Showing 451 - 460 of 2020 results

  • Our Deepest Desires: How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations, By Gregory E. Ganssle

    Our Deepest Desires

    How the Christian Story Fulfills Human Aspirations

    by Gregory E. Ganssle

    As human beings, we are created with desires. We all long for meaningful relationships, lives that reflect goodness, engagements with beauty, and the freedom to pursue our lives with integrity. But where can our restless hearts find fulfillment for these universal longings? Philosopher and apologist Greg Ganssle argues that our widely shared human aspirations are best understood and explained ...

  • A0766

    To Gaze upon God

    The Beatific Vision in Doctrine, Tradition, and Practice

    by Samuel Parkison

    Today, the doctrine of the beatific vision has been woefully forgotten within the church and its theology.

    Yet, throughout history Christians have always held that the blessed hope of heaven lies in seeing and being in the presence of God, of beholding the beatific vision. With lucidity and breadth, Parkison reintroduces the beatific vision and affirms its centrality for the ...

  • A0420

    Swing Low, volume 1

    A History of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    by Walter R. Strickland II

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • Swing Low, volume 1: A History of Black Christianity in the United States, By Walter R. Strickland II

    Swing Low, volume 1

    A History of Black Christianity in the United States

    Swing Low Set

    by Walter R. Strickland II

    A Groundbreaking Portrait of African American Christianity

    The history of African American Christianity is one of the determined faith of a people driven to pursue spiritual and social uplift for themselves and others to God's glory. Yet stories of faithful Black Christians have often been forgotten or minimized. The dynamic witness of the Black church in the United States ...

  • Two Testaments, One Bible: The Theological Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments, By David L. Baker

    Two Testaments, One Bible

    The Theological Relationship Between the Old and New Testaments

    by David L. Baker

    Do we need the Old Testament today? Is this collection of ancient writings still relevant in our postmodern and increasingly post-literary world? Isn't the New Testament a sufficient basis for the Christian faith? What does the Old Testament God of power and glory have to do with the New Testament God of love whom Jesus calls 'Father'? Are these two very different Testaments really one Bible?

    In ...

  • Seeking Church: Emerging Witnesses to the Kingdom, By Darren T. Duerksen and William A. Dyrness

    Seeking Church

    Emerging Witnesses to the Kingdom

    Missiological Engagements

    by Darren T. Duerksen and William A. Dyrness

    New expressions of church that are proliferating among Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, and other non-Christian religious communities, including so-called insider movements, have raised intense discussion in missiological circles. In Seeking Church, Darren Duerksen and William Dyrness address these issues by exploring how all Christian movements have been and are engaged ...

  • To Everyone an Answer: A Case for the Christian Worldview, Edited by Francis J. Beckwith and William Lane Craig and J. P. Moreland

    To Everyone an Answer

    A Case for the Christian Worldview

    Edited by Francis J. Beckwith, William Lane Craig, and J. P. Moreland

    In a society fascinated by spirituality but committed to religious pluralism, the Christian worldview faces sophisticated and aggressive opposition. A prior commitment to diversity, with its requisite openness and relativistic outlook, has meant for skeptics, critics and even many Christians that whatever Christianity is, it cannot be exclusively true or salvific. What is needed in this syncretistic ...

  • God's Big Picture: Tracing the Storyline of the Bible, By Vaughan Roberts

    God's Big Picture

    Tracing the Storyline of the Bible

    by Vaughan Roberts

    Making Sense of the Bible's Storyline

    Sixty-six books written by forty people over nearly 2,000 years, in two languages and several different genres. A worldwide bestseller published in countless sizes and bindings, translations and languages. Sworn by in court, fought over by religious people, quoted in arguments.

    The Bible is clearly no ordinary book.

    How can ...

  • Evil and the Justice of God, By N. T. Wright

    Evil and the Justice of God

    by N. T. Wright

    • Merit Award, 2007 Christianity Today Theology/Ethics Book

    With every earthquake and war, understanding the nature of evil and our response to it becomes more urgent. Evil is no longer the concern just of ministers and theologians but also of politicians and the media. We hear of child abuse, ethnic cleansing, AIDS, torture and terrorism, and rightfully we are ...

  • Thriving with Stone Age Minds: Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing, By Justin L. Barrett

    Thriving with Stone Age Minds

    Evolutionary Psychology, Christian Faith, and the Quest for Human Flourishing

    BioLogos Books on Science and Christianity

    by Justin L. Barrett
    With Pamela Ebstyne King

    What does God's creation of humanity through the process of evolution mean for human flourishing? The emerging field of evolutionary psychology remains controversial, perhaps especially among Christians. Yet according to Justin Barrett and Pamela Ebstyne King it can be a powerful tool for understanding human nature and our distinctively human purpose.

    Thriving with Stone ...