Showing 481 - 490 of 1065 results

  • No Argument for God: Going Beyond Reason in Conversations About Faith, By John Wilkinson

    No Argument for God

    Going Beyond Reason in Conversations About Faith

    by John Wilkinson

    Religion is irrational! New atheists trumpet the claim loudly, so much so that it's become a sort of conventional wisdom. Professing your faith in God sounds increasingly like a confession of intellectual feebleness. Belief in God sounds as cute and quaint as it does pointless. John Wilkinson contends that the irrationality of faith is its greatest asset, because rationalism itself sets artificial ...

  • Christians who struggle with their mental health often hear conflicting messages about how their spiritual life and conditions like depression and anxiety relate. But according to author Diana Gruver, we can find a middle road where Christian faith and mental health are integrated in healthy ways. Listen in as she begins a life-giving conversation about the role faith can play in our mental health journey.

  • The Unaborted Socrates: A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion, By Peter Kreeft

    The Unaborted Socrates

    A Dramatic Debate on the Issues Surrounding Abortion

    by Peter Kreeft

    Is abortion a woman's right?
    When does human life begin?
    Should we legislate morality?

    What would happen if the Socrates of old suddenly appeared in modern Athens? Peter Kreeft imagines the dialog that might ensue with three worthy opponents--a doctor, a philosopher and a psychologist--about the arguments surrounding abortion. Kreeft uses Socratic technique to strip away the ...

  • God Talk: Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice, By Ruth A. Tucker

    God Talk

    Cautions for Those Who Hear God's Voice

    by Ruth A. Tucker

    Does God speak? The answer seems clear. Books abound on the topic of hearing God's voice. And many believers testify to God's conversational guidance in their life: "God told me to help you." "I knew it was God speaking to me." Our culture reinforces the idea that speaking--constant speaking--is good and natural and essential. In those rare moments during a day when talking ceases or when we're ...

  • Times & Places: Picturing the Events of the Bible, By Michael Redding

    Times & Places

    Picturing the Events of the Bible

    by Michael Redding

    Sometimes when you see a place for the first time your whole perspective on it changes. That is just as true for our understanding the Bible as it is in other aspects of our lives today. This guide helps you picture the places referred to in the Bible and to work through a time line of important events. As you fill out your mental image of these important places and times, your understanding will ...

  • Reflection & Confession, By Jan Johnson

    Reflection & Confession

    Spiritual Disciplines Bible Studies

    by Jan Johnson

    Confessing sins is not easy. After all, it is always hard to admit when you are wrong! Why do you need to confess your sins to God? How can confessing sin to God and other people affect your daily life? In this study guide, Jan Johnson covers the disciplines of reflection and confession. Going deeper in these areas will help you to recognize, savor and respond to God's abundant love and forgiveness.

    Number of Studies: 6

  • Small Things with Great Love: Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor, By Margot Starbuck

    Small Things with Great Love

    Adventures in Loving Your Neighbor

    by Margot Starbuck
    Foreword by Tony Campolo

    Midwest Publishing Association Crystal Book Award honorable mention

    Margot Starbuck is back with as much passion and energy as ever. In thirty brief chapters, she invites you to choose the adventure that fits who you are in authentically loving those around you.

    Yes, she knows: just the thought of adding something more to your life sounds exhausting. But here's ...

  • God on Campus: Sacred Causes  Global Effects, By Trent Sheppard

    God on Campus

    Sacred Causes Global Effects

    by Trent Sheppard
    Afterword by Pete Greig

    "Let every student be plainly instructed . . . to consider well the main end of . . . life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ which is eternal life . . . and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom, as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning." -Harvard College Laws, 1642 There was a time when Harvard was considered a holy place and Princeton trained prophets, when students ...