Showing 421 - 430 of 3340 results

  • Growing Healthy Asian American Churches, Edited by Peter Cha and S. Steve Kang and Helen Lee

    Growing Healthy Asian American Churches

    Edited by Peter Cha, S. Steve Kang, and Helen Lee

    The Asian American church is in transition. Congregations face the challenges of preserving ethnic culture and heritage while contextualizing their ministry to younger generations and the unchurched. Many Asian American church leaders struggle with issues like leadership development, community dynamics and intergenerational conflict. But often Asian American churches lack the resources and support ...

  • Becoming a Pastor Theologian: New Possibilities for Church Leadership, Edited by Todd Wilson and Gerald L. Hiestand

    Becoming a Pastor Theologian

    New Possibilities for Church Leadership

    Center for Pastor Theologians Series

    Edited by Todd Wilson and Gerald L. Hiestand

    The roles of pastor and theologian have gone their separate ways. Throughout much of the church's history, these two roles have been deeply intertwined, but in our contemporary setting, a troubling bifurcation between them has developed. The result has been a theologically weakened church and an ecclesially weakened theology. The Center for Pastor Theologians (CPT) seeks to overcome ...

  • Piercing Leviathan: God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job, By Eric Ortlund

    Piercing Leviathan

    God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Eric Ortlund
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    One of the most challenging passages in the Old Testament book of Job comes in the Lord's second speech (40–41). The characters and the reader have waited a long time for the Lord to speak—only to read what is traditionally interpreted as a long description of a hippopotamus and crocodile (Behemoth and Leviathan). ...

  • 1 & 2 Thessalonians, By N. T. Wright

    1 & 2 Thessalonians

    N. T. Wright for Everyone Bible Study Guides

    by N. T. Wright
    With Patty Pell

    First impressions stick with us. Paul's first impression of the Thessalonian Christians was an especially powerful one: The gospel message he preached grasped their hearts and minds, and transformed their lives. That memory moves Paul to write to the young church that's bubbling with a sense of the power of the living God. These studies seek to open our lives to that God who leaves a lasting impression ...

    Number of Studies: 8

  • Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students: A Guide for Youth Workers, Pastors, Teachers  Campus Ministers, By Richard R. Dunn

    Shaping the Spiritual Life of Students

    A Guide for Youth Workers, Pastors, Teachers Campus Ministers

    by Richard R. Dunn

    Alberto is an energetic, people-pleasing eighth grader. He seems to have it all--from the junior high varsity team to his family's beautiful new home to leadership in his youth group. But he feels pressured by team members who mock his Christianity and rejected by his dad whose work requires more and more travel. His young spiritual life is in a precarious place.Last year, as a high ...

  • The Problem of the Old Testament: Hermeneutical, Schematic, and Theological Approaches, By Duane A. Garrett

    The Problem of the Old Testament

    Hermeneutical, Schematic, and Theological Approaches

    by Duane A. Garrett

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    For Christians, the Old Testament often presents a conundrum. We revere it as God's Word, but we don't always comprehend it. It has great truths beautifully expressed, but it also has lengthy lists of names that we cannot pronounce, detailed rules for religious rites that we never observe, and grim stories that we ...

  • Original Sin and the Fall: Five Views, Edited by J. B. Stump and Chad Meister

    Original Sin and the Fall

    Five Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by J. B. Stump and Chad Meister

    "What is this that you have done?"

    Throughout the church's history, Christians have largely agreed that God's good creation of humanity was marred by humanity's sinful rebellion, resulting in our separation from God and requiring divine intervention in the saving work of Christ.

    But Christians have disagreed over many particular questions surrounding humanity's fall, ...

  • True Story Bible Study, By James Choung

    True Story Bible Study

    IVP Signature Bible Studies

    by James Choung

    Is the gospel really good news? What was the central message of Jesus, and how can Christians share it effectively with others? In these five easy-to-use studies, James Choung guides readers through key Scripture passages that informed his groundbreaking book True Story. Discover the four movements of the gospel's Big Story and what they mean for living and sharing the ...

    Number of Studies: 5

  • The Offensive Church: Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity, By Bryan C. Loritts

    The Offensive Church

    Breaking the Cycle of Ethnic Disunity

    by Bryan C. Loritts

    Crises around race have put the church in a defensive posture, always reacting to racial conflicts in society. But Jesus wants more. He wants Christians to play offense by discipling people into a new humanity, where we push beyond mere diversity and into a biblical vision for ethnic unity.

    Bryan Loritts calls Christians to proactively and intentionally live out the embodied ...

  • Paul's Missionary Methods: In His Time and Ours, Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry

    Paul's Missionary Methods

    In His Time and Ours

    Edited by Robert L. Plummer and John Mark Terry

    What does Paul's missions strategy mean for today? A century ago Roland Allen published Missionary Methods: Saint Paul's or Ours?, a missiological classic which tackled many important issues, including what biblically rooted missions looks like in light of the apostle Paul's evangelistic efforts. Although Allen's work is still valuable, new understandings have been gained regarding Paul's ...