Showing 451 - 460 of 2384 results

  • A Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion, By Gary M. Burge

    A Week in the Life of a Roman Centurion

    A Week in the Life Series

    by Gary M. Burge

    Enter a world of warfare and treachery, of duty and honor, of love and loyalty, interwoven with the inner workings of a Roman centurion's household. And then trace it as the road curves toward little Capernaum. Follow the story of Appius, a proud centurion, and Tullus, his scribe and slave. From a battle with the Parthians, through a tragic personal crisis, to the gladiator arena at Caesarea Maritima, ...

  • A Week in the Life of Rome, By James L. Papandrea

    A Week in the Life of Rome

    A Week in the Life Series

    by James L. Papandrea

    In first-century Rome, following Jesus comes at a tremendous social cost. An urbane Roman landowner and merchant is intrigued by the Christian faith—but is he willing to give up his status and lifestyle to join the church? Meanwhile his young client, a catechumen in the church at Rome, is beginning to see just how much his newfound faith will require of him. A Week in the ...

  • The Relational Pastor: Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves, By Andrew Root

    The Relational Pastor

    Sharing in Christ by Sharing Ourselves

    by Andrew Root

    One of the Academy of Parish Clergy's "Top 10 Books for Parish Ministry"

    When is the last time you asked yourself hard questions about why you were pursuing certain relationships in your ministry? Could it be that the end game for many of us is not relationship per se but loyalty, adherence, even submission? The sheep in our flock become the means to our end: pastoring becomes ...

  • Conformed to the Image of His Son: Reconsidering Paul's Theology of Glory in Romans, By Haley Goranson Jacob

    Conformed to the Image of His Son

    Reconsidering Paul's Theology of Glory in Romans

    by Haley Goranson Jacob
    Foreword by N. T. Wright

    With its soaring affirmations and profound statements of salvation in Christ, Romans 8 is a high point in Pauline theology. But what does Paul mean when in 8:29 he speaks of being "conformed to the image of his Son"? Remarkably, there has been little scholarly attention awarded to this Pauline statement of the goal of salvation. And yet in Christian piety, preaching, and theology, this is a treasured ...

  • Contagious Holiness: Jesus' Meals with Sinners, By Craig L. Blomberg

    Contagious Holiness

    Jesus' Meals with Sinners

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Craig L. Blomberg
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Preaching magazine Year's Best Book for Preachers

    One of humanity's most basic and common practices—eating meals—was transformed by Jesus into an occasion of divine encounter. In sharing food and drink with his companions, he invited them to share in the grace of God. He revealed his redemptive mission while eating with sinners, repentant and unrepentant alike.

    Jesus' ...

  • God's Word: Power to Shape Our Lives, By Cindy Bunch

    God's Word

    Power to Shape Our Lives

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Cindy Bunch

    You love God's Word. You want Scripture to inform you daily life and seep deep into your soul. Yet too often Bible study becomes a mere fact-finding exercise or a dull, spiritless routine. How can Bible reading shape you and transform you? How can you meet God face to face while pondering his message in the Old and New Testaments? Cindy Bunch has written this practical nine session LifeGuide® ...

    Number of Studies: 9

  • Unceasing Kindness: A Biblical Theology of Ruth, By Peter Lau and Gregory Goswell

    Unceasing Kindness

    A Biblical Theology of Ruth

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Peter Lau and Gregory Goswell
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    The Old Testament book of Ruth is understandably a firm favorite in the church for small-group study and preaching: a heart-warming story of loyalty and love, a satisfying tale of a journey from famine to fullness. In the academy, the book has been a testing ground for a variety of hermeneutical approaches, and many different ways of interpreting it have been put forward. However, the single interpretative ...