, By Mark R. Teasdale

    Participating in Abundant Life

    Holistic Salvation for a Secular Age

    by Mark R. Teasdale
    Foreword by Alan Hirsch and Mark Nelson

    Our world is hungry for salvation, but we don't always know how to talk about it. Christians agree that God cares about people's lives both in this world and into eternity. But the ways we describe salvation often separate the spiritual from the material. Many groups emphasize one at the expense of the other, limiting the picture of what God has to offer. Mark Teasdale works to ...

  • Christian Mission in the Modern World, By John Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright

    Christian Mission in the Modern World

    by John Stott and Christopher J. H. Wright

    Jesus sends us into the world just as the Father sent him. And yet thousands of years later Christians continue to disagree on what this involves. Some believe that the focus of Christian mission is evangelizing and "saving souls." Others emphasize global justice issues or relief and development work. Is either view correct on its own? John Stott's classic book presents an enduring and holistic ...

  • A Credible Witness: Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race, By Brenda Salter McNeil

    A Credible Witness

    Reflections on Power, Evangelism and Race

    by Brenda Salter McNeil
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Meet Jesus and Sam. Evangelist and teacher Brenda Salter McNeil thinks evangelism that only introduces people to Jesus is incomplete. The picture is much larger than that, she claims: Christ's death and resurrection reconcile us to God and to each other across gender, race and social lines. Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman, introduced here as Brenda's friend Sam, gives you the ...

  • Introduction to Political Science: A Christian Perspective, By Fred Van Geest

    Introduction to Political Science

    A Christian Perspective

    by Fred Van Geest

    • Evangelical Christian Publishers Association Top Shelf Book Cover Award 2017

    We are political beings and our lives are shaped by political institutions. Being a good citizen involves understanding these institutions and how they can be used to promote the common good. Christians further believe these institutions are integral to God's created order, intended ...

  • Living in Color: Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity, By Randy Woodley

    Living in Color

    Embracing God's Passion for Ethnic Diversity

    by Randy Woodley

    "We would never give Picasso a paintbrush and only one color of paint, and expect a masterpiece," writes Randy Woodley. "We would not give Beethoven a single piano key and say, 'Play us a concerto.' Yet we limit our Creator in just these ways." Though our Christian experience is often blandly monochromatic, God intends for us to live in dynamic, multihued communities that embody his vibrant creativity. ...

  • Church for Everyone: Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations, By Daniel Kreiss and Efrem Smith

    Church for Everyone

    Building a Multi-Inclusive Community for Emerging Generations

    by Daniel Kreiss and Efrem Smith

    Diversity is a high value for younger generations—but too often, they’re not finding it in the church.

    Emerging generations in the West are more diverse than ever—ethnically, socioeconomically, educationally, and politically. And as church attendance among younger generations declines rapidly, research shows that one of their primary sticking points is the lack of diversity ...

  • Economic Parables: The Monetary Teachings of Jesus Christ, By David Cowan

    Economic Parables

    The Monetary Teachings of Jesus Christ

    by David Cowan

    Ever wondered how to pay the next bill? Felt the world is unfair in economic rewards? Been indecisive about investing wisely? These types of fiscal questions are addressed from a Christian viewpoint in Economic Parables. Using his vast experience in the financial world as well as church ministry, the author invites you to listen directly to the words of Jesus and reflect on a number of ...

  • Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex, By Scott A. Bessenecker

    Overturning Tables

    Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex

    by Scott A. Bessenecker

    Outreach Resource of the Year Recommendation

    Best World Missions Book, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds Bookstore

    We are more than the businesses we have become.

    Much of Christian ministry has been shaped to operate not according to the witness of the Scriptures, but according to the values of the free market. We adopt ...

  • Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most, By Mark Scandrette


    Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most

    by Mark Scandrette
    With Lisa Scandrette
    Foreword by Richard Rohr

    If you already own a copy of Free, use the password found on page 223 in the Group Learning Guide to access eight supplementary videos. Why does chasing the good life make us feel so bad? We dream big and spend our money and time chasing our dreams—only to find ourselves exhausted, deeply in debt and spiritually empty. Mark and Lisa Scandrette realized at the beginning ...

  • Economics in Christian Perspective: Theory, Policy and Life Choices, By Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay

    Economics in Christian Perspective

    Theory, Policy and Life Choices

    by Victor V. Claar and Robin J. Klay

    Unemployment. Environmental damage. Poverty. Economists Victor Claar and Robin Klay critically engage mainstream economic theory and policy recommendations to provide guidance for faithfully and responsibly addressing these and other important economic issues. Affirming that a just and prosperous society depends for its continued success on maintaining the right balance of power among three principal ...