Showing 481 - 490 of 602 results

  • Suffering and the Search for Meaning: Contemporary Responses to the Problem of Pain, By Richard Rice

    Suffering and the Search for Meaning

    Contemporary Responses to the Problem of Pain

    by Richard Rice

    Suffering is a philosophical problem, but it is much more. It is deeply personal. Why is this happening to me? How can I respond to friends and family in pain and loss, and to people in my care? Richard Rice guides readers through the seven most significant theodicies—approaches that have been used to make sense of suffering in light of God's justice or control. He considers the strengths ...

  • The Message of Amos, By J. Alec Motyer

    The Message of Amos

    The Bible Speaks Today Series

    by J. Alec Motyer

    They neglected the needy, gained material riches through exploitation, and indulged in inauthentic religious practices. And rather than following God in the pursuit of justice, they drew on the divine name to justify their pretense. This is the social landscape in which the prophet Amos delivers a message from God. With searing clarity and daring hope, Amos calls God's people to ...

  • Christian Ethics: Four Views, Edited by Steve Wilkens

    Christian Ethics

    Four Views

    Spectrum Multiview Book Series

    Edited by Steve Wilkens

    The field of Christian ethics is the subject of frequent conversation as Christians seek to understand how to live faithfully within a pluralistic society. The range of ethical systems and moral philosophies available can be confusing to people seeking clarity about what the different theories mean for everyday life.

    This Spectrum Multiview volume presents a dialogue between ...

  • The Shape of Practical Theology: Empowering Ministry with Theological Praxis, By Ray S. Anderson

    The Shape of Practical Theology

    Empowering Ministry with Theological Praxis

    by Ray S. Anderson

    Too often in the life of the church, theological reflection and the practical matters of leading and serving have been considered independently. The result has been the impoverishment of both Christian faith and Christian practice. In this groundbreaking book Ray Anderson reflects theologically and practically on preaching, worship, ethics, social justice, therapy, family, homosexuality, ...

  • The Suburban Christian: Finding Spiritual Vitality in the Land of Plenty, By Albert Y. Hsu

    The Suburban Christian

    Finding Spiritual Vitality in the Land of Plenty

    by Albert Y. Hsu

    Suburbia: Paradise or Wasteland? Suburbia is a place of spiritual yearnings. People come to suburbia looking for a fresh start, the second chance, a new life. It embodies the hopes and longings of its residents, dreams for the future, safety and security for their children, and the search for meaningful community and relationships. Yet much in our suburban world militates against such aspirations, ...

  • A Shared Mercy: Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church, By Jon Coutts

    A Shared Mercy

    Karl Barth on Forgiveness and the Church

    New Explorations in Theology

    by Jon Coutts
    Foreword by John Webster

    Christians regularly ask God to "forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors," but tend to focus on the first half and ignore the second.

    Something is missing if Christians think of mission only in terms of proclamation or social justice and discipleship only in terms of personal growth and renewal—leaving the relational implications of the gospel almost to chance. It ...

  • To Forgive Is Human: How to Put Your Past in the Past, By Michael E. McCullough and Steven J. Sandage and Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    To Forgive Is Human

    How to Put Your Past in the Past

    by Michael E. McCullough, Steven J. Sandage, and Everett L. Worthington Jr.

    Forgiving can be one of the hardest things you'll ever do. Perhaps you sense deep down that it will be good for you and others to put the past in the past. But sometimes no matter what you do, you just can't seem to forgive and get on with life. You still feel hurt, bitter and angry. How can you break the cycle? Grounding their analysis and advice in the latest psychological research, the authors ...

  • No image available

    Preaching in a New Key

    Crafting Expository Sermons in Post-Christian Communities

    by Mark R Glanville

    An Expository Preaching Guidebook for Post-Christian Communities

    Preaching must connect with its hearers. As the perception of the pastor has changed in recent years, and as congregations battle with increasing doubt, preaching appealing solely to rationality doesn't resonate in the same way as it once did. Post-Christian generations find themselves looking less for a charismatic ...

  • The Global Public Square: Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity, By Os Guinness

    The Global Public Square

    Religious Freedom and the Making of a World Safe for Diversity

    by Os Guinness

    Logos Bookstores' Best Book in Christianity and Culture

    How do we live with our deepest differences?

    In a world torn by religious conflict, the threats to human dignity are terrifyingly real. Some societies face harsh government repression and brutal sectarian violence, while others are divided by bitter conflicts over religion's place in public life. ...

  • The Good and Beautiful Community: Following the Spirit, Extending Grace, Demonstrating Love, By James Bryan Smith

    The Good and Beautiful Community

    Following the Spirit, Extending Grace, Demonstrating Love

    The Good and Beautiful Series

    by James Bryan Smith

    In this Good and Beautiful Series book, James Bryan Smith helps us know how to live in relationship with others as apprentices of Jesus. "Apprentices of Jesus are not part-time do-gooders," he writes. "They live in continuous contact with the kingdom of God, and are constantly men and women in whom Christ dwells. They do not sometimes tell the truth, sometimes live sacrificially ...