Showing 451 - 460 of 1316 results

  • Reframing Paul: Conversations in Grace  Community, By Mark Strom

    Reframing Paul

    Conversations in Grace Community

    by Mark Strom

    The Greco-Roman world was shaped by ideals and abstract ideas. The Apostle Paul left them behind. But they continue to shape evangelical teaching and practice. This picture contradicts the common impression of Paul as an abstract theologian, someone who wrestled with deep theological doctrine while hovering six feet above everyday reality. But in fact, it was the philosopher's of Paul's day--and ...

  • The Seven Deadly Virtues: Temptations in Our Pursuit of Goodness, By Todd E. Outcalt

    The Seven Deadly Virtues

    Temptations in Our Pursuit of Goodness

    by Todd E. Outcalt

    Our virtues can become our vices. Faith. Love. Family. Power. Success. Goodness. Generosity. Who among us wouldn't want to exhibit strength in these areas in our lives? It's hard to imagine this list being similar to the "seven deadly sins" that we strive to avoid, such as greed, lust, and slothfulness. But even so-called virtues can be harmful to our souls if we're not careful ...

  • The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education: Forming Whole and Holy Persons, Edited byChristopher Gehrz

    The Pietist Vision of Christian Higher Education

    Forming Whole and Holy Persons

    Edited by Christopher Gehrz

    Pietism has long been ignored in evangelical scholarship. This is especially the case in the field of Christian higher education, which is dominated by thinkers in the Reformed tradition and complicated by the association of Pietism with anti-intellectualism. The irony is that Pietism from the beginning "was intimately bound up with education," according to Diarmaid MacCulloch. But until now there ...

  • The Lost World of the Prophets: Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context, By John H. Walton

    The Lost World of the Prophets

    Old Testament Prophecy and Apocalyptic Literature in Ancient Context

    The Lost World Series

    by John H. Walton

    Being responsive to God is at the heart of prophecy. But readers of ancient prophecies and apocalyptic literature—including those in the Old Testament—can come away thoroughly perplexed. Are the prophets speaking about their own times, about our present, or about some still-unrealized future?

    It's common to study prophecy with a focus on the sole question of prediction and ...

  • Andy Crouch, known as one of Christianity's most compelling visionaries on culture, was the featured speaker at the Q session in New York City Tuesday and Wednesday, September 17 and 18. Crouch addressed one hundred leaders at the Q session on the topic of power and what it means to bear God's image in a culture that has substituted it for many other images.

  • Church Forsaken: Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods, By Jonathan Brooks

    Church Forsaken

    Practicing Presence in Neglected Neighborhoods

    by Jonathan Brooks
    Foreword by Sho Baraka

    "There are no God-forsaken places, just church-forsaken places." —Jon Fuller, OMF International Jonathan Brooks was raised in the Englewood neighborhood on the south side of Chicago. As soon as he was able, he left the community and moved as far away as he could. But through a remarkable turn of events, he reluctantly returned and found himself not only back in Englewood but also ...

  • 5511
    product set

    Questions in Christian Philosophy

    How do we know? What should we do? What is real? What is art?

    Philosophy, which means "the love of wisdom," asks such questions in its pursuit of knowledge and understanding of all facets of life: existence, knowledge, ethics, art, and more. But what does it mean for Christians to pursue wisdom when Scripture affirms that the crucified and risen Christ is "the wisdom of God" ...

  • Scripture Twisting: 20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible, By James W. Sire

    Scripture Twisting

    20 Ways the Cults Misread the Bible

    by James W. Sire

    How often have you encountered some bizarre doctrine only to be stunned to hear a Bible verse quoted to support it? With new religious cults springing up almost daily and old ones growing rapidly, this is more and more common. How are they seemingly able to twist Scripture to mean something orthodox Christians have never believed it to mean in two thousand years?

    James Sire, author of The ...

  • The Message of Ephesians, By John Stott

    The Message of Ephesians

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by John Stott

    A common blind spot for evangelical Christians is to overlook the central importance of the church, emphasizing individual salvation more than the saved community. Yet no one can come away from a careful reading of Ephesians with a privatized gospel. Paul's letter to the Ephesians clearly sets forth God's eternal purpose to create the church—God's new society.

    In this revised ...