Showing 471 - 480 of 1904 results

  • Longing for God: Seven Paths of Christian Devotion, By Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe

    Longing for God

    Seven Paths of Christian Devotion

    by Richard J. Foster and Gayle D. Beebe

    • 2010 Christianity Today Book Award winner
    • 2010 Golden Canon Leadership Book Award winner

    Think of the moment you last experienced God. Do you know him that closely in this moment? Truly experiencing the love of God gives us a taste of his goodness and his love for us, but often those moments are fleeting. We get distracted by life. Our ...

  • Truthful Revealer, By Bill Donahue and Keri Wyatt Kent

    Truthful Revealer

    by Bill Donahue and Keri Wyatt Kent

    Jesus was committed to truth. He revealed the truth about himself, about the Father in heaven, about the world, sin, eternal life and what it means to live an abundant life. And your closest friends are the ones who will tell you the truth about yourself. Jesus is that kind of friend. He reveals your identity, makes sense of your history, exposes your needs and points you toward your destiny. When ...

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Sacred Travels: Recovering the Ancient Practice of Pilgrimage, By Christian George

    Sacred Travels

    Recovering the Ancient Practice of Pilgrimage

    by Christian George
    Foreword by Calvin Miller

    The Christian life is a journey not just spiritually but also physically and experientially. As global travel becomes more accessible, new opportunities arise for these journeys to be spiritually significant. You may find yourself in historic places where Christian faith shaped entire civilizations. And you may realize that you too are being changed—from a tourist to a pilgrim. Christian George ...

  • I've Been Wondering: Conversations with Young Theologians, By Richard B. Steele

    I've Been Wondering

    Conversations with Young Theologians

    by Richard B. Steele

    College and seminary students rarely have a voice in theological discussions. True, there are many books written for them. Introductions to the Bible, surveys of church history, anthologies of theological classics, overviews of Christian doctrine, and dictionaries of the various theological sub-disciplines abound. But it is one thing for professional theologians to answer the questions they think ...

  • Biblical Theology: The God of the Christian Scriptures, By John Goldingay

    Biblical Theology

    The God of the Christian Scriptures

    by John Goldingay

    Imagine someone who has spent a lifetime listening deeply and attentively to the full range of Scripture's testimony. Stepping back, they now describe what they have seen and heard. What emerges is a theological cathedral, laid out on the great vectors of Scripture and fitted with biblically sourced materials. This is what John Goldingay has done. Well known for his three-volume Old Testament ...

  • Genesis 12-50, Edited by Mark Sheridan

    Genesis 12-50

    Volume 2

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark Sheridan
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Genesis 12–50 recounts the history of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. From their mentors Paul, Peter, Stephen, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews, the early fathers learned to draw out the spiritual significance of the patriarchal narrative for Christian believers. The Alexandrian school especially followed Paul's allegorical use of the story of Sarah ...

  • Genesis 12-50, Edited by Mark Sheridan

    Genesis 12-50

    Volume 2

    Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture

    Edited by Mark Sheridan
    General Editor Thomas C. Oden

    Genesis 12–50 recounts the history of the patriarchs—Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. From their mentors Paul, Peter, Stephen, and the author of the letter to the Hebrews, the early fathers learned to draw out the spiritual significance of the patriarchal narrative for Christian believers. The Alexandrian school especially followed Paul's allegorical use of the story of Sarah ...

  • Cradling Abundance: One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty, By Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna

    Cradling Abundance

    One African Christian's Story of Empowering Women and Fighting Systemic Poverty

    by Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna
    With Elsie Tshimunyi McKee

    Growing up in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Monique Misenga Ngoie Mukuna persevered through many challenges: political turmoil and violence, misogyny and patriarchy, lack of community resources and personal loss. As she carved out a life for herself, her family, and her community, she kept seeing the same story played out for women vulnerable and trapped in poverty. Every system ...