Showing 41 - 50 of 169 results

  • Beyond Racial Division: A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism, By George A. Yancey

    Beyond Racial Division

    A Unifying Alternative to Colorblindness and Antiracism

    by George A. Yancey

    Christianity Today Book Award—Politics and Pubilc Life

    Efforts at colorblindness and antiracism have not been very effective in addressing racial tensions in the United States. Colorblindness ignores the realities of race and the history of injustice. On the other hand, antiracism centers racial concerns and in so doing often alienates people who ...

  • Dynamic Diversity: Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church, By Bruce Milne

    Dynamic Diversity

    Bridging Class, Age, Race and Gender in the Church

    by Bruce Milne

    From the footpaths of our cities to the chatrooms of the Internet, people are connecting today as never before. As the planet shrinks through the multiple forces of immigration, travel, electronic communication and more fluid employment patterns, we will find ourselves increasingly forced into contact with those who are significantly different from ourselves. Sadly however, the stranger is often ...

  • The Adoptee's Journey: From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment, By Cameron Lee Small

    The Adoptee's Journey

    From Loss and Trauma to Healing and Empowerment

    by Cameron Lee Small

    Every adoption is rooted in loss.

    Adoption is often framed by happy narratives, but the reality is that many adoptees struggle with unaddressed trauma and issues of identity and belonging. Adoptees often spend the majority of their youth without the language to explore the grief related to adoption or the permission to legitimize their conflicting emotions.

    Adoptee and ...

  • Awakening to Justice: Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past, By The Dialogue on Race and Faith Project and Jemar Tisby and Christopher P. Momany and Sègbégnon Mathieu Gnonhossou and David D. Daniels III and R. Matthew Sigler and Douglas M. Strong and Diane Leclerc and Esther Chung-Kim and Albert G. Miller and Estrelda Y. Alexander

    Awakening to Justice

    Faithful Voices from the Abolitionist Past

    by The Dialogue on Race and Faith Project, Jemar Tisby, Christopher P. Momany, Sègbégnon Mathieu Gnonhossou, David D. Daniels III, R. Matthew Sigler, Douglas M. Strong, Diane Leclerc, Esther Chung-Kim, Albert G. Miller, and Estrelda Y. Alexander

    "O where are the sympathies of Christians for the slave and where are their exertions for their liberation? . . . It seems as if the church were asleep."

    David Ingraham, 1839

    In 2015, the historian Chris Momany helped discover a manuscript that had been forgotten in a storage closet at Adrian College in Michigan. He identified it as the journal of a ...

  • Calling in Context: Social Location and Vocational Formation, By Susan L. Maros

    Calling in Context

    Social Location and Vocational Formation

    by Susan L. Maros

    "I don't care for vocational books written in the United States; they're too American." When Susan Maros heard this comment from a Malaysian colleague, she was initially taken aback. Isn't the concept of calling universal? Why wouldn't resources with a biblical perspective on vocation apply to everyone? The reality is that each of us encounters our questions of calling from within ...