Showing 471 - 480 of 2902 results

  • Faith Like a Child: Embracing Our Lives as Children of God, By Lacy Finn Borgo

    Faith Like a Child

    Embracing Our Lives as Children of God

    by Lacy Finn Borgo

    Embrace the invitation of childlike faith. A well-known challenge of Jesus to his followers is to become like little children. But it's often difficult to remember the natural patterns of our childhood selves that enabled us to live freely in God's wonder-filled presence. Is childlike faith simply an unquestioning faith, or is it being present with ourselves in a way that invites ...

  • The Mission of Worship, By Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    The Mission of Worship

    Urbana Onward

    by Sandra Maria Van Opstal

    Worship gives us a glimpse of the majesty and grandeur of God. But that's not all. It also paints a picture of God's purposes for the world. He is in the process of gathering together a multitude of worshipers from every language and nation. Urbana worship director Sandra Van Opstal shows that worship both takes people where they want to go and challenges them to go where they need to go. Worship ...

  • Revisioning Evangelical Theology, By Stanley J. Grenz

    Revisioning Evangelical Theology

    by Stanley J. Grenz

    • Recipient of a Christianity Today 1994 Critics Choice Award

    Stanley J. Grenz evaluates the course of evangelical theology and sets out a bold agenda for a new century. He proposes that evangelical theology, to remain vibrant and vital in the postmodern era, should find its central integrative motifs in the reign of God and the community of Christ.

  • We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord, Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    We Believe in the Crucified and Risen Lord

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Mark J. Edwards

    The resurrection changed everything. "But for the resurrection," writes Mark J. Edwards, "there would have been no reason to argue for a union of two natures in the person of Christ, let alone for a dyad or triad in the Godhead. All that he had said and done in the course of his earthly ministry would have sat well enough with the character of a prophet who excelled such predecessors ...

  • We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ, Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    We Believe in One Lord Jesus Christ

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by John Anthony McGuckin

    "Who do you say that I am?" This question that Jesus asked of his disciples, so central to his mission, became equally central to the fledgling church. How would it respond to the Gnostics who answered by saying Jesus was less than fully human? How would it respond to the Arians who contended he was less than fully God? It was these challenges that ultimately provoked the Council ...

  • We Believe in the Holy Spirit, Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    We Believe in the Holy Spirit

    Ancient Christian Doctrine Series

    Edited by Joel C. Elowsky

    "The Spirit blows where it pleases," Jesus said to Nicodemus. "You hear its sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."

    The Spirit, like the wind, is hard to pin down. Any discussion of the Spirit is fraught with the difficulty of speaking about something or someone who defies definition and who purposely ...

  • John 1-12: Part 1: The Living Word of God, By Douglas Connelly

    John 1-12

    Part 1: The Living Word of God

    LifeGuide Bible Studies

    by Douglas Connelly

    We all long for a full, rich, satisfying life. But how do we fill up the empty places in our souls? How can we quench our thirst for something deeper, more lasting, more meaningful?

    In this thirteen-session LifeGuide® Bible Study on the first half of John, Douglas Connelly urges you to take a fresh look at Jesus. Here is the opportunity to establish—or renew—your ...

    Number of Studies: 13

  • The Message of Ruth: The Wings of Refuge, By David J. Atkinson

    The Message of Ruth

    The Wings of Refuge

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by David J. Atkinson

    The book of Ruth tells the story of ordinary people facing ordinary events. We meet Naomi, who went through famine and bereavement but eventually won peace and security. We meet Ruth, a foreign woman from Moab who chose faithfulness to her mother-in-law, Naomi, and to Naomi's God. And we meet Boaz, who by marrying Ruth fitted into God's purposes for history. Both King David and ...

  • Presence, Power and Promise: The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament, Edited byDavid G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner

    Presence, Power and Promise

    The Role of the Spirit of God in the Old Testament

    Edited by David G. Firth and Paul D. Wegner

    From the first verses of Genesis, the Spirit of God makes a dramatic appearance in the Bible. Yet there is surprisingly little scholarly work on the Spirit in the Old Testament. On examination, what we find are similarities but also some significant differences in emphasis from the New Testament. To unpack these emphases on creation, wisdom, prophecy, leadership, creativity and more, the editors ...

  • More Than Serving Tea: Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith, By Kathy Khang and Christie Heller De Leon and Asifa Dean

    More Than Serving Tea

    Asian American Women on Expectations, Relationships, Leadership and Faith

    Edited by Nikki A. Toyama-Szeto and Tracey Gee
    Consulting Editor Jeanette Yep
    by Kathy Khang, Christie Heller De Leon, and Asifa Dean

    Asian American women are caught between different worlds. Many grew up sensing that daughters were not as valuable as sons. Family expectations and cultural stereotypes assume that Asian American women can only have certain prescribed roles, as if our worth comes only through what we do for others. But God has good news for Asian American women. In his eyes, they are his beloved daughters, created ...