Showing 431 - 440 of 1595 results

  • Prayer in the Night: For Those Who Work or Watch or Weep, By Tish Harrison Warren

    Prayer in the Night

    For Those Who Work or Watch or Weep

    by Tish Harrison Warren

    ECPA Christian Book of the Year, Christianity Today Book of the Year

    An Honest, Prayerful Approach to the Difficulty of Ordinary Life

    How can we trust God in the dark?

    Tish Harrison Warren, author of Liturgy of the Ordinary, explores themes of human vulnerability, suffering, and God's seeming absence. When she ...

  • A Reader's Guide to the Bible, By John Goldingay

    A Reader's Guide to the Bible

    by John Goldingay

    Approaching the Bible for the first time can be intimidating. At sixty-six books, nearly 800,000 words, and numerous kings, prophets, and deliverers, as well as priests and apostles, where should you begin? In what order should you read it? Why are there narratives here and over there, but other things mixed between? And is there an alternative to reading the Bible from Genesis to Revelation?   ...

  • Jeremiah, By Derek Kidner


    Kidner Classic Commentaries

    by Derek Kidner

    Preaching's Preacher's Guide to the Best Bible Reference

    The prophet Jeremiah and King Josiah were born at the end of the longest, darkest reign in Judah's history. Human sacrifice and practice of the black arts were just two features of the wickedness that filled Jerusalem from one end to the other with innocent blood. As outspoken prophet and reforming king, these ...

  • Ezekiel: Visions of God's Glory, By Douglas Connelly


    Visions of God's Glory

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    Ezekiel was a fascinating man who wrote a fascinating book filled with strange and powerful visions. At first glance, Ezekiel seems a little eccentric and difficult to get close to, but he is worth the time and effort to get to know. Ezekiel, perhaps more than any other biblical prophet, wanted to know God—and God revealed himself to this prophet in mysterious and mighty ways.

    In ...

    Number of Studies: 10

  • Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver: The History and Legends of the Real Santa Claus, By Ned Bustard

    Saint Nicholas the Giftgiver

    The History and Legends of the Real Santa Claus

    by Ned Bustard


    On the night before Christmas,
    so the old stories say,
    Saint Nicholas rides
    in a magical sleigh.
    But what is the truth,
    and what are the legends?
    Who is this giftgiver,
    and why all the presents?

    Around Christmas we spend ...

  • Revelation: The Triumph of God, By R. Paul Stevens


    The Triumph of God

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by R. Paul Stevens

    In every age people have felt certain that the book of Revelation described events in their time. As nations arm themselves for war, we think of Armageddon. As evil rulers grow in power, we look for the antichrist. As the powers of darkness threaten to overwhelm us, we cry, "Come, Lord Jesus!" In this fourteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study, R. Paul Stevens discusses amid the uncertainties ...

    Number of Studies: 14

  • Ending Human Trafficking: A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today, By Shayne Moore and Sandra Morgan and Kimberly McOwen Yim

    Ending Human Trafficking

    A Handbook of Strategies for the Church Today

    by Shayne Moore, Sandra Morgan, and Kimberly McOwen Yim
    Foreword by Ambassador John Cotton Richmond

    Author Sandra Morgan awarded Wilberforce Award

    Human trafficking is one of the most pressing social justice issues of our time, and in recent years there has been renewed interest among Christians, as many have been stirred up to take their part in the ongoing battle. This is a wonderful thing—and yet misinformed and misguided efforts can do more harm than ...

  • Soul-Shaping Small Groups: A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders, By Kim V. Engelmann

    Soul-Shaping Small Groups

    A Refreshing Approach for Exasperated Leaders

    by Kim V. Engelmann
    Foreword by John Ortberg

    Is your small group boring? (It's okay to be honest.) Do you sometimes have to force yourself to attend the meetings (even the meetings you lead!)? Do you wonder if small groups are doing anything for your spiritual growth? Kim Engelmann, a pastor and small group leader, describes how she felt about one small group she attended: "It is Thursday evening--small group night. I . . . hesitate before ...

  • The Twelve Prophets: Volume 14, Edited by Alberto Ferreiro

    The Twelve Prophets

    Volume 14

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Alberto Ferreiro
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, [the risen Jesus] interpreted to them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself" (Lk 24:27).

    The church fathers mined the Old Testament throughout for prophetic utterances regarding the Messiah, but few books yielded as much messianic ore as the Twelve Prophets, sometimes known as the Minor Prophets because of the relative ...