Showing 481 - 490 of 1690 results

  • God Behaving Badly: Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?, By David T. Lamb

    God Behaving Badly

    Is the God of the Old Testament Angry, Sexist and Racist?

    by David T. Lamb

    God has a bad reputation. Many think of God as wrathful and angry, smiting people right and left for no apparent reason. The Old Testament in particular seems at times to portray God as capricious and malevolent, wiping out armies and nations, punishing enemies with extreme prejudice..

    But wait. The story is more complicated than that. Alongside troubling passages of God's ...

  • Piercing Leviathan: God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job, By Eric Ortlund

    Piercing Leviathan

    God's Defeat of Evil in the Book of Job

    New Studies in Biblical Theology

    by Eric Ortlund
    Series edited by D. A. Carson

    Biblical Foundations Book Awards Finalist

    One of the most challenging passages in the Old Testament book of Job comes in the Lord's second speech (40–41). The characters and the reader have waited a long time for the Lord to speak—only to read what is traditionally interpreted as a long description of a hippopotamus and crocodile (Behemoth and Leviathan). ...

  • paperback

    "I Believe"

    Exploring the Apostles' Creed

    by Alister McGrath

    • What are the basics of Christian belief?
    • How can you know the most important elements of the faith?
    • When you hear people talk about doctrines that seem unfamiliar, how can you know if they are at the core of Christianity or outside the center?

    The basics of Christian faith have remained the same for centuries. Affirmed by the church around the world since its earliest ...

  • Know Who You Believe, By Paul E. Little

    Know Who You Believe

    by Paul E. Little
    Foreword by Billy Graham and James F. Nyquist

    In writings lovingly collected and edited by his wife Marie after his death, Paul E. Little explores the central question of Christianity: can we know God? By looking at the identity of Jesus Christ, his claims regarding his identity and his promises to his followers and inquirers, we arrive at the wonderful conclusion of the Christian faith: through Jesus Christ we may know God personally.

  • 2 Peter and Jude: An Introduction and Commentary, By E. Michael Green

    2 Peter and Jude

    An Introduction and Commentary

    Tyndale New Testament Commentaries

    by E. Michael Green

    "The epistle of 2 Peter has had a very rough passage down the centuries," says Michael Green in this commentary. "Its entry into the Canon was precarious in the extreme . . . It was deemed second-class Scripture by Luther, rejected Erasmus, and regarded with hesitancy by Calvin." And about Jude he says, "WE can learn a great deal about a man by listening to what he has to say about himself. Jude ...

  • Formed for the Glory of God: Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards, By Kyle C. Strobel

    Formed for the Glory of God

    Learning from the Spiritual Practices of Jonathan Edwards

    by Kyle C. Strobel

    Jesus said we should focus our minds and hearts on God above all else. No small task! Is there someone we can turn to for help? "Wisdom tells us to sit at the feet of our elders rather than the latest ministry fad," notes author Kyle Strobel. And is there a better elder to guide us than Jonathan Edwards? In Edwards, the eighteenth-century Puritan pastor and theologian, we find deep thought balanced ...

  • Meditation and Communion with God: Contemplating Scripture in an Age of Distraction, By John Jefferson Davis

    Meditation and Communion with God

    Contemplating Scripture in an Age of Distraction

    by John Jefferson Davis

    As culture has become at once more secular and more religiously pluralistic, a renaissance of interest in the spiritual disciplines has been sparked in evangelical Protestant circles. Mounting levels of stress, burnout and spiritual dryness among those in ministry has only stoked this desire for spiritual nourishment and renewal. John Jefferson Davis helps us recover the practice of meditation ...

  • Kneeling with Giants: Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers, By Gary Neal Hansen

    Kneeling with Giants

    Learning to Pray with History's Best Teachers

    by Gary Neal Hansen

    Christian Resources Together Devotional Book of the Year

    Do you sometimes find yourself searching for a way to approach God or wondering how to get out of a devotional slump? Do you long for spiritual guides you can trust?

    This guide to prayer is rooted in centuries of Christian tradition. In each chapter you'll meet a figure from church history, such as St. ...

  • This Changes Everything: Unleashing the Power of the Resurrection in Your Life, By Ray Johnston

    This Changes Everything

    Unleashing the Power of the Resurrection in Your Life

    by Ray Johnston
    Foreword by Josh McDowell

    He is risen! Now what? How does the resurrection of Jesus impact my everyday life, and why should I care? Pastor Ray Johnston provides a resource for individuals and communities who want to explore the implications of the Resurrection on Christian life. This Changes Everything explores thirty practical ways Christ?s victory over the grave changed the lives of early believers and can transform ...

  • A Fragile Stone Study Guide: The Emotional Life of Simon Peter, By Michael Card

    A Fragile Stone Study Guide

    The Emotional Life of Simon Peter

    by Michael Card
    With Dale Larsen and Sandy Larsen

    "The ultimate reason for getting to know Peter is so together we might better know Jesus. For the story of Peter is the story of Jesus. Perhaps, if you and I do our best, the same will be said of us someday"--Michael Card. In A Fragile Stone, songwriter and musician Michael Card explores the dynamic, contradictory life of the apostle Peter. The fruit of years of careful study, A Fragile ...